Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing, with­out any doubt, is the num­ber one focus for all busi­ness­es that try to grow and bring new clients from the web. To gath­er the most help­ful and rel­e­vant con­tent mar­ket­ing tips, we spoke with Fred King, the founder of a Sil­i­con Val­ley-based dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency Glob­al Mar­ket­ing. Fred shared his thoughts on the most recent changes on the mar­ket and pro­vid­ed our read­ers with some valu­able Inter­net con­tent mar­ket­ing tips.

Number One: Create a Blog; Focus on Mobile and AMP

I know you’ve read mul­ti­ple arti­cles about long-tail key­word strate­gies and how it is impor­tant to have your own con­tent that will dri­ve organ­ic traf­fic. And this is still extreme­ly rel­e­vant. Just make sure you have orig­i­nal con­tent – check text and image orig­i­nal­i­ty via pla­gia­rism tools and image scan­ners like Paper­rater and Tin­Eye. Also always use the right tools for key­word research, based on vol­ume and com­pe­ti­tion lev­el, and stay up-to-date on new Google releases.

Focus on Mobile and AMP. Nowa­days 80% of all inter­net users use their mobile gad­gets. Also, start­ing July 1st, 2019, all new sites are being indexed using Google’s mobile-first index­ing. Be sure to build your web­sites that work well on mobile devices. Oth­er­wise your con­tent will be invis­i­ble online, even though your desk­top sites are very well developed.

Use Word­Press for Per­fect Crawl. Yes, use Word­Press if you want to start fast, oth­er­wise use dynam­ic ren­der­ing tools for JavaScript Web­site SEO (e.g., This will allow your Javascript web­sites to be crawled per­fect­ly by search engines.

Create a Blog

Number Two: Get External Help – Improve Your Company’s Reputation

I know how impor­tant the first impres­sion and online rep­u­ta­tion is for each busi­ness. To make your busi­ness look per­fect, use exter­nal pub­li­ca­tions and ser­vices that will write news arti­cles for you as well as five-star review posts. You can also use ven­dors to add five-star map/app ranks that will boost the trust lev­el and bring new clients.

Don’t use clas­sic (old school) PR com­pa­nies. As you know, PR com­pa­nies would nev­er guar­an­tee cov­er­age. Instead they are bomb­ing and spam­ming pub­li­ca­tions with press releas­es with your infor­ma­tion. The aver­age price for this kind of ser­vices is around $10–15K per month. A tricky part is PR com­pa­nies have very good sales peo­ple, but usu­al­ly this is the only strong part of the chain and the rest of the ser­vices are real­ly lacking.

Glob­al Mar­ket­ing is one of the most con­ve­nient solu­tions for star­tups. Work­ing on clients’ con­tent plans, the com­pa­ny puts focus on the actu­al con­ver­sions rather than “emp­ty” traf­fic or spam­ming tech­niques. When signs up a client, it can actu­al­ly guar­an­tee cov­er­age sim­ply because the com­pa­ny has its own media network.

Number Three: Be On Top Of Updates – Things Always Change

This is prob­a­bly the most impor­tant tip. Things change rapid­ly! I hate those old-school “pro’s” who claim to know the ide­al con­tent mar­ket­ing for­mu­la. It makes very lit­tle sense to even men­tion black hat SEO strat­e­gy or count use­less back­links in 2019. It’s so fun­ny how some large com­pa­nies train their dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing and PR spe­cial­ists as well as account man­agers using that one “ide­al” approach. By the time they fin­ish that train­ing the approach and its “ide­al for­mu­la” are not rel­e­vant any­more. Those com­pa­nies sim­ply can­not deliv­er the results.


Glob­al mar­ket­ing is a team of high­ly moti­vat­ed indi­vid­u­als who are con­tin­u­ous­ly work­ing on their knowl­edge base and skills. We con­stant­ly update our own unique con­tent mar­ket­ing for­mu­las. If you want to learn more about your busi­ness and cre­ative ways to grow it, get in touch,” says Fred King.