Being an attorÂney at a solo or small law firm has always come with cerÂtain inherÂent risks and chalÂlenges. To manÂage your legal pracÂtice and small busiÂness, you need to wear many hats and be able to sucÂcessÂfulÂly jugÂgle comÂpetÂing priÂorÂiÂties. Today, these chalÂlenges are even more proÂnounced. As you adjust to new ways of workÂing and servÂing clients, you must also conÂfront shiftÂing ecoÂnomÂic realÂiÂties and make deciÂsions on where to funÂnel your firm’s marÂketÂing resources.
ThankÂfulÂly, when it comes to digÂiÂtal marÂketing, there are sevÂerÂal effecÂtive and low-cost options. In our recent webÂcast, MakÂing The Most Of It: OptiÂmizÂing Your Firm’s DigÂiÂtal MarÂketÂing In UncerÂtain Times, two seaÂsoned experts proÂvidÂed tips and advice for how small law firms can mainÂtain relÂeÂvanÂcy and visÂiÂbilÂiÂty durÂing this time and get the most out of their digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing efforts and investÂments. SpeÂcifÂic digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing tacÂtics and tools disÂcussed includÂed legal direcÂtoÂries, social media ads, and blogging.
In this blog post, we answer four addiÂtionÂal quesÂtions that were posed by attorÂneys who attendÂed the webÂcast. If you missed the live broadÂcast, you can tune in to the on-demand verÂsion at any time.
Question: What’s the ideal length for a legal blog post?
Answer: When it comes to blog post word count minÂiÂmums, FindÂLaw recÂomÂmends that a post be at least 200 words in length. HowÂevÂer, rather than getÂting too hung up on a post’s length, it’s best to think about the valÂue you‘re proÂvidÂing. Few legal topÂics can be disÂcussed in a meanÂingÂful way in less than 200 words. A key goal of your blogÂging stratÂeÂgy should be to proÂvide inforÂmaÂtion that is interÂestÂing and inforÂmaÂtive for readÂers. KeepÂing this goal in mind can also help you deterÂmine if a blog post is too long. By nature, blog posts are meant to be shortÂer, easy-to-digest, and shareÂable forms of conÂtent. ThereÂfore, if you’re havÂing a hard time keepÂing a post to under 1,000 words, it’s betÂter to break it up into a series of two or three shortÂer posts.
Question: Where should firms publish blog posts?
Answer: A key attribute of a blog is that it proÂvides your firm the abilÂiÂty to add new, unique, and relÂeÂvant conÂtent to your firm’s webÂsite on a regÂuÂlar basis. HavÂing an on-site blog is one of the most effecÂtive ways to get search engines’ attenÂtion and boost your firm’s online visÂiÂbilÂiÂty. A blog also proÂvides you and your firm a platÂform to disÂcuss topÂics relatÂed to your legal pracÂtice – proÂvidÂing valÂue to legal conÂsumers and posiÂtionÂing you and your firm as thought leaders.
In addiÂtion to regÂuÂlarÂly postÂing to an on-site blog, you can and should share links to your blog posts via your firm’s social media chanÂnels. IncludÂing a brief senÂtence or two synÂopÂsis about a recent post and then linkÂing to your blog via your firm’s FaceÂbook, TwitÂter, and LinkedIn accounts helps boost engageÂment on social media and driÂve addiÂtionÂal trafÂfic to your firm’s website.
Question: If our firm is going to run paid advertising on Facebook, how important is it to have a robust firm Facebook page?
Answer: While buildÂing a strong presÂence on FaceÂbook takes time, there are sevÂerÂal things you can do to quickÂly build and enhance your firm’s indiÂvidÂual page. Make sure to comÂplete as many fields on your firm’s FaceÂbook busiÂness Page as posÂsiÂble. In addiÂtion to ensurÂing basic inforÂmaÂtion like your firm’s full and corÂrect name, address, webÂsite link, and busiÂness hours are listÂed – take the time to add phoÂtos and speÂcifÂic calls to action. PriÂor to postÂing, sharÂing, and comÂmentÂing, make sure to estabÂlish a social media stratÂeÂgy and careÂfulÂly think through your approach. When you feel comÂfortÂable that you have a hanÂdle on manÂagÂing your firm’s page and the relatÂed conÂtent, you can explore paid adverÂtisÂing options on FaceÂbook. While paid ads can be a highÂly effecÂtive way to proÂmote your firm’s serÂvices and conÂnect with legal conÂsumers, it can be chalÂlengÂing to comÂply with Facebook’s adverÂtisÂing poliÂcies and failÂure to do so may result in your account being shut down. To ensure the time and monÂey you put into paid ads doesn’t go to waste, it pays to turn to a digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing expert for advice and help.
Question: What is the best way to gain followers on Facebook?
Answer: When it comes to buildÂing a folÂlowÂing on your law firm’s FaceÂbook page, diliÂgence and perÂsisÂtence are key. TaiÂlor comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions to difÂferÂent audiÂences, i.e. one for curÂrent clients and anothÂer for busiÂness assoÂciates, invitÂing peoÂple to conÂnect with your firm via FaceÂbook. It’s also imperÂaÂtive to link to your firm’s page on your webÂsite and include a link to your FaceÂbook page below your email sigÂnaÂture. You can also blog about how your firm is using social media to conÂnect with curÂrent and prospecÂtive clients. Once you start to build a folÂlowÂer-base, keep them engaged by regÂuÂlarÂly postÂing and sharÂing conÂtent that is relÂeÂvant to your comÂmuÂniÂty, pracÂtice, and clientele.