For now, the feaÂture is availÂable to a limÂitÂed set of partÂners and busiÂnessÂes on InstaÂgram.
InstaÂgram has startÂed testÂing a new bookÂing and payÂments feaÂture that lets users book serÂvices and make direct payÂments to busiÂnessÂes directÂly from the app. Right now, the feaÂture is only availÂable to a limÂitÂed numÂber of partÂners and busiÂnessÂes on InstaÂgram — one being Resy, an online reserÂvaÂtion app for restaurants.
The social platÂform first announced it would be rolling out the feaÂture last March. At the time, InstaÂgram said it was workÂing on a way for users to book serÂvices via a company’s busiÂness proÂfile on the app — but now that the feaÂture is live, tests show it also includes a payÂment option.
Users can regÂisÂter a debÂit or credÂit card through their InstaÂgram proÂfile and set up a secuÂriÂty code with it, makÂing it posÂsiÂble to send payÂments withÂout ever leavÂing the app, accordÂing to TechCrunch. InstaÂgram told TechCrunch it has plans to expand the payÂment option to items like movie tickets.
InstaÂgram has gradÂuÂalÂly been workÂing on more comÂmerce options for brands on the platÂform. Last month, it extendÂed its shopÂpable organÂic posts to eight more counÂtries. Launched in the US last year, Instagram’s shopÂpable organÂic posts allow busiÂnessÂes to augÂment prodÂuct phoÂtos with purÂchasÂing inforÂmaÂtion and links pointÂing to buyÂing options on the business’s site.
This new feaÂture is a difÂferÂent beast, as it is attached to a company’s busiÂness proÂfile on InstaÂgram — offerÂing a revÂenue-driÂving opporÂtuÂniÂty directÂly withÂin the app.