We are livÂing in an age where the averÂage conÂsumer is more socialÂly aware and wants to be more responÂsiÂble. In turn, conÂsumers also expect the brands they buy from to be more socialÂly responÂsiÂble. The busiÂness landÂscape is shiftÂing, and socialÂly-conÂscious investÂing couÂpled with cause-relatÂed marÂketÂing is vital for makÂing responÂsiÂble investÂments and workÂing togethÂer with nonÂprofÂit orgaÂniÂzaÂtions for a greater cause.
As a busiÂness ownÂer, you might be wonÂderÂing how to get startÂed with socialÂly responÂsiÂble investÂing and how it can help your company’s overÂall busiÂness goals. In this artiÂcle, the team at Rosy StrateÂgies comÂpiled all the necÂesÂsary info you need to know about SRI investÂments, thanks to years of expeÂriÂence in proÂvidÂing excelÂlent strateÂgic philÂanÂthropy serÂvices in FloriÂda.
What Is Strategic Philanthropy?
The best defÂiÂnÂiÂtion for this term would be a method of corÂpoÂrate givÂing and othÂer philÂanÂthropic actions of a comÂpaÂny to best fit the overÂall goals, misÂsion, and valÂues of the brand. This means that the brand should have a solÂid stratÂeÂgy for alignÂing philÂanÂthropic endeavÂors with marÂketÂing and busiÂness goals for a greater cause.
These socialÂly-conÂscious investÂments usuÂalÂly involve a partÂnerÂship between nonÂprofÂit orgaÂniÂzaÂtions and stanÂdard busiÂnessÂes that work togethÂer for a charÂiÂtaÂble cause. In this case, strateÂgic philÂanÂthropy should enable both the proÂmoÂtion of sales for the comÂpaÂny while helpÂing the charÂiÂty and raisÂing awareÂness for both entiÂties, boostÂing their posÂiÂtive pubÂlicÂiÂty in the process.
How Do Responsible Investments Work in Strategic Philanthropy?
SRI investÂments should be seen as a cruÂcial part of every cause-relatÂed marÂketÂing stratÂeÂgy. To be honÂest, it’s a bit like give-and-take, and busiÂnessÂes might not see the posÂiÂtive impact of socialÂly-conÂscious investÂing right away.
Here’s an examÂple that might help. Let’s say that your busiÂness sells fishÂing supÂplies and opts to team up with a nonÂprofÂit that aims to keep the oceans free of pollution.
You make a responÂsiÂble investÂment, i.e., donate resources and monÂey to the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion and encourÂage your teams to do at least some volÂunÂteerÂing, like joinÂing a cleanup action. The aim is to help the cause and do some good.
At the same time, your cusÂtomers will notice that you care about proÂtectÂing the waterÂways and will be more likeÂly to become more attached to your brand as they can see the philÂanÂthropic, “humane” side of your business.
You should rememÂber that socialÂly responÂsiÂble investÂing isn’t always a fly-by-night process, and it takes time. With the right marÂketÂing approach, you can creÂate a more loyÂal cusÂtomer base and betÂter estabÂlish your brand in your industry.
The Benefits of SRI Investments and Cause-Related Marketing
When done with the right marÂketÂing approach, SRI investÂments can have numerÂous benÂeÂfits that can impact your brand, both short-term and in the long run. For example:
- Shows busiÂness engageÂment in the comÂmuÂniÂty: As menÂtioned above, most conÂsumers are enviÂronÂmenÂtalÂly and socialÂly conÂscious, meanÂing they care about these issues and want to see corÂpoÂraÂtions and othÂer busiÂnessÂes do the same. If your brand shows no signs of this conÂsciousÂness, you may find that even your most loyÂal, socialÂly responÂsiÂble cusÂtomers will flock to othÂer comÂpaÂnies that do.
- ImproveÂment in comÂpaÂny morale: Your employÂees will also feel good about workÂing for a busiÂness that makes responÂsiÂble investÂments and supÂports a greater cause. They will become more engaged with their work, potenÂtialÂly leadÂing to a subÂstanÂtial proÂducÂtivÂiÂty boost.
- PosÂiÂtive pubÂlicÂiÂty: StrateÂgic philÂanÂthropy will get your voice heard and seen — from social media and newsÂreels to seeÂing your banÂners durÂing events. PeoÂple get a chance to learn about your brand and recÂogÂnize you as a busiÂness that cares about social and enviÂronÂmenÂtal causes.
- Direct finanÂcial impacts: While it was a huge gamÂble and a masÂsive conÂtroÂverÂsy for some, Nike manÂaged to turn their ColÂin KaeperÂnick ad directÂly into money.
Developing a Strategy for Making Responsible Investments
There are casÂes when conÂsumers see socialÂly responÂsiÂble investÂing and cause-relatÂed marÂketÂing as a “cheap trick” to boost pubÂlicÂiÂty and make more sales.
On that end, sales shouldn’t be the end goal of such strateÂgies. Instead, SRI investÂments are indeed for those comÂpaÂnies who genÂuineÂly want to give back and truÂly supÂport a cause that aligns with their brand’s values.
This is why it’s cruÂcial that brands develÂop a viable stratÂeÂgy and camÂpaign for SRI investÂments. The help of an expeÂriÂenced marÂketÂing agency will often go a long way in this, as marÂketÂing experts know how to do careÂful research and the prepaÂraÂtion for a sucÂcessÂful campaign.
As such, here are the most cruÂcial aspects of develÂopÂing a solÂid stratÂeÂgy for philÂanÂthropic causÂes and responÂsiÂble investments:
Finding a Legitimate Cause
SocialÂly-conÂscious investÂing and cause-relatÂed marÂketÂing should revolve around a legitÂiÂmate cause that truÂly makes a difÂferÂence and is aligned with the vision and misÂsion of your brand.
On that end, you don’t have to partÂner with a renowned nonÂprofÂit orgaÂniÂzaÂtion — just research the creÂdenÂtials of the orgaÂniÂzaÂtions you could potenÂtialÂly team up with. Go with a legitÂiÂmate nonÂprofÂit and a legitÂiÂmate cause to preÂvent wastÂing resources, time, and monÂey on a project that ends up being a scam.
The Cause Is Relevant
As menÂtioned above, the cause should be relÂeÂvant to your brand. If you are sellÂing sportÂing goods, you can always team up with a nonÂprofÂit that helps with, let’s say, getÂting chilÂdren involved in sports or betÂter yet, works to preÂvent childÂhood obesity.
ChoosÂing a cause that’s relÂeÂvant to your core busiÂness valÂues is essenÂtial since it will enable you to help in more than one way (instead of just givÂing monÂey, you can donate sportÂing equipÂment if we take the examÂple above), and you will also appear more legitÂiÂmate in front of your audience.
Make an Impact
SRI investÂments aren’t just about writÂing masÂsive checks and callÂing it a day. While it will defÂiÂniteÂly supÂport the cause, it can come off as disinÂgenÂuÂous and disengaged.
Apart from monÂeÂtary donaÂtions, also focus on othÂer ways to give back. Your conÂsumers should see your brand makÂing a difÂferÂence and activeÂly workÂing to make things better.
You can help with event planÂning, volÂunÂteer work, email camÂpaign manÂageÂment, donatÂing serÂvices or prodÂucts, or you may also help with creÂatÂing proÂmo mateÂriÂals for the cause.
Promote the Cause and Involve Your Audience
To ensure that you can maxÂiÂmize the potenÂtial of the work you’re doing with your nonÂprofÂit partÂner, you need to creÂate an effecÂtive ad or social media camÂpaign to get the mesÂsage out and let peoÂple know about the project. This won’t only make more peoÂple aware of the charÂiÂty and your brand, but it might also inspire them to take part in the action.
If they want, allow them to help. EncourÂage them to volÂunÂteer, donate, or help in any othÂer way. This way, you will raise awareÂness not just for your brand and the cause but will proÂvide immense help for the nonÂprofÂit as well.
Do It the Right Way
SRI investÂments are genÂuineÂly helpÂful actions of brands and busiÂnessÂes who care and want to make a difÂferÂence. Still, strateÂgic philÂanÂthropy may have sevÂerÂal pitÂfalls, espeÂcialÂly if you have litÂtle expeÂriÂence in this field.
That’s why partÂnerÂing up with an expeÂriÂenced marÂketÂing agency can help you creÂate an effiÂcient stratÂeÂgy that will help your cause-relatÂed marÂketÂing efforts and ensure that the mesÂsage gets out, not just to your cusÂtomers but to everyÂone else who truÂly cares.
We can and want to help you make a difÂferÂence. Reach out to us today.