Rosy Strategies

Networking Tips for the Tech-Savvy Lawyer in 2018

Group of people and global communication network concept.

No pro­fes­sion is safe from the need to uti­lize social media plat­forms for busi­ness, and for more rea­sons than show­ing face on the dig­i­tal hot spots. 

Social media plat­forms are one of the eas­i­est ways to net­work with both clients and with peers who can evolve into valu­able part­ners. Face­book alone gen­er­ates con­nec­tions amongst 800 mil­lion peo­ple, more than half of which are inter­act­ing every sin­gle day. That’s a mas­sive pop­u­la­tion to tap into for any busi­ness, includ­ing those in the legal industry. 

Law firms and lawyers were pret­ty late to jump on board the social media trend, but quick­ly find­ing the avail­able resources to be end­less­ly ben­e­fi­cial. LinkedIn, Twit­ter, YouTube, and Face­book all allow lawyers to tap into social con­ver­sa­tions, learn about evolv­ing legal needs and gen­er­ate new busi­ness through their net­work­ing resources.

Here are the social platforms that lawyers find the most useful online: 


Twit­ter is still a swift way to quick­ly com­mu­ni­cate with many peo­ple about top­ics of inter­est. Quick­ly tweet out short, wit­ty snip­pets relat­ed to your firm, cur­rent events or recent cas­es. Twit­ter is a per­fect plat­form for gen­er­at­ing a hash­tag that fol­lows your involve­ment in move­ment, project, case or philanthropy. 


Face­book is expe­ri­enc­ing an algo­rithm change that will place more empha­sis on the lawyer than the firm, so encour­ag­ing your firm employ­ees to post reg­u­lar­ly about firm events, cas­es and indus­try news can have a big impact on your fir­m’s con­nec­tion with both long-stand­ing and prospec­tive clients. Addi­tion­al­ly, Face­book can be your go-to plat­form for shar­ing life-chang­ing, heart-warm­ing suc­cess stories. 


LinkedIn exists specif­i­cal­ly for busi­ness, mak­ing it the most trust­ed site amongst lawyers. LinkedIn con­nects firms and lawyers to one anoth­er through degrees of sep­a­ra­tion. While the plat­form makes a case for itself as a way to gen­er­ate new busi­ness, its great­est use is per­haps in its recruit­ing. Human resources can eas­i­ly find wor­thy, trust­ed can­di­dates through your pool of LinkedIn con­nec­tions that make out­stand­ing long-term hires. 


Google+ is a net­work­ing site that works by con­nect­ing users in ‘cir­cles’ and allow­ing brands to speak to entire ‘cir­cles’ at once. Law firms can speak to a cir­cle of lawyers, of peers, of clients or influ­encers in the legal indus­try. Google+ is orga­nized, infor­ma­tion is cen­tral­ized, and lawyers appre­ci­ate the plat­form for its ease of inte­grat­ed use. 


Blogs dou­ble as a way to boost SEO and get your brand ris­ing in Google’s search rank­ing, and also as a way to estab­lish your­self as a lead­ing, author­i­ta­tive legal com­men­ta­tor. Blogs can get pub­lished imme­di­ate­ly, rend­ing it sim­ple and quick to upload an opin­ion piece on a recent event or news. The more your firm blogs about social, legal and soci­etal events and envi­ron­ments, the more users will return to your web­site to read. As you use con­sis­ten­cy to estab­lish promi­nence as the go-to site for this type of infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment, your brand will become reflect­ed as a high­ly regard­ed legal source. This type of rep­u­ta­tion makes attract­ing and win­ning clients smoother at the final stretch. 

Localized communities

Join­ing online com­mu­ni­ties for local lawyers or spe­cial­ized lawyers is an effec­tive way to evolve through part­ner­ship. Con­sid­er expand­ing your firm’s breadth of exper­tise by offer­ing out­side coun­sel, made avail­able through a part­ner­ship with lawyers and firms that you have met in your area. 

If you are look­ing for social media man­age­ment Mia­mi, get in con­tact with our team at Rosy Strate­gies. We will work with you to iden­ti­fy strate­gies and dis­ci­plines to improve your brand health and devel­op your busi­ness to its fullest mar­ket­ing capacity.

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