Hav­ing a well-planned mobile mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is an impor­tant part of build­ing your per­son­al brand on social media. Lever­ag­ing hash­tags to their fullest poten­tial is also impor­tant for vis­i­bil­i­ty and growth.

Insta­gram is near the top of the net­works today, which makes this a must-engage plat­form for brands. Post­ing rel­e­vant images and videos that your audi­ence will love is just one part of the suc­cess for­mu­la. The oth­er is to include the right key­words for your posts for the most likes and engagement.

Uti­liz­ing the right cap­tions can be very effec­tive in get­ting your brand noticed on Insta­gram, and this involves care­ful atten­tion to the right mes­sage and focus with­out appear­ing like spam. Here are sev­er­al ways your posts can help your busi­ness stand out from the rest:

  • Avoid using broad terms – Hash­tags that are too broad and in use by a large num­ber of users can eas­i­ly get lost in the feeds and not make it into the all-impor­tant dis­cov­ery sec­tion. Do a search to find the most rel­e­vant words for each post with less com­pe­ti­tion. The most suc­cess­ful key­words per­tain direct­ly to the con­tent and do not con­tain large strings or phrases.
  • Keep the num­ber to a min­i­mum – It’s good prac­tice to leave the bulk of your hash­tags for your com­ments sec­tion and only few in your descrip­tion. Around 15 to 20 is a good num­ber to fol­low if you don’t want to appear too spam­my or be in vio­la­tion of Instagram’s terms of ser­vice. Do your research first to dis­cov­er which ones will be most effec­tive for your brand’s post topic.
  • Do your due dili­gence in edit­ing – It’s impor­tant that your post is free from spelling and gram­mar errors when sched­ul­ing it or post­ing direct­ly. Edit­ing or even delet­ing your images can cause your con­tent to decrease in vis­i­bil­i­ty. Before you hit share read it first!
  • Make a list of com­mon hash­tags for your brand – Put togeth­er in your notes a list of hash­tags that you use the most, and mix these up for each one accord­ing to what is being post­ed. Includ­ing the same ones over and over will put your pro­file at risk of being banned and not seen.

Insta­gram is a great tool to bring more vis­i­bil­i­ty to your per­son­al brand as well as a place to attract new sub­scribers to your web­site. There are many tools and apps avail­able to help you cre­ate and sched­ule your con­tent, most of which are free to use. Use this visu­al social net­work to show a more per­son­al side of your com­pa­ny and build a loy­al fan base.