From cre­at­ing a copy to the best time to hit send, email mar­ket­ing is not an easy task, but there are cer­tain things you can do to help make your cam­paign successful.

If you real­ly want to get your email opened and read, one of the most impor­tant things is to send it at the best time. Depend­ing on who your tar­get mar­ket is will help you deter­mine the right time to blast off your message.

For B2B emails aimed at entre­pre­neurs and worka­holics (basi­cal­ly peo­ple who check their email all day), the week­end is the best time to send emails. Out of any oth­er day of the week, Sat­ur­days yield the high­est open and click-through rates.

If your mar­ket is more gen­er­al and you’re reach­ing peo­ple who work nine-to-five and don’t check their email as often after work, your best bet is to send emails in the mid­dle of the week on Tues­day, Wednes­day or Thurs­day. Unlike entre­pre­neurs or worka­holics, these peo­ple are less like­ly to check their emails on the weekend.

email marketing infographic