You’ve probÂaÂbly heard a great deal about the imporÂtance of using optiÂmized conÂtent marÂketÂing and how it can expand your online brand presÂence. That’s because SEO and conÂtent marÂketÂing are incredÂiÂbly effecÂtive for any size busiÂness when iniÂtiÂatÂed strateÂgiÂcalÂly. In fact, 67% of marÂketers insist on SEO marÂketÂing as the most imporÂtant online tool to grow your busiÂness. You won’t want to miss out on the opporÂtuÂniÂty to grow your audiÂence and botÂtom line.
What Is SEO?
UnderÂstandÂing and utiÂlizÂing these powÂerÂful online tools begins with definÂing them. SEO also referred to as search engine optiÂmizaÂtion, is a comÂplex techÂniÂcal process that gives you the abilÂiÂty to increase the qualÂiÂty of site trafÂfic to your webÂsite. This process guarÂanÂtees that your conÂtent will be preÂsentÂed to your tarÂget audiÂence. SevÂerÂal strateÂgic tacÂtics are used to increase your online brand visÂiÂbilÂiÂty in search engines like Google. They are meant to make your busiÂness appear more trustÂworÂthy and friendÂly than others.
Why care about SEO? You want potenÂtial cusÂtomers to know that you are open for busiÂness and that you have a unique soluÂtion to their probÂlem. When your tarÂget audiÂence is online lookÂing for prodÂucts and serÂvices you proÂvide, you want to be one of the first busiÂnessÂes they see. When you don’t utiÂlize SEO, you can allow your comÂpeÂtiÂtion to serÂvice these cusÂtomers and lose the opporÂtuÂniÂty to expand your business.
What Is Optimized Content Marketing?
ConÂtent marÂketÂing is a much simÂpler process of develÂopÂing and marÂketÂing tarÂgetÂed conÂtent. CreÂatÂing engagÂing conÂtent for your busiÂness webÂsite brings added valÂue to your prodÂucts and serÂvices when done right. The key is creÂatÂing the right valÂue mix that resÂonates with potenÂtial cusÂtomers to encourÂage them into profÂitable action. That’s where optiÂmizaÂtion comes into play.
OptiÂmized conÂtent marÂketÂing is conÂtent that is develÂoped in such a way that tarÂgetÂed keyÂwords or phrasÂes, links and tags are all used to expand your brand. When conÂtent is optiÂmized, conÂverÂsion rates go up. That’s because optiÂmized conÂtent marÂketÂing takes into account the purÂchasÂing habits of your cusÂtomers. There are many ways you can accomÂplish this:
- WebÂpages — The difÂferÂence between a norÂmal webÂsite and one with conÂtent marÂketÂing is the levÂel of interÂest that is genÂerÂatÂed. AddiÂtionÂal conÂtent like case studÂies and white papers have become increasÂingÂly popÂuÂlar. But creÂatÂing case studÂies that are interÂestÂing and fasÂciÂnatÂing will bring more visÂiÂtors to your webÂsite and offer increased valÂue that your comÂpetiÂtors can’t deliver.
- Videos — VisuÂals are always a great way to attract cusÂtomers to your webÂsite. This often untapped conÂtent marÂketÂing tool can be used to show your cusÂtomers what hapÂpens behind the scenes. While most peoÂple may think it is difÂfiÂcult or expenÂsive, simÂple videos can be made using your phone. Using videos to proÂvide an intiÂmate and in-depth look at your busiÂness can help creÂate an immeÂdiÂate brand connection.
- PodÂcasts — This powÂerÂful online tool gives you the abilÂiÂty to present valuÂable inforÂmaÂtion to your audiÂence for free. It can also raise your visÂiÂbilÂiÂty, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly through the iTunes platÂform, and genÂerÂate addiÂtionÂal income by attractÂing new cusÂtomers that may not have heard of you otherwise.
- InfoÂgraphÂics — These online tools comÂbine picÂtures with staÂtisÂtiÂcal or techÂniÂcal inforÂmaÂtion that make relÂeÂvant facts to your busiÂness easy to underÂstand. They are highÂly effecÂtive when creÂatÂed with qualÂiÂty and design in mind. You can choose to creÂate one in-house or outÂsource with a conÂsulÂtant that has experÂtise in develÂopÂing infoÂgraphÂics. When done well, they are quickÂly passed around on the interÂnet withÂin your tarÂget audiÂence and beyond.
- E‑books — Last but not least, e‑books are highÂly effecÂtive at genÂerÂatÂing new cusÂtomer interÂest. Whether you choose to sell your e‑book or give it away for free, there are potenÂtial cusÂtomers who need the inforÂmaÂtion you proÂvide. There is still a perÂcepÂtion that writÂing a book is difÂfiÂcult and can only be proÂduced by known proÂfesÂsionÂals, but with the amount of self-pubÂlishÂing tools availÂable, anyÂone can proÂduce a qualÂiÂty e‑book in no time.
How Can SEO and Content Marketing Grow Your Business?
It is not an issue of conÂtent marÂketÂing vs SEO but how these two can be comÂbined to maxÂiÂmize busiÂness profÂitabilÂiÂty. When SEO is comÂbined with conÂtent marÂketÂing, nothÂing can stop your busiÂness from growÂing. The idea is to use SEO to enhance the conÂtent on your webÂsite to genÂerÂate increased trafÂfic and lead generation.
How is this accomÂplished? There are a few critÂiÂcal eleÂments that when inteÂgratÂed into a digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy can be highÂly sucÂcessÂful. ConÂsidÂer the folÂlowÂing comÂpoÂnents when develÂopÂing optiÂmized marÂketÂing content:
- KeyÂwords - Your webÂsite should be the first webÂpage your potenÂtial cusÂtomers see when they use a search engine. This is accomÂplished by researchÂing relÂeÂvant keyÂwords assoÂciÂatÂed with your busiÂness and tarÂget marÂket. Using a strateÂgic approach may include lookÂing at a competitor’s webÂsite and keyÂwords, using Google KeyÂword PlanÂner, or Adwords dataÂbase. By strateÂgiÂcalÂly embedÂding keyÂwords into your conÂtent, you’ll be on your way to genÂerÂatÂing more trafÂfic to your website.
- ConÂtent - ProÂducÂing qualÂiÂty conÂtent should be a top priÂorÂiÂty when develÂopÂing your optiÂmized conÂtent marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy. This means that all conÂtent should be fresh, creÂative, and disÂtincÂtive from anyÂthing else on the interÂnet. ProÂducÂing influÂenÂtial conÂtent that solves a probÂlem is how your busiÂness will shine above your comÂpetiÂtors. RepetÂiÂtive conÂtent is typÂiÂcalÂly ranked lowÂer in search engine results.
- User ExpeÂriÂence — UtiÂlizÂing robots.txt to improve user expeÂriÂence for potenÂtial cusÂtomers can proÂduce optiÂmal results. Robots.txt also referred to as robots excluÂsion stanÂdard, instructs web crawlers and web robots where to go. It specifÂiÂcalÂly tells web crawlers what they can and can’t request from the webÂsite and preÂvents your webÂsite from being overÂloaded. These techÂniÂcal comÂpoÂnents are cruÂcial to a sucÂcessÂful SEO conÂtent marÂketÂing strategy.
If you’ve ever seen the 404 error pages, you’d know that broÂken webÂsite links are unapÂpealÂing to potenÂtial cusÂtomers and can turn them away from your busiÂness altoÂgethÂer. To preÂvent this from hapÂpenÂing, addressÂing items like metaÂdaÂta enhanceÂment, approÂpriÂate tag use, and ensurÂing broÂken links are nonexÂisÂtent and imporÂtant for an excelÂlent user expeÂriÂence. Tags allow potenÂtial cusÂtomers and visÂiÂtors to recÂogÂnize inforÂmaÂtion before they click on it. Sitemaps help creÂate easy navÂiÂgaÂtion for webÂsite users and quick access to content.
- TrafÂfic - GenÂerÂalÂly, trafÂfic refers to the amount of data received and sent from visÂiÂtors to your webÂsite. IncreasÂing trafÂfic through the use of linkbacks, inbound linkÂing, and link buildÂing is best accomÂplished through high qualÂiÂty and expert conÂtent. That’s because link buildÂing involves creÂatÂing hyperÂlinks from othÂer webÂsites and conÂnectÂing them to your own. In doing so, you want to achieve this through excepÂtionÂal and relÂeÂvant conÂtent so that these links are seamÂlessÂly inteÂgratÂed into your webÂsite and reach your tarÂget audiÂence while proÂvidÂing valÂue at the same time.
Call for a Personalized Consultation Today
Our FloriÂda based comÂpaÂny serÂvices busiÂnessÂes around the counÂtry while walkÂing each one of them through an inteÂgratÂed marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy with clear direcÂtion and purÂpose. This means we take a colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive approach to marÂketÂing, pubÂlic relaÂtions, brandÂing, digÂiÂtal, and conÂtent marÂketÂing. We take a unique and transÂparÂent approach with each busiÂness we work with to ensure your optiÂmized conÂtent marÂketÂing plan is right for you.
Give us a call today for a perÂsonÂalÂized conÂsulÂtaÂtion for your optiÂmized conÂtent marÂketÂing plan and let’s grow your busiÂness together!