Rosy Strategies

Website Design and Marketing Tips For Law Firms

The best solo law firm web­sites do more than look pro­fes­sion­al. Don’t get us wrong — a pro­fes­sion­al aes­thet­ic makes a strong first impres­sion. How­ev­er, your firm needs leads, and your web­site should be designed to bring them in.

There are few ways in the legal world to get in front of prospec­tive clients and sway them into your office — online mar­ket­ing is one of them. A strong web­site will have a pow­er­ful design, SEO ele­ments and built-in ways to cap­ture leads. 

Let’s take a look our expert’s insight on web­site design and mar­ket­ing for small law firms.

Tips for Custom Web Design for Lawyers

Determine Market Position

For any small busi­ness, deter­min­ing mar­ket posi­tion with pre­ci­sion is essen­tial. For a bou­tique law firm, it’s even more impor­tant. Before you go devel­op­ing your mar­ket­ing and web strate­gies, hone in on the clien­tele you want. Find out where they spend their time online, how they like to digest infor­ma­tion and which modes of com­mu­ni­ca­tion suit them best.

Develop your Brand

A strong brand iden­ti­ty will pro­ceed your site.  A web­site that tells a sto­ry about an estab­lished brand (even if it’s only an iden­ti­ty for now) goes much fur­ther than a stan­dard web­site with plug-ins, but­tons, and para­graphs that recite the stan­dard promise of unmatched service. 

Write Content that Speaks to Your Target Market

You’ve researched your clients’ inter­ests — what do they want to read about? Legal devel­op­ments? Indus­try cas­es? Indus­try news? Find what’s impor­tant and rel­e­vant to your audi­ence and include it along­side con­tent that is reflec­tive of your firm’s invest­ments and values. 

Build a Website to Showcase

Use your web­site to show­case your hard work. This includes team bond­ing, cling­ing build­ing, case stud­ies, and phil­an­thropic involve­ment. This is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to let view­ers into the inner work­ings of your busi­ness and see what you care about. 

Device Optimization

Once your web­site is devel­oped and ready to run, enlist a pro­fes­sion­al to ensure that it is opti­mized for all devices. Be sure to include mobile opti­miza­tion, as this is the lead­ing (and still grow­ing) mode of online search. 

Captures Leads

This is the most impor­tant part of your website’s func­tion — cap­tur­ing leads. If you aren’t active­ly trans­form­ing vis­i­tors into clients, what is the point of invest­ing time and mon­ey in your online pres­ence? Find ways on every page to col­lect vis­i­tor con­tact infor­ma­tion, inves­ti­gate vis­i­tor inter­ests or invite them to opt-in for newsletters.

Logos and Corporate ID

Your web­site is a sec­ondary office; it’s anoth­er place to show­case your fir­m’s aes­thet­ic brand­ing. Include com­pa­ny logos, col­ors and your cor­po­rate ID and make sure all design ele­ments are consistent. 

PPC and Adwords

PPC ser­vices for lawyers help get small firms in front of the desired clien­tele. If you’ve already tried mar­ket­ing online, you know there is a lot of noise to break through. Using PPC as an adver­tis­ing method can give you access to Google’s top search results, which is the largest place your clients are brows­ing for new representation. 

For more insight and advice on web­site mar­ket­ing for attor­ney firms and small prac­tices, get in touch with us at Rosy Strate­gies. We will help you to iden­ti­fy key ele­ments miss­ing from your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, eval­u­ate a redesign your web­site and set up your firm’s online pres­ence for lead gen­er­a­tion and client conversion.

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