It has nevÂer been a more imporÂtant time to underÂstand small busiÂness adverÂtisÂing and how to impleÂment these techÂniques than now. With the recent panÂdemÂic and the impact on small busiÂness ownÂers worldÂwide, havÂing the abilÂiÂty to pivÂot using effecÂtive marÂketÂing techÂniques is a deal-breakÂer. As a small busiÂness ownÂer, you are accusÂtomed to innoÂvatÂing and sellÂing your prodÂuct or serÂvice. Now, it’s time to eleÂvate your visÂiÂbilÂiÂty and adverÂtise your busiÂness using tried and true marÂketÂing techÂniques meant to expand your busiÂness presÂence and increase awareness.
The Best Marketing Strategies for Small Business
Most, if not all of the marÂketÂing strateÂgies for a small busiÂness listÂed here are free. That’s because we underÂstand how imporÂtant it is to have as much room in your budÂget as posÂsiÂble for everyÂthing else, espeÂcialÂly right now. TakÂing your busiÂness to the next levÂel will require you to do someÂthing more difÂferÂent than what’s been done in the past. You may not use all of them but idenÂtiÂfyÂing the right strateÂgies for your busiÂness is the first step in findÂing out what works best for you. Once you find your sweet spot, dupliÂcate it, and watch your busiÂness grow:
- Online — Over 3.6 bilÂlion peoÂple use social media and you should be using it too. It is the fastest, cheapÂest, and easÂiÂest way to reach your tarÂget audiÂence. When you’re new to social media, it can be intimÂiÂdatÂing and overÂwhelmÂing iniÂtialÂly but as you become more familÂiar, you’ll be creÂatÂing engagÂing conÂtent in no time. OutÂsourcÂing social media may be an option if you have monÂey in your budÂget for it. But if not, being authenÂtic and doing it yourÂself is the best marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy there is. CusÂtomers conÂnect to valÂues, not just proÂfiles, and makÂing a genÂuine conÂnecÂtion can turn into repeat busiÂness over the long term.
PubÂlishÂing a webÂsite is like handÂing out a busiÂness card. It proÂvides your curÂrent and future cusÂtomers with a quick snapÂshot of who you are and what valÂue you proÂvide. The benÂeÂfit of a webÂsite is the abilÂiÂty to reach more peoÂple at once comÂpared to a busiÂness card. AnothÂer online marÂketÂing option is the use of email marÂketÂing. Using your webÂsite, you can creÂate a dataÂbase that can be comÂbined with email marÂketÂing to folÂlow up on potenÂtial cusÂtomers. Many small busiÂnessÂes develÂop newsletÂters and share upcomÂing proÂmoÂtionÂal events and new prodÂucts through tarÂgetÂed email marÂketÂing campaigns.
- ReferÂrals - One of the most powÂerÂful marÂketÂing techÂniques is word of mouth. ReferÂrals from trustÂed sources, curÂrent cusÂtomers, or friends and famÂiÂly can help you get the word out about your busiÂness betÂter than any othÂer form of marÂketÂing. When you think about it, you’ve probÂaÂbly asked for a referÂral for a prodÂuct or serÂvice recentÂly. NowaÂdays, there are many ways to get a referÂral using proÂmoÂtions, disÂcounts, coupons, or placÂing a link on your webÂsite. EstabÂlishÂing referÂral netÂworks are also incredÂiÂbly effecÂtive and can be mutuÂalÂly benÂeÂfiÂcial when it is busiÂness to busiÂness. For white-colÂlar proÂfesÂsionÂals, it is even more powÂerÂful since proÂfesÂsionÂal relaÂtionÂships and repÂuÂtaÂtions are at stake. RememÂber to mainÂtain relaÂtionÂships with those who have the same stanÂdards of qualÂiÂty as you.
You’ve probÂaÂbly heard a lot about influÂencers on InstaÂgram who get paid to sell prodÂucts. You can dupliÂcate that conÂcept by leverÂagÂing influÂencers withÂin your prodÂuct or serÂvice niche. They may not have milÂlions of folÂlowÂers on social media but thouÂsands or tens of thouÂsands is still a powÂerÂful netÂworkÂing tool. This only makes sense when you have sales sysÂtems and prodÂucts in place and an easÂiÂly conÂvertÂible offer.
- Cold calls — No one likes cold calls but they are necÂesÂsary and effecÂtive. Whether they are done via teleÂphone, door to door, or online, they can make or break your busiÂness. Your abilÂiÂty to sell yourÂself and think on your feet can make a huge difÂferÂence in how your busiÂness is perÂceived. It also proÂvides the best results for small businesses.
- FlyÂers — Using flyÂers may seem old fashÂioned, but they are an inexÂpenÂsive way to genÂerÂate interÂest and awareÂness. Mail marÂketÂing is still very effecÂtive and disÂtribÂutÂing flyÂers into mailÂboxÂes is highÂly impactÂful. All flyÂers should be brief and direct with conÂtent that highÂlights your prodÂucts and serÂvices. Adding a first-time cusÂtomer disÂcount or coupon can make a huge difference.
- Posters — How many times have you seen posters around your neighÂborÂhood, superÂmarÂkets, schools, or workÂplace? Although anothÂer old fashÂioned marÂketÂing techÂnique, it is still very effecÂtive. In case you haven’t noticed yet, StarÂbucks has a board where local small busiÂnessÂes can adverÂtise. SomeÂtimes, hairÂdressers or local mom and pop restauÂrants have spaces to adverÂtise. You’ll likeÂly find these in a numÂber of places that you freÂquent that you nevÂer conÂsidÂered before. The best way to adverÂtise on posters is to creÂate removÂable colÂor-codÂed tabs so that you can track the areas with the most leads and readÂjust tarÂgetÂed campaigns.
- Add valÂue — AnothÂer very powÂerÂful marÂketÂing techÂnique, valÂue addiÂtions come in the form of referÂral rewards, repeat cusÂtomer disÂcounts, or point cards. Movie theÂaters, fast-food chains, and even StarÂbucks parÂticÂiÂpate in adding valÂue to your repeat purÂchasÂes. This is a way to keep cusÂtomers conÂnectÂed and less interÂestÂed in the comÂpeÂtiÂtion. ValÂue addiÂtions can be anyÂthing from a free bevÂerÂage with the purÂchase of a meal or a free room cleanÂing with the purÂchase of 2 rooms. Just rememÂber to add all valÂue addiÂtions to all marÂketÂing mateÂriÂals to ensure your curÂrent and future cusÂtomers are aware and can take advanÂtage of the deals.
- Reviews — These are simÂiÂlar to folÂlow-ups but much betÂter! These can be postÂed on your webÂsite, Yelp, or social media page for othÂers to see. EveryÂone loves doing busiÂness with highÂly ratÂed estabÂlishÂments so don’t be shy about askÂing for a review. Even if the feedÂback is not all posÂiÂtive, you’ll have an idea of what adjustÂments you need to make. A good way to solicÂit reviews and feedÂback is to send out a quesÂtionÂnaire that includes:
- Why did you choose our business?
- Where did you hear about us?
- Who do you curÂrentÂly go to for this prodÂuct or service?
- What did you like most about our prodÂuct or service?
- What did you like the least about our prodÂuct or service?
RememÂber the dataÂbase from the webÂsite? NowaÂdays, solicÂitÂing feedÂback can easÂiÂly be done via the interÂnet using your webÂsite dataÂbase of curÂrent customers.
- AffilÂiÂate marÂketÂing — LookÂing for exploÂsive busiÂness growth? AffilÂiÂate marÂketing is very powÂerÂful because it is a mutuÂalÂly benÂeÂfiÂcial way of reachÂing your tarÂget marÂket. The key to an effecÂtive affilÂiÂate marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy is choosÂing the right affilÂiÂates to partÂner with. They should have a track record of conÂvertÂing leads into payÂing cusÂtomers and have access to the cusÂtomers you are tryÂing to reach. Also, you should have a good marÂketÂing sysÂtem in place for a largÂer busiÂness to take you seriously.
Contact Us Today for Small Business Advertising
With over 25 years of marÂketÂing expeÂriÂence, Rosy StrateÂgies is well-posiÂtioned to help small busiÂness ownÂers develÂop their own marÂketÂing techÂniques. We take a speÂcialÂized approach to all of our clients because we underÂstand that each busiÂness is unique with difÂferÂent needs. We will help you creÂate direcÂtion with a uniÂfied purÂpose to help you navÂiÂgate the panÂdemÂic and beyond.
Give us a call or visÂit our webÂsite for a conÂsulÂtaÂtion today!