Rosy Strategies

Small Law Firm Marketing Tips

Small Law Firm Marketing Tips

Mar­ket­ing is essen­tial to your law firm’s suc­cess, espe­cial­ly amidst today’s sat­u­rat­ed and com­pet­i­tive mar­ket. As more firms learn to take charge of their firm’s suc­cess through mar­ket­ing, it becomes even more impor­tant to exe­cute an expert strat­e­gy. Here are a few tips to keep you up to speed on mak­ing the most of your legal marketing. 

2018 Small Law Firm Marketing Tips

Focus on quality content 

Con­tent qual­i­ty is increas­ing­ly impor­tant when it comes to the mar­ket­ing of legal ser­vices. It engages your audi­ence, pro­vides solu­tions and answers to prob­lems and queries; offers a lawyer’s insight on cur­rent events and pleas­es search engines, effec­tive­ly increas­ing your search engine opti­miza­tion (SEO).

Qual­i­ty con­tent relies not only on the qual­i­ty of writ­ing or pro­duc­tion of the video but also on the rel­e­vance, impor­tance and time­li­ness of what is being report­ed on. 

Mix up your media to make the most of the pub­lished con­tent, includ­ing long-form con­tent, pho­to, info­graph­ics and video. To keep up with con­sis­tent con­tent, many law firms out­source their mar­ket­ing efforts to an inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing firm that can pro­duce qual­i­ty con­tent on behalf of your practice. 

Get going on referrals

Refer­ral-based legal clients are high-val­ue, promi­nent prospects and always with­in reach. All you need to do is devise a refer­ral pro­gram that incen­tivizes cur­rent clients, friends or indus­try lead­ers to rec­om­mend their clients, col­leagues and friends to your firm. 

Be spe­cif­ic with the clients you want to attract, reach out to pre­vi­ous clients with incen­tives or news, keep an ongo­ing blog or newslet­ters that main­tain your rel­e­van­cy in the mar­ket and always remind cur­rent clients that you are tak­ing on new busi­ness. The need for a lawyer is con­stant — be the first in line for the top of mind recommendations.

Choose your infrastructure wisely

How you set up your law firm online pres­ence can make or break the suc­cess of your mar­ket­ing invest­ment. Work with a rep­utable dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing team who under­stands your firm’s needs and the cur­rent demands of the mar­ket. Work with­in an infra­struc­ture that you under­stand, is easy to use and with which both you and your clients can interact. 

How much should I spend on marketing infrastructure?

To suc­cess­ful­ly spend for your firm and not against it, a base num­ber to strive for is a min­i­mum of 2.5 per­cent of your gross rev­enue. Mar­ket­ing is a busi­ness tac­tic. It earns you clients, it grows your name, it keeps you run­ning along­side or ahead of the com­pe­ti­tion; mar­ket­ing earns your mon­ey. And as the old adage goes, it takes mon­ey to make mon­ey; so invest in your law firm’s mar­ket­ing like you mean it. 

Get involved with the community

When you become an active voice in your com­mu­ni­ty by sit­ting on boards, belong­ing to orga­ni­za­tions and par­tic­i­pat­ing in com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion pro­grams, you are con­stant­ly seen as the go-to lawyer or law firm in your area. The con­sis­tent repeat of your name and the firm asso­ci­a­tion will help you earn trust and brand recog­ni­tion over time. Com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment also appeals to poten­tial clients, as it shows that you care about the health of the com­mu­ni­ty you live in.

Measure your marketing

Where are you spend­ing mon­ey? If it isn’t mak­ing you mon­ey, or you can­not mea­sure it, don’t con­tin­ue spend­ing. You should be mea­sur­ing all mar­ket­ing cam­paigns month­ly, quar­ter­ly or bi-annu­al­ly to ensure some form of return on invest­ment. If not, it is impos­si­ble to con­tin­ue invest­ing effec­tive­ly or to deter­mine how much more/less to spend in the upcom­ing term.

Work with a plat­form or team whose dash­board or man­agers make it easy to under­stand whom your mar­ket­ing efforts are reach­ing; who in the audi­ence is reach­ing out to you for rep­re­sen­ta­tion; which tac­tics get the most inter­est and which ones get the high­est conversions. 

At the end of the day, your aim is for more clients, so you must con­sis­tent­ly eval­u­ate to deter­mine which mar­ket­ing efforts are help­ing you to achieve this goal. Some­times all it takes is one client to earn your entire year’s mar­ket­ing bud­get back!

Are you ready to pump up your law firm’s mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy? Reach out to Rosy Strate­gies to learn more about our ser­vices and get start­ed today. 


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