If you have been in busiÂness for a while, and been told that you have to be on mesÂsenÂger and the email every day to get new cusÂtomers, you will be surÂprised to know that there is an easÂiÂer way. You should always look at your valÂue and learn to valÂue yourÂself before othÂers can. This will make it easÂiÂer for you to comÂmuÂniÂcate your USP. And your sales funÂnels will work betÂter, too.
Personal Branding vs. Professional Profile
You will need to find the balÂance between your proÂfesÂsionÂal proÂfile and your perÂsonÂal brandÂing, or it will be hard for you to conÂnect with your tarÂget audiÂence. That is why you should always share your posts on your busiÂness and perÂsonÂal proÂfiles at the same time.
Time Well Spent On Marketing and Lead Generation
Most of our clients say that they spend hours a day tryÂing to genÂerÂate leads on social media, and they don’t get anyÂwhere, It is because they don’t have a sysÂtem to folÂlow up and don’t autoÂmate some of the processÂes. We know that social media lead genÂerÂaÂtion can be time-conÂsumÂing, but it is necÂesÂsary. AutomaÂtion works up to a cerÂtain levÂel, but you need to have a careÂfulÂly designed sales funÂnel that will take care of your conversions.
Social Media Marketing and Sales Funnel Development
To masÂter social media marÂketÂing, you will need to creÂate posts that will stop peoÂple scrolling. This can be chalÂlengÂing, as the attenÂtion span of humans is now just 8 secÂonds. Of course, the younger your audiÂence is, the less likeÂly they will be to lisÂten to your long videos, let alone read a long artiÂcle. Your social media leads want to be enterÂtained and inspired.
How To Filter Through Bad Leads On Social Media
There are, of course, some pitÂfalls of social media lead genÂerÂaÂtion, too. For examÂple, you will have peoÂple conÂnectÂing with you with no intenÂtion to buy. They can be:
- tire kickÂers
- comÂpetiÂtors
- peoÂple who don’t know what to do
- peoÂple who have no budget
To stop wastÂing your time chasÂing after bad leads, it is recÂomÂmendÂed that you ask qualÂiÂfyÂing quesÂtions and filÂter through your leads. You might get excitÂed first when peoÂple conÂtact you, but can you realÂisÂtiÂcalÂly turn these peoÂple into cusÂtomers? If not, your time is betÂter spent doing someÂthing else. If they don’t reply after a few engagÂing mesÂsages, you might want to count your lossÂes and move on.
Making Digital Marketing Work for You
It is cruÂcial that you are able to creÂate a social media marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy with the end results in mind, At the end of the day, we don’t marÂket our prodÂucts or serÂvices to be liked or to get popÂuÂlar. We want to make the sale. For this, we need qualÂiÂfied leads.
Are you tryÂing to make sense of social media lead genÂerÂaÂtion? Browse our posts or get in touch for a free consultation.