Rosy Strategies

5 Metrics to Measure the Success of Facebook Videos

Close up Two hand holding mobile phone with Video marketing word and icons Online Digital Marketing concept

From view-through rate to video length, con­trib­u­tor Swe­ta Patel dis­cuss­es the met­rics that will help you under­stand how your videos are per­form­ing on Facebook.

Let’s face it, video is the high­est-con­vert­ing medi­um in the social media space. When it comes to con­tent, it is the king of kings, the best play­er on the field, the sul­tan of swat, the king of crash, the colos­sus of clout… OK, you get the picture.

Why does video con­vert more? Sim­ply stat­ed, it’s more human. The move­ment more close­ly rep­re­sents life. If it’s a video with peo­ple in it, faces give off emo­tion­al cues we under­stand and iden­ti­fy with.

As smart­phones have become eas­i­ly acces­si­ble across the world, real human con­nec­tion is wan­ing in some ways. We need human inter­ac­tion, so how do we fill the void? Social media, my friend.

This is why “video snacks” can work like a charm. You can use short, high­ly engag­ing 60- to 90-sec­ond videos to walk your cus­tomer through the next steps. I recent­ly had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with Logan Young, the VP of strat­e­gy at Blitz­Met­rics, to learn more about the pow­er of video and the met­rics that mat­ter when it comes to video engagement.

Here are the met­rics that mat­ter the most for video performance:

1. View-through rate

This met­ric tells you how many peo­ple your video reach­es and how many of those who were “reached” viewed the video. A video view is often defined by watch­ing the video for at least three sec­onds (though Facebook’s new­er aver­age watch time replaces that metric).

To engage with your audi­ence, you will want to con­nect emo­tion­al­ly right out of the gate. Oth­er­wise, you’ll lose out on the view-through rates.

If 30 per­cent of your audi­ence sees your video on aver­age, 30,000 of 100,000 fans are view­ing your video. That’s a decent num­ber. But if few­er than 30 per­cent are watch­ing your video, it means some­thing may be wrong with the video itself.

If it’s not get­ting the engage­ment based on your reach, then you may want to A/B test the con­tent of the video. Look at the 10-sec­ond view rate to see how strong a video it is based on the engage­ment. For exam­ple, if 30 per­cent of your audi­ence watch­es at least 10 sec­onds of your video, then you have some con­tent worth watching.

2. 10-second video views

The next met­ric you want to mon­i­tor is how many of your views turn into 10-sec­ond views. You want to be able to fig­ure out how many qual­i­ty views you are receiv­ing for your video.

Is your audi­ence actu­al­ly stick­ing around, or are they bounc­ing after the first few sec­onds? This will help you deter­mine if your audi­ence real­ly enjoys the con­tent you’re pro­duc­ing or if you’re just wast­ing your time.

For exam­ple, I used to pro­duce and pro­mote video on a week­ly basis. No one was engag­ing with my video, and I kept receiv­ing neg­a­tive feed­back. I decid­ed to real­lo­cate my time and pro­duce just one stel­lar video per month. As a result, I watched my engage­ment soar through the roof. It made a dif­fer­ence in how much my audi­ence enjoyed what I was producing.

3. Video engagement

When it comes to your video, pos­i­tive engage­ment is impor­tant. Typ­i­cal­ly, near­ly 9 per­cent of your entire reach is able to view your video. So if you have 100 fans, only nine of them will see your video.

If those fans give you neg­a­tive feed­back on your video, it will com­pro­mise both the reach on your video and that of future con­tent. Pos­i­tive engage­ment usu­al­ly con­sists of likes, com­ments and shares of the video.

4. Video average watch time

We know that if peo­ple watch more than three sec­onds of your video, then it results in a “video view.” If they watch 10 sec­onds or more of that same video, that’s a fair­ly high lev­el of engage­ment. When the aver­age view time gets up to this point, it indi­cates that peo­ple are con­sum­ing your con­tent, and the result is pos­i­tive sentiment.

The aver­age watch time per video is around 10 sec­onds. If you can get it up to 15 sec­onds or above, then you are on a dif­fer­ent lev­el of Face­book video mar­ket­ing. It’s best to try to A/B test your videos to under­stand which are pro­duc­ing the high­est lev­els of engaged users.

5. Video length

Ide­al­ly, you want the length of your video to be around 20 to 90 sec­onds. Any­thing beyond may suf­fer when it comes to engagement.

There are place­ments where 20 to 90 sec­onds is not per­mit­ted. Some place­ments on Face­book only allow you to pro­duce video last­ing 15 sec­onds or less. You’ll want to engage your audi­ence in the first few sec­onds any­way. If they aren’t engaged after 15 sec­onds of watch­ing, you may have to pro­duce a new video.

Bonus: Add cap­tions to your videos, because they play on mute by default. Your audi­ence will be unlike­ly to lis­ten to your video unless you let them know what the video is about before­hand. When you cre­ate engag­ing cap­tions for your videos, then the audi­ence can read and decide whether to click for audio.

Video has the poten­tial to be the most pow­er­ful and effec­tive mar­ket­ing tool you use, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you pro­duce high­ly engag­ing con­tent. The feed­back and data you get from Face­book videos should pro­pel you in the right direction.

My advice is not to be afraid to make mis­takes. Put your videos out there, and then lis­ten to what the met­rics are telling you. Before you know it, you’ll be play­ing in the big leagues with your video con­tent.


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