CreÂatÂing valuÂable conÂtent on your webÂsite through a blog post that demonÂstrates your experÂtise will help you to build your brand, driÂve trafÂfic and creÂate leads. But entreÂpreÂneurs often strugÂgle to get enough visÂiÂtors to valÂiÂdate the time they spend creÂatÂing and proÂmotÂing their conÂtent. HowÂevÂer, if you write the right type of conÂtent and proÂmote it the right way, you are guarÂanÂteed to get a lot more traffic.
In this article, we outline what you need to do to create your Influencer Group post. Follow the steps below to get the traffic.
1. Find a list of influÂencers in your industry.
You want to idenÂtiÂfy the peoÂple in your indusÂtry who have access to the audiÂence you want to get access to. They should be influÂenÂtial online, have a large folÂlowÂing, a high-authorÂiÂty webÂsite and a highÂly engaged community.
CreÂate a list of these peoÂple and capÂture their email addressÂes, if possible.
2. Get startÂed on content.
Think of someÂthing your curÂrent and potenÂtial audiÂence would love to know the answer to. Reach out to ask the influÂencers to answer that quesÂtion for your blog post. The best form of outÂreach is email.
HowÂevÂer, you need to be very conÂscious that influÂenÂtial peoÂple get a lot of emails. You need to send a perÂsonÂalÂized and thoughtÂful email askÂing the influÂencer to proÂvide you with an answer to the quesÂtion for your post. Make sure you menÂtion that you recÂogÂnize them as a key influÂencer, you appreÂciÂate that they don’t have much time and point out the added valÂue by havÂing them in the post.
Your aim is to get at least 30 key influÂencers in your post.
3. CreÂate the content.
CreÂate the post, and include each of the tips from the influÂencers in your post. Make sure to proÂfile them with a nice picÂture and a link back to their webÂsite. CreÂate a picÂture that includes all the influÂencers in one image, simÂiÂlar to the folÂlowÂing. You’ll see why in a minute!
4. Reach out to the influencers.
Send an email to the influÂencers telling them about the post. Don’t ask them to share it, because they know you want them to do this. Thank them for their conÂtriÂbuÂtion and, if the post is already provÂing to be popÂuÂlar with your audiÂence, make sure you menÂtion this.
5. Start your social media promotion.
CreÂate tweets spread out over a month, with a tweet a day that highÂlights one tip from one influÂencer. CreÂate a FaceÂbook and Google+ post and include the group image in the post. PeoÂple will start tagÂging peoÂple they know in the post. Share across othÂer chanÂnels. Boost the post with some paid promotion.
You have creÂatÂed a great piece of conÂtent, so it’s time for aggresÂsive promotion.
BlogÂging is very tacÂtiÂcal. You creÂate conÂtent for a speÂcifÂic reaÂson, in a speÂcifÂic forÂmat and proÂmote it in a speÂcifÂic way. Once you underÂstand the forÂmuÂla for blogÂging sucÂcess, it’s just a matÂter of putting in the work. The tacÂtic above typÂiÂcalÂly proÂduces excelÂlent results.