We’ve all been there: You read a study and learn a new best-prac­tice, only to see anoth­er study that con­tra­dicts the first one.


Bang your head against the key­board no more. Mar­ket­ing cal­en­dar com­pa­ny CoSched­ule has com­piled var­i­ous reports about the best times to post on Face­book, Twit­ter, Pin­ter­est, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, and Google+ into one help­ful infographic.

The info­graph­ic also pro­vides tips for each of the social media plat­forms, as well as tips on how to apply all the findings.

Some high­lights:

  • Post­ing on Face­book at 3 PM will get you the most clicks, but a 1 PM post will get you the most shares.
  • B2B Twit­ter accounts per­form 16% bet­ter dur­ing busi­ness hours, and B2C accounts per­form 17% bet­ter on weekends.
  • LinkedIn is still con­sid­ered the pro­fes­sion­al social media, but the best times to post are before and after work.

To get the whole pic­ture, check out the infographic.

infographic - best times to post on social media