Emails are becom­ing a pop­u­lar mar­ket­ing chan­nel among busi­ness­es as email mar­ket­ing is tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanc­ing to get more inter­ac­tive and cus­tomer-cen­tric. Ini­tial thought does not show any con­nec­tion between email mar­ket­ing and conversions.

How­ev­er, if you delve deep­er into the top­ic, it would be quite easy to under­stand how you can turn your email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns into con­ver­sion chan­nel and get more customers.

1. Have a double opt-in for your email list

For your email mar­ket­ing to be suc­cess­ful, it is very impor­tant that your sub­scribers have grant­ed you per­mis­sion to send emails. The best way to war­rant this is to have a dou­ble opt-in for your email list. Dou­ble opt-in implies that once a prospect has shown inter­est in your com­pa­ny by sign­ing up, you send them a con­fir­ma­tion email with a ver­i­fi­ca­tion link so that you can be sure that the sub­scriber wants to hear from you.

With sin­gle opt-in, it is quite like­ly that your sub­scribers pro­vide an invalid email address. Dou­ble opt-in helps you get valid email address­es that help you cut down on the bounce rate and main­tain a healthy email list. Your email address is the most pre­cious cur­ren­cy and dou­ble opt-in reflects how much you reflect it.

Pro-tip: If you have the major­i­ty of your sub­scribers in the EU, you should also con­sid­er GDPR while seek­ing per­mis­sion to send emails.

2. Get your email address whitelisted

Ask your sub­scribers to add your email list to the address book. This will enhance your email deliv­er­abil­i­ty and ensure that the email lands up in the inbox rather than the spam fold­er. Inbox place­ment is impor­tant to get your emails noticed. There­fore, whitelist­ing is con­sid­ered to be a best practice.

3. Deliver value with your copy

Your email copy should be engag­ing enough to arouse the inter­est of the sub­scribers and encour­age them to buy from you. If your copy will not be rel­e­vant for the sub­scriber, they might mark your email as spam or even worse click on unsub­scribe. Sales pitch­es are strict­ly con­traindi­cat­ed if you want your email mar­ket­ing to be successful.

Pro-tip: Have a promi­nent CTA that match­es the con­tent and redi­rects the recip­i­ent to the relat­ed land­ing page or website.

Deliver value with your copy

4. Send purposeful emails

Send an email when you have some­thing impor­tant to say, not because you have to meet the email tar­gets. Your email should serve a pur­pose. Send an email that match­es the buyer’s jour­ney and the stage of the buy­ing cycle. For exam­ple: If a prospect is in the aware­ness stage, you should send an email that shares the ben­e­fits and fea­tures of your prod­ucts or ser­vices. On the oth­er hand, some­one in the deci­sion stage would be hap­py to receive the pric­ing struc­ture of the rel­e­vant product.

5. Have a well-designed landing page

Your land­ing page deter­mines the con­ver­sion rate of your emails. The bet­ter your land­ing page, the more your con­ver­sions will be. Fol­low a suit­able visu­al hier­ar­chy in your land­ing pages so that the sub­scriber can know more about your offer and get tempt­ed to buy from you. Whether it is the val­ue propo­si­tion you present on the land­ing page or the head­er image or the CTA, you should make sure that it res­onates well with the subscribers.

Pro-tip: Your land­ing page is a part of your web­site. You should install an SSL Cer­tifi­cate on your web­site, includ­ing all the web pages and land­ing pages. By doing so, your prospects will be able to trust you and share their infor­ma­tion with you with­out any fear or appre­hen­sion. Secure web­sites also stand a brighter chance to rank high­er in search engines and get more traffic.

6. Incorporate social media marketing in your emails

It is of para­mount impor­tance to take an omnichan­nel approach if you wish to increase your con­ver­sions. Hence, it is advis­able that you include the links to the social media plat­forms in your emails. This will encour­age your read­ers to inter­act with you on oth­er plat­forms too except email. You can orga­nize a give­away that puts both your email and social media plat­forms in sync. Be con­sis­tent in the posts that you share so that your prospects or cus­tomers have a pleas­ant experience.

7. Personalize your emails

Your emails should be per­son­al­ized and have a human touch if you want to get more con­ver­sions. Apply per­son­al­iza­tion beyond the first name and take the help of machine learn­ing in your email mar­ket­ing. It will enable you to send out more rel­e­vant emails that take into con­sid­er­a­tion the demo­graph­ics, buy­ing pat­terns, and past pur­chas­es of the subscriber.

8. Employ email automation

Automa­tion is the future of email mar­ket­ing. When­ev­er a sub­scriber signs up for your emails, send out an impres­sive wel­come email fol­lowed by prod­uct rec­om­men­da­tion emails, cart aban­don­ment emails, and reen­gage­ment emails.

Pro-tip: Main­tain a con­ver­sa­tion­al tone so that the emails do not look like a robot­ic mes­sage being sent to all.

9. Monitor the email metrics

Mar­ket­ing is futile if you do not mon­i­tor the results… Email mar­ket­ing is no excep­tion. Mon­i­tor the email met­rics like open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to fig­ure out any loop­holes in your email mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. Your emails should fol­low the best prac­tices like includ­ing a View Online link, unsub­scribe but­ton, a pre­head­er text, etc. for bet­ter sub­scriber engage­ment. You can also hire an email mar­ket­ing agency that takes care of all your cam­paign man­age­ment woes rang­ing from strat­e­gy to deployment.

10. Have an online email archive

An online email archive with links to the web ver­sions of the emails is a great way to get bet­ter search engine vis­i­bil­i­ty. As a result, those who have not yet sub­scribed to your emails will also get inspired to sub­scribe to your emails.

Wrapping Up

Fol­low these tips and you will sure­ly notice a boost in your email mar­ket­ing results.

SOURCE: Free Web Resources