How does your firm find its newest clients, while also ded­i­cat­ing the right amount of time to work­ing on your exist­ing cas­es? Do you rely heav­i­ly on word of mouth and refer­rals? Do you use social media, or Google, Bing, or Yahoo attor­ney adver­tis­ing to attract new leads?

If you are like most law firms we work with through­out the Unit­ed States, then we know that every day is a chal­lenge for you to find new clients. While Inter­net mar­ket­ing, hav­ing a web pres­ence, and being active on social media plat­forms are def­i­nite musts, your geolo­ca­tion is also sat­u­rat­ed with sim­i­lar mes­sages from your com­peti­tors. It’s becom­ing more dif­fi­cult for law firms like yours to stand apart and demon­strate its unique val­ue propo­si­tion to poten­tial clients.

In today’s day and age with sat­u­rat­ed search results and an ever-chang­ing Google algo­rithm that’s dif­fi­cult to stay on top of, law firm adver­tis­ing through Google adver­tise­ments isn’t just some­thing that’s sim­ply nice to have, it’s a must-have. It doesn’t mat­ter how well-writ­ten your web­site is, how much you’ve ded­i­cat­ed to SEO writ­ing efforts, or how high your web­site ranks on Google search engine result pages are. Your com­peti­tors are using this mar­ket­ing plat­form to reach and win poten­tial new clients, and you sim­ply can’t afford to skip out on the process and leave these prospects on the table.

What is Google Advertising for Lawyers?

This top search engine’s mar­ket­ing ads are based on Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Dis­play mar­ket­ing ads, and Remar­ket­ing. We’ll dis­cuss each of these in detail below.

Our legal mar­ket­ing agency cre­ates PPC attor­ney ads that do the following:

  1. Select pop­u­lar key­words that peo­ple com­mon­ly search for in search engines like Google to bid on that are relat­ed to your practice’s areas, such as “per­son­al injury attor­ney near me” or “per­son­al injury attor­ney in (geolo­ca­tion).”
  2. Choose a geo-tar­get for your mar­ket­ing ads to run in so they only appear in your ser­vice area.
  3. Cre­ate rel­e­vant, char­ac­ter-lim­it­ed law firm ads that will show up on search engine result pages when you win key­word bids. These attor­ney ads should be high­ly relat­ed to the key­words you’re bid­ding on and also moti­vate web read­ers to click on the copy to see your land­ing pages with more detailed infor­ma­tion about your legal practice.
  4. Gen­er­ate easy-to-read and easy-to-scan land­ing pages that clear­ly state your practice’s val­ue propo­si­tion and encour­age poten­tial clients to call you for a free consultation.

What is Google Advertising for Lawyers

Dis­play mar­ket­ing ads are also based on key­word bid­ding. How­ev­er, instead of pro­vid­ing tar­get­ed copy on search engine result pages, these forms of attor­ney ads appear on relat­ed web pages that your poten­tial clients may find inter­est­ing or feel are oth­er­wise rel­e­vant to the key­words you’ve bid on.

For exam­ple, your Dis­play option ads about worker’s com­pen­sa­tion ser­vices might appear on a web­site about the specifics of worker’s com­pen­sa­tion laws in your state, or on a web­site cre­at­ed by a doc­tor or phys­i­cal ther­a­pist who spe­cial­izes in worker’s com­pen­sa­tion cases.

Final­ly, remar­ket­ing law firm ads are like a sec­ond or even third chance to reach a poten­tial new client after they have seen your online ad one or more times but didn’t act on it. These mar­ket­ing ads appear on search engine results after your poten­tial client has already seen a mes­sage from you, but didn’t con­vert into a lead. As such, remar­ket­ing law firm adver­tis­ing reminds poten­tial clients who need your legal ser­vices about your prac­tice as they con­tin­ue to use Google for legal and oth­er web search­es. Since it often takes a per­son see­ing a spe­cif­ic mes­sage mul­ti­ple times before it tru­ly res­onates with them, remar­ket­ing can be a pow­er­ful tool. A great exam­ple of this is when you’re shop­ping online and long after you’ve left a web­site or stopped shop­ping, the prod­uct shows up on your future web search­es. I don’t know about you but I often­times have a pair of shoes fol­low­ing me around the inter­net until I end up buy­ing them because I’ve seen them over and over!

Dedicate A Portion of Your Law Firm Advertising Budget to Mobile Traffic

Every year, the num­ber of search­es that occur on mobile devices such as smart­phones and tablets increas­es. Whether you’re set­ting a bud­get for PPC, Dis­play, or Remar­ket­ing law firm ads, you need to ded­i­cate a por­tion of your over­all bud­get to mobile search­es to cap­i­tal­ize on the pro­lif­er­a­tion of mobile devices in our soci­ety. Addi­tion­al­ly, you need to ensure that your land­ing pages have respon­sive designs that look great on mobile web browsers, too.

Budgets Beyond Google Attorney Ads

While Google is def­i­nite­ly the world’s top search engine, there are oth­er search engines you should con­sid­er adver­tis­ing on as well. These include Bing and Yahoo, who also offer PPC, Dis­play, and Remar­ket­ing options. After doing a deep dive into the search data in your geolo­ca­tion, we’ll be able to rec­om­mend the best per­cent­age break­down of your law firm adver­tis­ing bud­get for each of these com­mon­ly used search engines.

Should You Do Law Firm Advertising on Your Own

Because cer­tain pop­u­lar key­words can be expen­sive to bid on, some legal prac­tices decide to run their own Google law firm ads with­out the assis­tance of a pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket­ing agency like ours that is high­ly skilled in this process. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many of the attor­neys who go this do-it-your­self route find that their Google adver­tis­ing for lawyers doesn’t per­form well, and end up wast­ing their mon­ey bid­ding on expen­sive key­words with­out an effec­tive strategy.

Sev­er­al legal pro­fes­sion­als also find while they ini­tial­ly had every inten­tion of stay­ing on top of their adver­tis­ing for lawyers, that Google’s PPC plat­form sim­ply moves too fast for them to focus the appro­pri­ate amount of time to opti­mize their cam­paigns while also meet­ing with new leads, work­ing with exist­ing clients, and oth­er­wise run­ning their practices.

Advertising Agency

How We Make Lawyer Advertising Better

At our inte­grat­ed dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency, we have sev­er­al years of expe­ri­ence help­ing law firms just like yours with their online mar­ket­ing pres­ence and mar­ket­ing ads. We know that adver­tis­ing on Google is part sci­ence, part art, and we know how to bring both aspects of this pop­u­lar mar­ket­ing plat­form to life for you.

When you choose us for attor­ney ads, we have a com­plete process that we put into place to make sure we’re cre­at­ing the best cam­paigns pos­si­ble for you. This includes:

Auditing Your Existing Campaigns

Many of the law firms who come to us for our exper­tise are already doing some form of adver­tis­ing for lawyers on Google. For these clients, we audit exist­ing cam­paigns to see what’s work­ing, what isn’t, and what can be improved. 

Performing Extensive Keyword Research for Your Geotarget to find the Best and Most Cost-Effective Keyword Bids

Key­word per­for­mance and cost are great­ly depen­dent on geolo­ca­tion. The search terms that are afford­able in one part of the coun­try may be more expen­sive in oth­er areas. When you sign up with us, we do exten­sive research on key­words that are rel­e­vant to your busi­ness in your geolo­ca­tion to deter­mine what words you should be bid­ding on, and how much you should be offer­ing on each bid.

Carefully Writing Advertising for Lawyers to Appear on Google Search Engine Results

Hav­ing your attor­ney ads show up on search engine results pages is only half the bat­tle. In order to get poten­tial clients to con­vert to peo­ple who con­tact your busi­ness, you need to have a com­pelling copy that encour­ages them to click to learn more about your legal prac­tice. We draw on years of expe­ri­ence in writ­ing these types of law firm ads to cre­ate copy that res­onates with web searchers look­ing for legal representation.

Optimizing Landing Pages To Improve Bidding Quality and Increase Readability

Your land­ing page is, of course, the place where your leads go to learn more about your prac­tice and how your agency can make a dif­fer­ence in their legal case. But did you know that the qual­i­ty of your land­ing pages also affects your law firm adver­tis­ing qual­i­ty score? Google likes it when key­words, ad copy, and land­ing pages are all relat­ed and coor­di­nat­ed, thus offer­ing its users bet­ter search expe­ri­ences. We cre­ate a seam­less process for the clients look­ing for your legal ser­vices to both improve ad qual­i­ty and increase the like­li­hood that web searchers will reach out to you for a free consultation.

We Can Help with Advertising for Lawyers

Whether you’re already using PPC, Dis­play and Remar­ket­ing Ads, or you’re final­ly ready to dip your toes into these plat­forms, we’re here to help. To con­tact us to learn more about how we can help your busi­ness with its dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing efforts, call us today at (305) 783‑3515.