Rosy Strategies

How Often Should I Post for my Social Media Campaign

Social media on hand with blue background

Social media mar­ket­ing Mia­mi is a seri­ous busi­ness to be in bed with. Every­body is com­pet­ing, nobody is sleep­ing, and we all want the same results: prod­uct sales and brand loyalty.

One of the many ways that mar­keters stay con­nect­ed with today’s con­sumers is through social media and amongst the many ques­tions exec­u­tives ask, one we hear most con­sis­tent­ly is:

How often should I post for my social media campaign?”

It is an excel­lent ques­tion and one that might vary brand to brand, cam­paign to cam­paign. Let’s look at some tim­ing rules of thumb:

Social Media Mar­ket­ing Tips: Post­ing Frequency

- Con­sis­ten­cy
What­ev­er you do, remain con­sis­tent. Cre­ate a post­ing cal­en­dar before you launch your cam­paign and stick to it, no mat­ter the engage­ment results. Con­sumers notice when you post and how often, and they come to expect it. For exam­ple, if you post ear­ly in the morn­ing, always post ear­ly in the morn­ing- it will become part of your con­sumers’ wak­ing routine.

- Fol­low­er Count
Depend­ing on how many fol­low­ers you have, the strat­e­gy behind fre­quen­cy changes. In gen­er­al, if you have 10K+ fol­low­ers, post twice a day. If you have less, stick to once a day.

Effec­tive social media mar­ket­ing takes time, patience and prac­tice. You are bound to run into tri­al and error, despite the many auto­mat­ed cal­en­dars you pull in for sup­port. That’s okay! We are all learn­ing our way through the ever chang­ing dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion, and there is no bet­ter way to per­fect your own dig­i­tal strat­e­gy than through find­ing out first-hand what works for your brand and (maybe more impor­tant­ly) what doesn’t.

If you want to work with the best social media man­age­ment in Mia­mi, get in touch with our team at Rosy Strate­gies.

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