BuildÂing a brand and brand manÂageÂment are two cruÂcial aspects of busiÂness development.
Brand idenÂtiÂty allows you to break away from the comÂpeÂtiÂtion and comÂmuÂniÂcate a clear marÂket posiÂtion. It allows you to express a conÂsisÂtent, coheÂsive stoÂry and image to your conÂsumers, so there is nevÂer any hesÂiÂtaÂtion when conÂsumers hear your name.
BrandÂing quickÂens the patÂterns of assoÂciÂaÂtion between trigÂger words and the visuÂal imagery of your comÂpaÂny. Through diliÂgent efforts, brandÂing comÂpleteÂly transÂforms your comÂpaÂny as an entiÂty and driÂves the prefÂerÂences of your marÂketÂing strategy.
Let’s look at a few tips for strengthening brand identity:
Create a visual brand identity
Pick an aesÂthetÂic that best comÂmuÂniÂcates your brand phiÂlosÂoÂphy and perÂsonÂalÂiÂty, and carÂry this imagery throughÂout all of your marÂketÂing chanÂnels and online presÂences. When a conÂsumer sees a colÂor, a hue, a comÂpoÂsiÂtion that is strongÂly remÂiÂnisÂcent of your postÂing patÂterns, you’ll score a brand impresÂsion at that moment. HavÂing an idenÂtiÂfiÂable brand visuÂal that trigÂgers audiÂence assoÂciÂaÂtion is impresÂsive, and the effort will pay off.
Understand your value
There are two ways to go about underÂstandÂing the valÂue that you delivÂer to conÂsumers. You can decide what it is you proÂvide and conÂtinÂue to hamÂmer in this point until your conÂsumers are conÂvinced that they appreÂciÂate the valÂue you offer. The secÂond option is to colÂlect data and anaÂlyze where your conÂsumers find the valÂue in your brand.
Once you underÂstand where your conÂsumers need supÂport and how your brand feeds their need, you must conÂsisÂtentÂly emphaÂsize this benÂeÂfit. If you are an enerÂgy drink comÂpaÂny, your valÂue is not limÂitÂed to the extra vitÂaÂmins or cafÂfeine you delivÂer to your conÂsumer. Sure, these are a byprodÂuct of your offerÂing, but you offer someÂthing largÂer to the conÂsumer: a lifeÂline. When they are the most tired, most worn out and stressed, you step in to offer relief. A promise that they can carÂry on and get the job done. Brand your mesÂsages accordingly!
Tell an emotional story
Don’t conÂfuse emoÂtionÂal with sad- emoÂtion is any enerÂgy that moves the conÂsumer. PerÂhaps excites them, makes them laugh or makes them feel invesÂtigaÂtive. What type of emoÂtion does your brand typÂiÂcalÂly elicÂit from conÂsumers? If you are a travÂelÂer’s backÂpack brand, you probÂaÂbly proÂmote a sense of advenÂture with your conÂsumers, so focus on that emoÂtion. Tell stoÂries through video, phoÂto and writÂten conÂtent that invoke in conÂsumers a rush toward the imposÂsiÂble, an escape, a longÂing for the great outÂdoors and unfathÂomable heights!
Repeat your story, over and over again.
This is part of stayÂing conÂsisÂtent so that conÂsumers recÂogÂnize any trace of your brand as you. Once you streamÂline your aesÂthetÂic and mesÂsage, conÂtinÂue to push it to conÂsumers. It takes time- someÂtimes years!- to fulÂly immerse your brand in the lives and autoÂmatÂic thinkÂing patÂterns of consumers.
Your team is on brand
Each perÂson who works for your comÂpaÂny is a livÂing, breathÂing extenÂsion of your brand with the potenÂtial to influÂence conÂsumers and perÂsuade them toward a purÂchase. Is your team on board with your brand? Do they fulÂly underÂstand what your name stands for? What idenÂtiÂty do you want to project? AssemÂble your team at least once a month to reinÂvigÂoÂrate their spirÂit for the brand. Make sure everyÂone is on board and ready to proÂmote your comÂpaÂny. If you enerÂgize them sufÂfiÂcientÂly, their proÂmoÂtion of your brand will come naturally.
Why wait any longer to estabÂlish and develÂop a strong sense of charÂacÂter for your brand idenÂtiÂty? Reach out to our brandÂing firm so we can colÂlabÂoÂrate and guide you along a sucÂcessÂful marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy. Our experts hanÂdle all avenues of digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing in MiaÂmi, so if you are lookÂing for more then brand mainÂteÂnance, we can help with that, too!