Rosy Strategies

Why Mobile Optimization is Important for Your Business

Why Mobile Optimization is Important for Your Business

Mobile opti­miza­tion is the term used to describe an online expe­ri­ence on a mobile device that is as equal­ly pleas­ant as the expe­ri­ence on a desk­top or oth­er sta­tion­ary device. 

A few years ago, a mobile-opti­mized site meant that a user could look up your domain on their mobile phone and find a digestible ver­sion of your web­site. Today, mobile opti­miza­tion implies that your web­site is respon­sive on mobile as well. 

What Does It Mean to Be Mobile Responsive?

Mobile respon­sive­ness takes your design expe­ri­ence beyond a trans­ac­tion­al pic­ture and infor­ma­tion grab. Instead, it allows users to ful­ly inter­act with your web­site as well as (if not bet­ter than) on the desk­top version. 

High-qual­i­ty pho­tos and videos load imme­di­ate­ly, all nav­i­ga­tion ele­ments move seam­less­ly, the web­site is pleas­ant, easy and enter­tain­ing to inter­act with. 

Why a Mobile-Optimized Web Site Is Essential to Your Business?

The sta­tis­tics for mobile and smart device use are con­stant­ly increas­ing, mean­ing that more and more peo­ple are favor­ing mobile devices for online activ­i­ty. If you are not yet pro­vid­ing a mobile prod­uct (web­site, con­tent, media), you are miss­ing out on a huge per­cent­age of the pop­u­la­tion that could poten­tial­ly be your pur­chasers and loy­al consumers. 

Con­sumers are search­ing for prod­ucts and ser­vices on-the-go, which has prompt­ed Google to dis­play options that are avail­able for imme­di­ate con­sump­tion in the near­est pos­si­ble prox­im­i­ty. If your web­site is not opti­mized for mobile, these many on-the-go searchers will have no way of find­ing your company.

Users switch between devices, from when they are at work to run­ning to their car and home after­ward. Web­site activ­i­ty is best when it is con­tin­ued from one device to the next. A mobile opti­mized site allows this flu­id expe­ri­ence for con­sumers so they can con­tin­ue shop­ping at home on a new device. 

If you have a beau­ti­ful store on the prom­e­nade, shop­pers spend a longer time mean­der­ing around your store, which increas­es the like­li­hood of pur­chas­es. If you have a stim­u­lat­ing mobile web­site, users spend even longer brows­ing your pages and con­sum­ing your con­tent, increas­ing expo­sure to and favor of your brand as well as intent to purchase. 

Work with a pro­fes­sion­al web­site devel­op­er to cap­i­tal­ize on intu­itive user design and expe­ri­ence, and make sure your mobile web­site offers an ide­al online experience. 

If your web­site is opti­mized for a mobile expe­ri­ence, Google and oth­er main search engines will rank your web­site more favor­ably, send­ing more vis­i­tors to your site for the answers, con­tent, and enter­tain­ment for which they are searching. 

If Google car­ing about your opti­miza­tion is not enough to per­suade your opti­miza­tion endeav­or, then it is impor­tant to know that your web­site rank­ing will be neg­a­tive­ly impact­ed if it lacks ade­quate mobile respon­sive­ness, and oth­er opti­miza­tion fac­tors. So, it is imper­a­tive you opti­mize your web­site if you want to show up in Google search rankings.

When your web­site is opti­mized for a mobile expe­ri­ence, shar­ing pages, con­tent, arti­cles, and videos is easy and nat­ur­al. Users can prompt­ly acti­vate your social media prompts and share your con­tent on their chan­nels, expos­ing your brand to more peo­ple and poten­tial con­sumers, who can then share it with their net­works and so on. 

As more online traf­fic is mobile, a mobile-opti­mized web­site wel­comes more vis­i­tors to your web­site, which then increas­es con­ver­sion rates and sales. 

Work with Rosy Strategies

Are you ready to boost your online traf­fic and sales in 2019? If so, reach out to Rosy Strate­gies for the best mobile opti­miza­tion strat­e­gy for your brand and web­site. We look for­ward to help­ing you reach your high­est mar­ket­ing goals!

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