Reach your audience effectively without compromising quality.
If you’re an entreÂpreÂneur just getÂting startÂed, you know the meanÂing of a budÂget. You also probÂaÂbly know that in order to get your busiÂness idea off the ground, you have to reach your choÂsen audiÂence at the right time. To help you do this cheapÂly, withÂout comÂproÂmisÂing the qualÂiÂty of your marÂketÂing efforts, I’ve put togethÂer a list of the top 10 free marÂketÂing tools every entreÂpreÂneur should know.
1. ChatÂtypeÂoÂple
ChatÂbots have made their mark in the marÂketÂing world this year. Despite many still believÂing that the chatÂbot is just a cusÂtomer care tool, othÂers are seeÂing it as a must-have in their marÂketÂing strateÂgies. ChatÂbot techÂnolÂoÂgy has improved sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly in the past decade, allowÂing marÂketers to creÂate bots withÂout any codÂing knowlÂedge. ChatÂtypeÂoÂple is the perÂfect tool for those wantÂiÂng to quickÂly creÂate a MesÂsenÂger chatÂbot. The platÂform allows entreÂpreÂneurs to creÂate a bot that not only works seamÂlessÂly with FaceÂbook, but also pushÂes proÂmoÂtions to cusÂtomers on demand. With chatÂbots, you will be able to:
Use FaceÂbook MesÂsenÂger and comÂments to push cusÂtomers through your sales funnel
Take orders directÂly from Facebook
GathÂer data about your cusÂtomers to keep them up-to-date with relÂeÂvant products
2. MailChimp
Email marÂketÂing is an imporÂtant aspect of any busiÂness’s marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy. With an email marÂketÂing tool such as MailChimp, you will be able to move your audiÂence through your sales funÂnel more effecÂtiveÂly with a highÂer levÂel of conÂtrol. MailChimp will allow you to:
Build on your marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy by conÂnectÂing your email camÂpaigns directÂly to your website
Use your purÂchase data to send more perÂsonÂalÂized emails to furÂther grow your business
InteÂgrate with FaceÂbook to find new subÂscribers and reconÂnect with curÂrent ones
CreÂate a levÂel of automation
GathÂer feedÂback from MailChimp reports
3. ProÂmoReÂpubÂlic
ProÂmoReÂpubÂlic is a free-to-try social media conÂtent builder and postÂing tool. It proÂvides users with more than 100,000 ideas, temÂplates and visuÂals for stunÂning FaceÂbook, InstaÂgram, TwitÂter and LinkedIn posts. All the social media temÂplates are made by a team of proÂfesÂsionÂal designÂers and copyÂwritÂers. Users can easÂiÂly cusÂtomize temÂplates with a built-in graphÂics ediÂtor. With ProÂmoReÂpubÂlic you get:
Library with 100,000 post temÂplates and visuals
CalÂenÂdar of post ideas for every day with holÂiÂdays, days from hisÂtoÂry, trendÂing topÂics and events
Drag-and-drop graphÂics ediÂtor to cusÂtomize stunÂning temÂplates and creÂate posts from scratch
Auto-postÂing and schedÂulÂing to FaceÂbook, InstaÂgram, TwitÂter, LinkedIn
4. HotÂjar
HotÂjar is a powÂerÂful tool that will help you anaÂlyze your webÂsite’s perÂforÂmance. It tells you everyÂthing you need to know about how visÂiÂtors are spendÂing their time on your webÂsite. The tool operÂates priÂmarÂiÂly through heat maps that give you insights on the clicks that occur on each page and the parts of a page that are most popÂuÂlar. Some of HotÂjar’s feaÂtures include:
The recordÂing of curÂsor moveÂments and placeÂments on varÂiÂous pages
A conÂverÂsion funÂnel that tells you where most visÂiÂtors left your website
A feedÂback colÂlecÂtion surÂvey tool
5. Buffer
Social media remains one of the most imporÂtant and powÂerÂful parts of any marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy. That said, social media manÂageÂment is a full-time job in itself, and if you are startÂing your own busiÂness, you will most likeÂly not have time to spend your entire week on FaceÂbook, TwitÂter, InstaÂgram, PinÂterÂest, and every othÂer platÂform now availÂable. Buffer, a social media manÂageÂment tool, will help you save time by allowÂing you to schedÂule posts on each platÂform in advance. The tool autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly pubÂlishÂes your conÂtent accordÂing to your choÂsen schedÂule, and from there, you can anaÂlyze its perÂforÂmance from one page.
6. CanÂva
You could be sendÂing out killer conÂtent, but if it doesÂn’t look the part, you may find it difÂfiÂcult to grab your audiÂence’s attenÂtion. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, hirÂing a graphÂic designÂer for all your design work can be expenÂsive, but with a tool like CanÂva, you can save monÂey and time. From illusÂtraÂtions, banÂners and infoÂgraphÂics, CanÂva can help you design virÂtuÂalÂly anyÂthing and with ease. With CanÂva, you’ll have access to:
A library of fonts
A variÂety of illusÂtraÂtions, images, and templates
A drag and drop sysÂtem that makes using the tool quick and easy
7. Yoast
Yoast is all about proÂvidÂing you with the tools to fulÂly optiÂmize every aspect of your webÂsite. Yoast basiÂcalÂly tells you everyÂthing you need to know about organÂic marÂketÂing through one WordÂPress pluÂgÂin. Yoast will:
Give your page an SEO ranking
Help you write meta descriptions
Use a trafÂfic light sysÂtem to tell you what you are missÂing and what you are doing well
Give you a readÂabilÂiÂty score to help your improve your SEO ranking
8. HelÂlo Bar
HelÂlo Bar is a simÂple tool that will help you conÂvert visÂiÂtors into cusÂtomers by easÂiÂly creÂatÂing banÂners that highÂlight your most imporÂtant conÂtent, prodÂucts, serÂvices and mesÂsages to your clients. All you have to do is log in and select a goal. You can choose to:
ProÂmote a speÂcifÂic offer or sale
EncourÂage webÂsite visÂiÂtors to call your company
Grow your mailÂing list
Expand your social media connections
CreÂate a cusÂtomized goal specifÂiÂcalÂly for your business
9. SumoMe
The SumoMe suite is all about genÂerÂatÂing a largÂer audiÂence for your busiÂness. With this proÂgram, you can:
Get more cusÂtomers on your mailÂing list
CreÂate more effecÂtive share buttons
Track your trafÂfic through heat maps
You’ll also have access to simÂpliÂfied image-sharÂing tools and the platÂforÂm’s WelÂcome Mat, which is a tool that will help you creÂate full-screen calls-to-action with clean imagery.
10. MajesÂtic
MajesÂtic is the largest comÂmerÂcialÂly availÂable backÂlink index with the most in-depth backÂlink data in the world. Despite havÂing backÂlinks as its main focus, MajesÂtic also offers:
MetÂrics includÂing the numÂber and qualÂiÂty of backlinks
NumerÂous backÂlink and domain comÂparÂiÂson tools
A search engine with rankÂing factors
MulÂtiÂple backÂlinkÂing and link-buildÂing options
And finalÂly…
This comÂpreÂhenÂsive range of tools is being used by indusÂtry experts across the world. By impleÂmentÂing the above into your digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy, you will be able to autoÂmate your marÂketÂing efforts and reach your audiÂence effecÂtiveÂly withÂout comÂproÂmisÂing qualÂiÂty, givÂing you the chance to focus on the operÂaÂtional aspects of your new busiÂness venture.