Rosy Strategies

The Biggest PPC Mistakes Law Firms Make

The Biggest PPC Mistakes Law Firms Make

Law firms have start­ed adopt­ing PPC ser­vices for lawyers to boost their online mar­ket­ing cam­paigns since the rev­o­lu­tion­ary adver­tis­ing strat­e­gy has done so much for oth­er industries. 

This endeav­or is great and holds reward­ing poten­tial, but the com­plex­i­ty of the thrill and beau­ty of PPC must be acknowl­edged before get­ting start­ed. As a law firm invest­ing in PPC, there are a few mis­takes you want to avoid, check them out below. 

Biggest PPC Mistakes Law Firms Make

Being basic

Don’t go for the most obvi­ous and gener­ic key­words for law firms. While these terms are the most pop­u­lar for a rea­son (they get the most search traf­fic), they’re also going to be the most expen­sive, the hard­est to get and have the most com­pe­ti­tion involved. Locate niche key­words that are spe­cif­ic to your tar­get demo­graph­ic in your geo-tar­get­ed loca­tion. The more spe­cif­ic your ads, the more promis­ing the conversion. 

Not creating ad-specific landing pages

If your injury-spe­cif­ic ad takes users to your home­page, for­get it. They’ve already left and gone to search for a lawyer who makes it eas­i­er to find the help they need. Each ad you run should have its own ded­i­cat­ed land­ing page that explains the depth of the ad, pro­vides con­tact infor­ma­tion and makes it easy to nav­i­gate the rest of your site.

Overlooking ad extensions

Ad exten­sions are addi­tion­al char­ac­ter fields in your ad space that Google gives for free. Since the copy char­ac­ter count is lim­it­ed, these free ad exten­sions are the only and best way to share more infor­ma­tion about your firm with poten­tial clients. As a law firm, it is not easy to dif­fer­en­ti­ate your­self from the com­mon per­son, but with ad exten­sions, you can con­vey what makes your rep­re­sen­ta­tion bet­ter than the competition’s.

Forgetting to extract SEO cues

PPC cam­paigns are loaded with insights into your SEO strat­e­gy. Since PPC works by browsers respond­ing to key­words in your ad or to your ad on pages with your key­words, it quick­ly becomes clear which key­words and phras­es are the most effec­tive with your audience. 

How­ev­er, mar­ket­ing teams often over­look this con­ve­nient cor­re­la­tion. As soon as you notice cer­tain ads or ads on cer­tain pages get­ting the most clicks and con­ver­sion, iden­ti­fy the key­words they con­tain. Now you can use these key­words in your SEO strat­e­gy through­out your online pres­ence, in your PPC ad copy and in the process of your PPC bidding.

Failing to analyze conversions

Besides notic­ing what key­words prospec­tive clients respond to, PPC ad mon­i­tor­ing allows you to see how con­sumers respond; when they click on your ad, do they call? email? bounce? Once you under­stand the type of behav­ior your con­sumers are dis­play­ing, you can ana­lyze which lead to client con­ver­sions and incor­po­rate these ad ele­ments in future PPC ad campaigns. 

Bidding and booting

If you invest­ed mon­ey in a stock, would you walk away and trust that one day, you’d see its return? Not if you are a smart investor. You would like­ly check on your stock dai­ly, if not hourly, to under­stand which ele­ments of the mar­ket and what activ­i­ty in periph­er­al indus­tries would affect your stock and prompt you to pull out or invest more. 

It is the same with PPC. The bid­ding process is up and down and con­stant­ly chang­ing as more com­pa­nies com­pete for prized PPC real estate and fac­tors such as geo-tar­get­ing and SEO key­words pop up and fluctuate. 

Once you invest in PPC, you’re in it for the dura­tion of your dol­lars in the bid­ding sphere; pay atten­tion to every detail of the process! 

Should you outsource PPC marketing?

Remem­ber that data is col­lect­ed for you to make sense of and use to your law firm’s advan­tage. Work­ing with an agency that spe­cial­izes in PPC for law firms will help keep your firm on track through­out your PPC mar­ket­ing efforts and to get the high­est return on this adver­tis­ing invest­ment. Reach out to our team at Rosy Strate­gies to learn more and make the most of your PPC cam­paigns today. 

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