Rosy Strategies

What Internet Marketing Strategies Should Dentists Use?

Image of dentistry using marketing strategies to increase their number of patients.

Won­der­ing how to get more patients into your den­tal prac­tice? You’re not alone. Mak­ing a name for your den­tistry online can be hard work. 

Here are a few tips to get started:

Optimize your website for high conversions

A stel­lar web­site makes for a strong reflec­tion of your brand, but unless it’s con­vert­ing view­ers into real con­sumers, the beau­ty of the site is point­less. Aim to reach at least a three per­cent con­ver­sion rate. To opti­mize con­ver­sions, make it obvi­ous for view­ers to opt-in to newslet­ters, sign up for emails and to con­tact you. As soon as you get a user’s email, you can open the line of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and a poten­tial relationship. 

Establish local SEO 

Opt for research days or call in an expert team to run an SEO analy­sis on your site. The inter­net is one of the most com­mon ways patients seek den­tists when they move to a new city, so aim to have your web­site gain a promi­nent posi­tion in relat­ed search results. Addi­tion­al­ly, prospec­tive patients might learn about your prac­tice through a friend — show­ing up with an estab­lished pres­ence online will draw them into your office. 

Make the most of current patients

The patients you have now are not only the life of your prac­tice, but they can help boost sales online. As patients have spent a fair share of time with your recep­tion­ists, hygien­ists and den­tists over the years, they will like­ly be hap­py to pro­vide a tes­ti­mo­ni­al you can share online. Con­sid­er mak­ing the process eas­i­er — maybe offer­ing a sur­vey on an iPad that the patient can fill out and upload while he or she waits for a cleaning. 

Use the right social media platforms

While Insta­gram Sto­ries are mak­ing the biggest fuss right now, your best social media asset is prob­a­bly Google+, Face­book, and LinkedIn. Estab­lish your prac­tice on the social media plat­forms that make the most sense for engage­ment and growth. 

Grow­ing your den­tistry can be fun with the right online tac­tics employed. To learn more about inter­net mar­ket­ing strate­gies and how to increase patients in den­tal clin­ic, get in touch with our dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing gurus at Rosy Strategies. 


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