While anaÂlyzÂing the future of ecoÂnomÂic growth and develÂopÂment, a small city in Texas realÂized comÂpeÂtiÂtion was fierce. With a growÂing popÂuÂlaÂtion of 34,000, MidÂlothÂiÂan boasts ecoÂnomÂic advanÂtages in eduÂcaÂtion, a robust workÂforce, resources and tax incenÂtives for new busiÂnessÂes, but needÂed a fresh voice to comÂmuÂniÂcate its potential.
City offiÂcials decidÂed they needÂed to betÂter tell their stoÂry – and asked our agency to creÂate a fresh, innoÂvÂaÂtive brand to set them apart from the competition.
There are many reaÂsons an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion or a municÂiÂpalÂiÂty would rebrand – and many ways to tackÂle it. With the right processÂes and the right mindÂset, a rebrand can be the crux your busiÂness needs to improve future marÂketÂing endeavÂors. UnderÂstandÂing the key pieces to a corÂpoÂrate rebrand is critÂiÂcal to develÂopÂing a sucÂcessÂful mesÂsage to your audience.
IdenÂtiÂfyÂing why the comÂpaÂny wants to rebrand will help deterÂmine the type of rebrand that will best achieve its goals. RebrandÂing can redeÂfine the entire brand idenÂtiÂty or simÂply refresh it. ReaÂsons for a rebrand may include a mergÂer or purÂchase, the company’s goals shiftÂing in a new direcÂtion, updatÂing a brand that no longer conÂnects with an evolvÂing tarÂget audiÂence, or, like MidÂlothÂiÂan, tryÂing to stand out in a clutÂtered marÂket. DependÂing on what mesÂsage the comÂpaÂny would like to comÂmuÂniÂcate, there are two types of rebrandÂing to focus on:
Partial Rebrand:
The parÂtial rebrand is for the busiÂness that is well estabÂlished, yet needs to refresh or update its serÂvices, marÂketÂplace or idenÂtiÂty. This verÂsion tweaks parts of the brand to reflect a new focal point, be it new prodÂuct offerÂings or a more conÂtemÂpoÂrary look.
ConÂsidÂer the Old Spice brand. PriÂor to 2010, the brand was focused on oldÂer genÂerÂaÂtions of men. With increasÂing comÂpeÂtiÂtion in its space and research to deterÂmine the changÂing tarÂget audiÂence, the estabÂlished brand had an idenÂtiÂty criÂsis. The result of the Old Spice brand reviÂsion was an enerÂgized, bareÂly recÂogÂnizÂable brand whose camÂpaign used humor and wit to speak not only to the men who use the prodÂucts but directÂly to the women who purÂchase them. The rebrand surÂprised, enterÂtained and engaged a new demographic.
Total Rebrand:
The total rebrand is necÂesÂsary when an entireÂly reimagÂined idenÂtiÂty is required. This is often the case when two comÂpaÂnies merge and underÂgo critÂiÂcal changes that can include new goals or a difÂferÂent focus altoÂgethÂer. The rebrand typÂiÂcalÂly results in a name change, new mesÂsagÂing, and fresh imagery. A busiÂness might deterÂmine that a total transÂforÂmaÂtion rebrand is necÂesÂsary to posiÂtion themÂselves in a new direcÂtion. Either way, the brand underÂgoes a transÂforÂmaÂtion from head to toe.
In 2016, Atlanta-based real estate investÂment and mulÂtiÂfamÂiÂly leader, Cocke, FinkelÂstein Inc and CFLane, announced a comÂpaÂny-wide rebrand. An acquiÂsiÂtion in 2013 led to sucÂcess across two platÂforms – investÂments and mulÂtiÂfamÂiÂly serÂvices – but the comÂpaÂny funcÂtioned as two orgaÂniÂzaÂtions. A thoughtÂful, strateÂgic approach was takÂen to a rebrand that would allow them to operÂate as one comÂpaÂny with one brand. A new name, CF Real Estate SerÂvices LLC, was unveiled as part of the rebrand, along with strateÂgies and comÂmitÂments that would posiÂtion them for wideÂspread growth.
Is A Rebrand Needed?
The most imporÂtant facÂtor in a rebrand is to ensure that a busiÂness actuÂalÂly needs one. ConÂsidÂer what the motives are behind this deciÂsion and move forÂward cauÂtiousÂly — it’s quite an underÂtakÂing. With SEO, webÂsite rediÂrects and strateÂgic PR placeÂments (just to name a few things) to think careÂfulÂly about, a rebrand needs to be purÂposeÂful and delibÂerÂate, aimed at comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing a mesÂsage tied to speÂcifÂic goals.
- The Wrong ReaÂsons: RebrandÂing should not be a reacÂtion to low sales cycles, or an attemptÂed soluÂtion to poor brand awareÂness or marÂketÂing efforts. If the main goal is a marÂketÂing push to help creÂate buzz or genÂerÂate leads, a total rebrand should defÂiÂniteÂly not be the first option. This can actuÂalÂly hurt the busiÂness, as efforts will be directÂed away from addressÂing the real issues. Rather than startÂing over with a new brand, look to form a comÂpreÂhenÂsive marÂketÂing camÂpaign tied to busiÂness goals, which will proÂmote brand awareness.
- The Right ReaÂsons: A brand should reflect the company’s valÂues, misÂsion, marÂket, and purÂpose. ThereÂfore, a rebrand should help a busiÂness realign how it enviÂsions the future progress. If the logo, tagline, mesÂsagÂing, webÂsite, marÂketÂplace or serÂvices no longer speak to the direcÂtion the comÂpaÂny is focusÂing on, it’s likeÂly time to rebrand. The ideÂal clients will recÂogÂnize the purÂpose and direcÂtion of the new brand, and it should natÂuÂralÂly increase awareÂness and draw in busiÂness through a novÂel idenÂtiÂty and excepÂtionÂal creativity.
RememÂber that the key to any brand or rebrand is to craft a mesÂsage that speaks honÂestÂly to the tarÂget audiÂence while stayÂing true to the valÂues and direcÂtion the comÂpaÂny enviÂsions for future growth. Your brand is your being. Make it count!