Rosy Strategies

Top 5 Tips to Create a Successful PPC Campaign

Top 5 Tips to Create a Successful PPC Campaign


There is noth­ing more reward­ing for your busi­ness than a suc­cess­ful PPC cam­paign. PPC sim­ply means pay per click. It is an adver­tis­ing strat­e­gy that has been around now for quite a long peri­od. PPC cam­paign is meant to dri­ve traf­fic to a web­site which helps to make busi­ness­es to con­tin­ue grow­ing. How­ev­er, it’s not always easy to get things right when run­ning a PPC cam­paign and that’s why it needs per­fec­tion. The suc­cess of any PPC cam­paign depends on a num­ber of things. Below are five use­ful tips for cre­at­ing an effec­tive PPC cam­paign for both begin­ners and expe­ri­enced PPC marketers.

Start with a strong account

Social media mon­i­tor­ing cam­paigns that are a suc­cess can be cred­it­ed to their sol­id foun­da­tions. The choice of key­words and their rel­e­vance to each oth­er make a strong PPC account. Begin by con­struct­ing dif­fer­ent cam­paigns focused on every prod­uct, ser­vice, or what­ev­er it is that you are try­ing to adver­tise. Each ad group should have at most 30 key­words. Lim­it your cam­paign to around three ads for every ad group that uses key­words with­in the ad text. Most impor­tant­ly, you should have the searcher’s inter­ests in mind so that all key­words, ads, and land­ing pages end up being high­ly rel­e­vant to one another.

Conversion tracking

When you are run PPC cam­paigns, make sure that you run them with con­ver­sion track­ing. There are peo­ple who spend years and years with­out link­ing their PPC accounts with con­ver­sion track­ing. These peo­ple either gauge the effec­tive­ness of their cam­paigns by fol­low­ing their instincts or end up strug­gling with Google Ana­lyt­ics for­ev­er. If you are a mar­keter, you need to know what hap­pens after a par­tic­u­lar user clicks on your ad. Does he make any pur­chase? If yes, then which ad cam­paign influ­enced him? These are ques­tions that get eas­i­ly answered when you run your PPC cam­paigns with con­ver­sion tracking.

Expand your negative keyword list

Keep track of your PPC cam­paign for words or phras­es, that when used by a searcher, pre­vent your PPC ad from show­ing up. These are known as neg­a­tive key­words. Cre­ate a neg­a­tive key­word list to make sure that your ads reach your tar­get mar­ket. But also, you need to be care­ful as putting too many key­words can result in few­er impres­sions and click-throughs. With a well imple­ment­ed neg­a­tive key­word, it improves your result and also saves you mon­ey as well.

Stop using low-performing keywords

In your cam­paign, you should stop using low-per­form­ing key­words. Low per­form­ing key­words are those that have a low search vol­ume or high search vol­ume but still aren’t get­ting enough traf­fic, or the key­words that are get­ting plen­ty of impres­sions but few click-throughs and con­ver­sions. It’s impor­tant to give key­words a few days to gath­er data so you can bet­ter assess if they are indeed per­form­ing poor­ly. Also, check to see why these key­words have a poor per­for­mance and see if you can do any­thing to improve them.

Always work to optimize your PPC ads

For a PPC cam­paign to be suc­cess­ful, you have to work hard. It involves con­tin­u­al­ly improv­ing and opti­miz­ing ads. You have to test your ads reg­u­lar­ly and tweak them so that they per­form bet­ter. It also helps to use site link exten­sions because they improve click rates and traf­fic. At the begin­ning of the cam­paign, use two dif­fer­ent ads for desk­tops and two dif­fer­ent ads for mobile plat­forms to check the one that per­forms bet­ter. Include dis­counts, spe­cial offers, and oth­er ben­e­fits you are will­ing to pro­vide in your ad. But make sure that your ad copy is clear, con­cise, and that it includes a call to action.

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