Video mar­ket­ing has now become a must-have cam­paign for every savvy mar­keter out there. The rapid growth of social media use, the rise of Sto­ries and short-video apps, have all con­tributed to mak­ing online videos more cru­cial than ever before.

More and more inter­net users are hooked to online videos– mak­ing the video con­tent a sta­ple ingre­di­ent of the major­i­ty of their dai­ly media diet. The lat­est sta­tis­tics show that the num­ber of peo­ple who watch online videos has tak­en a giant leap through­out the world. Today, more than 55 per­cent of inter­net users watch video con­tent daily.

Now that video con­tent con­tin­ues its onward march as the ban­ner­man of the con­tent rev­o­lu­tion, the mar­keters leave no stone unturned in reach­ing their tar­get audi­ence. With video con­tent, they can offer a high­ly engag­ing for­mat that does not only give the audi­ence easy-to-digest infor­ma­tion but also a piece of enter­tain­ment as well.

How­ev­er, cre­at­ing com­pelling video con­tent isn’t the eas­i­est task. It requires a lot of patience, efforts, and of course, the right tools. That’s why video mar­ket­ing cam­paigns can be quite tricky for first-timers.

If it’s the first time you tap into a video mar­ket­ing cam­paign, here are the essen­tial tips and tools to make your videos the best ones and help you to ensure that your mar­ket­ing game is top-notch:

1. Make the video short and sweet with epic editing

In this era of imme­di­a­cy, your audi­ences’ atten­tion span is get­ting short­er and short­er every day. You only have 8 sec­onds to get their atten­tion before they move on to any­thing else. So, it’s cru­cial to cre­ate a short, clear video so they can retain your core mes­sage from the get-go.

In this case, you can start by using video edit­ing soft­ware to cut, trim, add some effects, and all oth­er basic things. Some of the most pop­u­lar video edit­ing tools that pro­vide easy-to-use inter­face include Filmo­ra, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere.

Pre­cise edit­ing makes a huge dif­fer­ence in the video you cre­ate. A pro­fes­sion­al-look­ing video undoubt­ed­ly has a high­er chance of con­nect­ing with your audi­ence on a more per­son­al lev­el than the unedit­ed ones.

2. Set the mood with exciting background music

Back­ground music and sound effects are often over­looked in a video pro­duc­tion process. Both of them are such cru­cial ele­ments of a video since they can give the video a personality.

Adding rel­e­vant back­ground music and sound effects to your video allows the view­ers or audi­ence to take part in the sto­ry and bond with it vis­cer­al­ly. Let’s say your favorite video game has nei­ther back­ground music nor sound effects to back the graph­ics? Would you still play it with the same lev­el of excite­ment? I guess not. The same is the case with your video content.

That’s what makes back­ground music and sound effects excel­lent addi­tions to your video as it enhances your sto­ry and encour­ages the view­ers to relate to it.

There are some pop­u­lar audio libraries where you can get tons of back­ground music and sound effects for free, such as Audioblocks, Audio­Jun­gle, Pre­mi­um­Beat, and more.

2. Set the mood with exciting background music

3. Make it even cooler by adding some animations

Every­one loves car­toons. It might be a big part of anyone’s child­hood. So, adding some ani­ma­tions (like car­toon char­ac­ters or graph­ics) to your video can com­prise your entire visu­al-effects aes­thet­ic. With some ani­ma­tions, your audi­ence can get a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the mes­sage you want to deliv­er in the video.

Some soft­ware can help you to add stun­ning graph­ics eas­i­ly, such as After Effects or Pre­miere Pro. Besides, if you want to add some charm­ing, endear­ing ani­ma­tion char­ac­ters in your video, you can use tools like Pow­Toon, Ani­mak­er, Moov­ly, and Vyond.

4. Get more views with catchy thumbnails

One small thing you might not real­ize: your thumb­nail (along with the video title) is the first thing your audi­ences see when they find your video con­tent. It’s a sig­nif­i­cant decid­ing fac­tor for them whether to click on your video or not. That’s why cre­at­ing a catchy, eye-pop­ping thumb­nail is necessary.

A com­pelling thumb­nail can help you to give the audi­ence a snip­pet of what the whole video is all about. You can eas­i­ly cre­ate click­able thumb­nails with tools like Can­va, Foto­jet, Snap­pa, or Adobe Spark.

Most of those tools pro­vide tons of ready-to-use tem­plates. It makes it eas­i­er for you to repur­pose it based on your pref­er­ences. All you need to do is drag and drop images, change back­ground col­or and title, add fil­ters or effects for every object– and your catchy thumb­nail is all set.

5. Share. Share. Share!

Now that you have your sparkling video con­tent, one thing left is to share it, to let your audi­ences watch it. Just imag­ine you’ve been fight­ing tooth and nail to craft your video mar­ket­ing con­tent, but no one sees it. What’s the point, then?

In such cas­es, video-shar­ing plat­forms or host­ing sites are play­ing a piv­otal role in get­ting your video seen by your tar­get audi­ence. Sure, you can always use social media like YouTube, Insta­gram, or Face­book to share your video con­tent. But, some tools are pur­pose­ly designed to host video mar­ket­ing and can take your video-shar­ing efforts to the next level.

Vid­yard, Bright­cove, Wis­tia, are just sev­er­al video host­ing sites to help you ensure your videos are being dis­cov­ered, watched, and shared by your tar­get audi­ence. It offers some fea­tures that social media can’t afford to, such as inte­gra­tions to typ­i­cal sales and mar­ket­ing sys­tems, ana­lyt­ics and reports, A/B test­ing, cus­tomized call-to-action, and a bunch more.

Summing Up

Cre­at­ing the first cam­paign video might sound daunt­ing and over­whelm­ing. But, with the help of the right tools, you can cre­ate a com­pelling video effort­less­ly. Now that video mar­ket­ing tools are more acces­si­ble than ever, you don’t have to spend a hun­dred bucks to pro­duce astound­ing video mar­ket­ing content.

SOURCE: Social Media Explorer