Emails are becomÂing a popÂuÂlar marÂketÂing chanÂnel among busiÂnessÂes as email marÂketÂing is techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcalÂly advancÂing to get more interÂacÂtive and cusÂtomer-cenÂtric. IniÂtial thought does not show any conÂnecÂtion between email marÂketÂing and conversions.
HowÂevÂer, if you delve deepÂer into the topÂic, it would be quite easy to underÂstand how you can turn your email marÂketÂing camÂpaigns into conÂverÂsion chanÂnel and get more customers.
1. Have a double opt-in for your email list
For your email marÂketÂing to be sucÂcessÂful, it is very imporÂtant that your subÂscribers have grantÂed you perÂmisÂsion to send emails. The best way to warÂrant this is to have a douÂble opt-in for your email list. DouÂble opt-in implies that once a prospect has shown interÂest in your comÂpaÂny by signÂing up, you send them a conÂfirÂmaÂtion email with a verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion link so that you can be sure that the subÂscriber wants to hear from you.
With sinÂgle opt-in, it is quite likeÂly that your subÂscribers proÂvide an invalid email address. DouÂble opt-in helps you get valid email addressÂes that help you cut down on the bounce rate and mainÂtain a healthy email list. Your email address is the most preÂcious curÂrenÂcy and douÂble opt-in reflects how much you reflect it.
Pro-tip: If you have the majorÂiÂty of your subÂscribers in the EU, you should also conÂsidÂer GDPR while seekÂing perÂmisÂsion to send emails.
2. Get your email address whitelisted
Ask your subÂscribers to add your email list to the address book. This will enhance your email delivÂerÂabilÂiÂty and ensure that the email lands up in the inbox rather than the spam foldÂer. Inbox placeÂment is imporÂtant to get your emails noticed. ThereÂfore, whitelistÂing is conÂsidÂered to be a best practice.
3. Deliver value with your copy
Your email copy should be engagÂing enough to arouse the interÂest of the subÂscribers and encourÂage them to buy from you. If your copy will not be relÂeÂvant for the subÂscriber, they might mark your email as spam or even worse click on unsubÂscribe. Sales pitchÂes are strictÂly conÂtraindiÂcatÂed if you want your email marÂketÂing to be successful.
Pro-tip: Have a promiÂnent CTA that matchÂes the conÂtent and rediÂrects the recipÂiÂent to the relatÂed landÂing page or website.
4. Send purposeful emails
Send an email when you have someÂthing imporÂtant to say, not because you have to meet the email tarÂgets. Your email should serve a purÂpose. Send an email that matchÂes the buyer’s jourÂney and the stage of the buyÂing cycle. For examÂple: If a prospect is in the awareÂness stage, you should send an email that shares the benÂeÂfits and feaÂtures of your prodÂucts or serÂvices. On the othÂer hand, someÂone in the deciÂsion stage would be hapÂpy to receive the pricÂing strucÂture of the relÂeÂvant product.
5. Have a well-designed landing page
Your landÂing page deterÂmines the conÂverÂsion rate of your emails. The betÂter your landÂing page, the more your conÂverÂsions will be. FolÂlow a suitÂable visuÂal hierÂarÂchy in your landÂing pages so that the subÂscriber can know more about your offer and get temptÂed to buy from you. Whether it is the valÂue propoÂsiÂtion you present on the landÂing page or the headÂer image or the CTA, you should make sure that it resÂonates well with the subscribers.
Pro-tip: Your landÂing page is a part of your webÂsite. You should install an SSL CerÂtifiÂcate on your webÂsite, includÂing all the web pages and landÂing pages. By doing so, your prospects will be able to trust you and share their inforÂmaÂtion with you withÂout any fear or appreÂhenÂsion. Secure webÂsites also stand a brighter chance to rank highÂer in search engines and get more traffic.
6. Incorporate social media marketing in your emails
It is of paraÂmount imporÂtance to take an omnichanÂnel approach if you wish to increase your conÂverÂsions. Hence, it is advisÂable that you include the links to the social media platÂforms in your emails. This will encourÂage your readÂers to interÂact with you on othÂer platÂforms too except email. You can orgaÂnize a giveÂaway that puts both your email and social media platÂforms in sync. Be conÂsisÂtent in the posts that you share so that your prospects or cusÂtomers have a pleasÂant experience.
7. Personalize your emails
Your emails should be perÂsonÂalÂized and have a human touch if you want to get more conÂverÂsions. Apply perÂsonÂalÂizaÂtion beyond the first name and take the help of machine learnÂing in your email marÂketÂing. It will enable you to send out more relÂeÂvant emails that take into conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion the demoÂgraphÂics, buyÂing patÂterns, and past purÂchasÂes of the subscriber.
8. Employ email automation
AutomaÂtion is the future of email marÂketÂing. WhenÂevÂer a subÂscriber signs up for your emails, send out an impresÂsive welÂcome email folÂlowed by prodÂuct recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtion emails, cart abanÂdonÂment emails, and reenÂgageÂment emails.
Pro-tip: MainÂtain a conÂverÂsaÂtionÂal tone so that the emails do not look like a robotÂic mesÂsage being sent to all.
9. Monitor the email metrics
MarÂketÂing is futile if you do not monÂiÂtor the results… Email marÂketÂing is no excepÂtion. MonÂiÂtor the email metÂrics like open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to figÂure out any loopÂholes in your email marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy. Your emails should folÂlow the best pracÂtices like includÂing a View Online link, unsubÂscribe butÂton, a preÂheadÂer text, etc. for betÂter subÂscriber engageÂment. You can also hire an email marÂketÂing agency that takes care of all your camÂpaign manÂageÂment woes rangÂing from stratÂeÂgy to deployment.
10. Have an online email archive
An online email archive with links to the web verÂsions of the emails is a great way to get betÂter search engine visÂiÂbilÂiÂty. As a result, those who have not yet subÂscribed to your emails will also get inspired to subÂscribe to your emails.
Wrapping Up
FolÂlow these tips and you will sureÂly notice a boost in your email marÂketÂing results.
SOURCE: Free Web Resources