Marketing Reach via Email

Expand your mar­ket­ing reach by boost­ing your email list and incor­po­rat­ing email as a large part of your cur­rent strat­e­gy. Email is one of the most effec­tive ways to remind con­sumers that you still exist and are oper­at­ing to meet and fill their prod­uct or ser­vice needs. 

If you’ve already start­ed an email cam­paign, great! This post will help you ampli­fy your cur­rent efforts. If you have yet to begin an email strat­e­gy, no prob­lem. But, pay atten­tion close­ly as every­thing in this post can dra­mat­i­cal­ly ben­e­fit your mar­ket­ing and busi­ness endeavors. 

What Is Email Marketing?

Email mar­ket­ing is the strate­gic use of elec­tron­ic mail to increase brand aware­ness, engage with cur­rent and prospec­tive cus­tomers, and sell more goods and ser­vices. Email cam­paigns are curat­ed thought­ful­ly and used to effec­tive­ly dri­ve more traf­fic to a busi­ness site to con­vert to sales. 

What Is Email Marketing

Is Email an Effective Way to Increase Brand Exposure?

Pend­ing cam­paign thought­ful­ness, email can be a pow­er­ful way to increase brand expo­sure. Every day, con­sumers check their email, and you have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a touch-point and add some­thing pos­i­tive to their morn­ing or afternoon. 

With con­sis­tent and cre­ative email craft­ing, this dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy can be one of the most effec­tive ways to earn cus­tomers’ trust and devel­op a long-term, loy­al relationship. 

Targeted Email Marketing

Now that you’re ready to learn about mar­ket­ing via email, one of the most impor­tant notes is about per­son­al­iza­tion. Every sin­gle email should be per­son­al­ized to the indi­vid­ual con­sumer, and this isn’t lim­it­ed to address­ing them by name. This includes updates on services/topics that may be of inter­est to them, extend­ing offers on items they’ve recent­ly viewed, ask­ing for an opin­ion on items they’ve pur­chased, and invit­ing them to dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences based on the con­tent and goods they tend to con­sume (or show inter­est in con­sum­ing) on your site. Under­stand­ing con­sumer habits and pref­er­ences, then, is essen­tial to suc­cess­ful email mar­ket­ing.

Fol­low along below to learn more about the impor­tance of tar­get­ed emails and oth­er tips for achiev­ing your mar­ket­ing goals. 

How to Reach Your Email Marketing Goals 

Every great strat­e­gy has key objec­tives in mind; a suc­cess­ful strat­e­gy includes a cam­paign that can accom­plish these goals. To help you achieve your desired email cam­paign results, we’ve set out our expert advice. Fol­low our team’s insight as you tar­get your audi­ence and email incentives. 

  • Know your consumer
  • Increase reach via email marketing
  • Wel­come new vis­i­tors (with an incentive)
  • Present an irre­sistible offer
  • Per­son­al­ize as much as possible
  • Test and track changes to copy

Know Your Consumer

First and fore­most, know who you’re talk­ing to and who you’re email­ing. Take the time to research and cat­e­go­rize your con­sumers by demo­graph­ic, behav­ior, and inter­ests. Invest in this ini­tial inves­tiga­tive peri­od, as the insights you find will lead your strat­e­gy through­out the cam­paign. If you don’t already track your cus­tomers’ and vis­i­tors’ online and shop­ping habits, make this a top priority. 

Increase Reach Email Marketing

You’ve prob­a­bly heard a lot of talk about an email list — that’s because email lists can help grow your busi­ness by increas­ing your over­all mar­ket­ing reach. Request­ing emails from shop­pers and prospec­tive buy­ers allows you to build an exten­sive list from which you can pro­mote, sell, and engage. If you’re hav­ing trou­ble build­ing your list, get cre­ative with list incen­tives — can a list war­rant a shop­ping dis­count? Sub­scrip­tion to a rel­e­vant newslet­ter or an ear­ly access sneak peek? Maybe it could be required to get an invite to a future event or sale? 

Welcome New Visitors (With an Incentive)

Once you have emails col­lect­ed, the first email to send is always a wel­come email. Wel­com­ing new shop­pers is the best way to make a great first impres­sion. Sweet­en up the mes­sage by offer­ing an exclu­sive first-timer dis­count at check­out. You might also include a list of items the new cus­tomer was brows­ing, each with sup­ple­men­tary infor­ma­tion, pho­tos, and spe­cial first-pur­chase rates. For pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices, offer a check­list or free ini­tial consultation.

Present an Irresistible Offer

Offer­ing a small dis­count is com­mon­place in wel­come emails. How­ev­er, you can gain more trac­tion by offer­ing a more entic­ing offer, such as a large dis­count or a free item with pur­chase. And if you don’t want to give the prod­uct away (or reduce its price), you might think of cre­at­ing an exclu­sive oppor­tu­ni­ty such as get­ting to be the first to know about new prod­ucts, sales, or events. Your offer goes back to the first point about know­ing your con­sumers — the bet­ter you know your buy­er, the more eas­i­ly you can cre­ate an incen­tive they’ll take. 

Personalize as Much as Possible

As often as pos­si­ble, per­son­al­ize your emails. This includes using your customer’s first name, every­time, and going above and beyond by sign­ing off with your first name. Adding your name at the end of an email helps to make the mes­sage more per­son­al than it would be com­ing from a ‘team’. Beyond using names, you can point to con­tent, trends, prod­ucts, or ser­vices that your con­sumers have either browsed or would be inter­est­ed in based on brows­ing habits. Each email is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to curate a per­son­al shop­ping expe­ri­ence and an inti­mate con­ver­sa­tion between you and the consumer. 

Test and Track Changes to Copy

Always test your email copy by send­ing dif­fer­ent emails to sim­i­lar audi­ence groups. You might even send two dif­fer­ent emails to the same con­sumer and see which one gets opened. You’ll want to play around with this tri­al-and-error method to find the mes­sag­ing and copy that works best for your buyers. 

Now, let’s look at a few ideas for what to include in the body of emails. 

Test and Track Changes to Copy

Tips for Email Marketing

  • Try email mar­ket­ing arti­cles: If you want read­ers to get up to speed on a cur­rent event, a thought-piece or con­tent on your blog, include a hyper­link in your email or include the arti­cle copy in the email itself. 
  • Exper­i­ment with video and mixed media: Change up your email bod­ies by includ­ing pho­tog­ra­phy, graph­ics, videos, inter­views, and info­graph­ics. Wher­ev­er pos­si­ble, mix up the avail­able media. 
  • Set goals before dis­patch: Before craft­ing and send­ing the email, be sure to have an objec­tive to which you can mea­sure the result of your campaign. 
  • Set up a track­ing sys­tem: If you are not track­ing results, you’re miss­ing out on a huge infor­ma­tion oppor­tu­ni­ty to bet­ter under­stand which head­lines, sub­ject lines, and offers con­sumers are will­ing and excit­ed to open. 
  • Ana­lyze and imple­ment data find­ings: Once you track email habits, orga­nize your find­ings and adjust the nec­es­sary com­po­nents. Each refine­ment will get you clos­er to the desired result. 

Comment Below

Have you explored email for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Let us and our fel­low read­ers know about your expe­ri­ence, and how your strat­e­gy has helped ben­e­fit your busi­ness. If you have any tips to share, we’d love to hear those too!

Rosy Strategies

Rosy Strate­gies is here to han­dle all of your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing needs. And, when it comes to email mar­ket­ing, our team is pro­fi­cient at every step of the process. We can help guide you from your ini­tial strat­e­gy, through exe­cu­tion and set­ting email automation. 

To learn more about our ser­vices and get start­ed with your game-chang­ing email mar­ket­ing plan, get in con­tact with our team today.