Rosy Strategies

Marketing Ideas for Chiropractors

Becom­ing a chi­ro­prac­tor is a hard-earned career mile­stone that will keep you feel­ing ful­filled through­out your life. You have so much knowl­edge to share with patients in an effort to help them bet­ter their lives. Once you open your prac­tice, you’ll want to spend a major­i­ty of your time doing just that: help­ing patients. But who is there to help with­out effec­tive mar­ket­ing tac­tics that get clients in the door. 

If you’ve only recent­ly opened your chi­ro­prac­tic prac­tice or you are recent­ly fac­ing mar­ket­ing com­pe­ti­tion, you’re like­ly won­der­ing how to get new chi­ro­prac­tic patients. The good news is that there are many ways to get new clients in the door who can expe­ri­ence your wealth of knowl­edge and skill set and who can act as exten­sions of your mar­ket­ing by spread­ing the word about your prac­tice to fam­i­ly, friends, col­leagues and acquaintances. 

Our team at Rosy Strate­gies has com­piled a list of the most effec­tive mar­ket­ing strate­gies for chi­ro­prac­tors. Take a look at the list below and see which idea jive with the ener­gy and focus of your prac­tice. If you have any ques­tions or need guid­ance in exe­cu­tion, let us know! We’re here to help. 

Here are some marketing ideas for chiropractors:

Become an authoritative voice for chiropractors

If you are the go-to author­i­ty for all chi­ro­prac­tic mat­ters in your com­mu­ni­ty, who do you think patients will opt to see when they find them­selves in need of a chi­ro­prac­tor? Make your­self a source of author­i­ty by offer­ing lec­tures, shar­ing news and opin­ions through LinkedIn, writ­ing pieces for rep­utable pub­li­ca­tions and influ­encers and shar­ing free con­tent for clients and non-clients on your website. 

Create an online community

Don’t let the expe­ri­ence fade once patients leave your office. Extend the patient care through an online com­mu­ni­ty. Offer advice, health tips, video tuto­ri­als and links to inter­est­ing devel­op­ments. Encour­age engage­ment, com­ment­ing and dia­logue amongst mem­bers to keep the com­mu­ni­ty active.


Create a real-life community

Can you offer stim­u­lat­ing lec­tures or din­ners to clients or com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers? Offer free events or spear­head med­ical-focused activ­i­ties to keep clients engaged and your com­mu­ni­ty active­ly learn­ing about the impor­tance of holis­tic health. 

Develop a health/spine-center Pinterest board

As online searchers look for insight on holis­tic health or tips for bet­ter pos­ture, make it easy for them to engage with lists and dia­grams. As you board cul­ti­vates a fol­low­ing, it will increase the like­li­hood of gen­er­at­ing new clients. 

Begin a referral program

Word of mouth mar­ket­ing is the strongest mar­ket­ing for chi­ro­prac­tors. Encour­age cur­rent patients to refer their friends and fam­i­ly by offer­ing refer­ral pro­gram incen­tives. Con­sid­er free ser­vices or dis­counts on future visits. 

Make each visit an experience 

While patients are wait­ing for their appoint­ment, offer lim­it­ed-assis­tance activ­i­ties such as heat­ing or cool­ing pads or pro­vide a pletho­ra of dynam­ic edu­ca­tion­al mate­r­i­al with which patients can engage. 

Get mobile

Make your prac­tice acces­si­ble by mobile, opti­mal­ly by cre­at­ing an app. Patients and non-patients can reap the ben­e­fits of your edu­ca­tion, cre­ate an online com­mu­ni­ty and fall into deep trust with your prac­tice as their pre­ferred chi­ro­prac­tic office. 

Offer free screenings

Free screen­ings get patients in the door with min­i­mal effort and imme­di­ate­ly mark you as their pre­ferred chi­ro­prac­tor. Offer­ing free screen­ings also reflects your good nature and will to serve the com­mu­ni­ty around you. 

Rosy Strategies

To learn more about the most effec­tive mar­ket­ing strate­gies for attract­ing new patients to your chi­ro­prac­tic prac­tice, reach out to Rosy Strate­gies. Our expert mar­keters will see to it that your prac­tice uses chi­ro­prac­tic ads that work so your brand gets the atten­tion it deserves so that more patients get the chi­ro­prac­tic care they deserve. 

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