Rosy Strategies

5 Expert Tips on Maximizing your Mobile Marketing Strategy

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Before any­thing else, it is impor­tant to point out the fact that right now, mobile mar­ket­ing rep­re­sents one of the newest forms of mar­ket­ing avail­able, yet regard­less of this, it has also grown to be one of the most pop­u­lar meth­ods being used all around the world.

Some of the main ben­e­fits asso­ci­at­ed with mobile mar­ket­ing include the fact that mar­keters can send loca­tion, but also time-sen­si­tive pieces of infor­ma­tion to users, via numer­ous chan­nels includ­ing SMS, push-noti­fi­ca­tions, MMS, Blue­tooth, QR codes, in-app adver­tis­ing and more. There­fore, mar­keters can pro­mote prod­ucts and ser­vices, while also encour­ag­ing peo­ple to pur­chase, estab­lish­ing a form of brand loy­al­ty and increas­ing brand awareness.

With­out fur­ther ado, here are five expert tips that will sure­ly boost your mobile mar­ket­ing strategy:

1. Mak­ing sure that your con­tent is read­able on mobile platforms
Before invest­ing into mobile mar­ket­ing, it is impor­tant to ensure that mobile users can read­i­ly access the con­tent you offer. Which means that brands need to focus on user expe­ri­ence, ease-of-use, and also pro­vide con­tent that users would be inter­est­ed in read­ing. After all, there is no use to allo­cate resources for mobile mar­ket­ing, get some users inter­est­ed, only to then find out that there is noth­ing to read or purchase.

2. Launch­ing a mobile ver­sion of your website
Sites which are being vis­it­ed by mobile users and yet aren’t opti­mized prop­er­ly could dri­ve users away, and even frus­trate them. With this in mind, your mobile web­site should be built in such a way that it keeps up with the evolv­ing tech­nol­o­gy, while also mak­ing sure that it can be accessed from all devices. This doesn’t only mean cre­at­ing a mobile-friend­ly ver­sion of your site but also mak­ing sure that respon­sive design is built in and that all pages are easy to nav­i­gate through.

3. Don’t over­do it
Many com­pa­nies choose to bom­bard their read­ers with adver­tise­ments and push noti­fi­ca­tions in hopes that it will increase the mon­ey flow. Abus­ing of mobile mar­ket­ing can lead to brand rejec­tion and a loss of con­sumers in the long run.

4. Keep things interesting
Nobody wants to see the same ad every time they load up an app, just like any­one wants to receive the same email or text mes­sage on a dai­ly basis. There­fore, upon adver­tis­ing your prod­uct or ser­vice, make sure that you con­tin­u­al­ly cre­ate new ads and con­tent for users to con­sume, or they’ll get bored quickly.

5. Keep up the qual­i­ty of your adver­tise­ments on mobile platforms
Let’s say that you own an iOS game, and would like to pro­mote it through oth­er apps on the App Store. Not an issue, yet don’t show the same video adver­tise­ment on all apps and make sure to change it from time to time.


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