Rosy Strategies

Knowing These 7 Secrets will Make Your PPC Campaigns Amazing

Knowing These 7 Secrets will Make Your PPC Campaigns Amazing

SOURCE: Web News and Updates

Look­ing for PPC tips and tricks to take your paid cam­paigns to the next level?

I’m going to share my uni­corn secrets for improv­ing paid cam­paigns, and you can use them for Face­book ads, search ads, native ads, and more.

All these hacks are total­ly above board and easy to imple­ment, yet most cam­paign man­agers aren’t tak­ing advan­tage of them.

2019 PPC Strategies

Dis­cov­er my sev­en best PPC strate­gies to use in 2019 for max­i­mum impact and get ahead of your competition.

1. Remarket by Your Long-Tail Keywords

Remar­ket­ing is the secret sauce in online mar­ket­ing, since repeat cus­tomers give more val­ue. A good way to do that is to fol­low your long-tail-key­word queries in every remar­ket­ing plat­form. Do this by cre­at­ing a list of retar­get­ing users per ad group sub­ject by using the UTM para­me­ter. You can also take it to the next lev­el by using looka­likes, which is start­ing to catch on nowadays.

It lets you tar­get sim­i­lar audi­ences, thus extend­ing your remar­ket­ing to a new audience.

2. Reverse Engineer Your Conversion Funnel

A lot of online mar­keters like to say that they save clicks so users con­vert faster. The think­ing is, the faster you get them through your fun­nel, the more you get to convert.

But a lot of times, increas­ing the time you get peo­ple engaged with your ads can do the same. The key here is to reverse engi­neer your con­ver­sion fun­nel so you know what actu­al­ly works. You may find that adding some­thing extra to one part of the fun­nel may increase con­ver­sions. For exam­ple, adding a demo or inter­ac­tive pre­view for your prod­uct can con­vince them to buy.

There­fore, push­ing them to con­vert as soon as pos­si­ble may not always be the best solution.

3. Use the Inverted Unicorn Tactic

Reg­u­lar ad tar­get­ing is basi­cal­ly cast­ing a nar­row net to max­i­mize engage­ment rates. That’s the usu­al tar­get­ing of a par­tic­u­lar demo­graph­ic or niche to bring them in.

How­ev­er, the “Invert­ed Uni­corn” includes two oth­er com­plete­ly unre­lat­ed inter­ests in tar­get­ing. From that, who­ev­er may hap­pen to also be a part of your actu­al tar­gets may be brought in.

You can also use those seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed inter­ests in cus­tomiz­ing your ads. They can add more dimen­sions to your ads, mak­ing them stand out and seem more compelling.

Such ads would actu­al­ly have remark­ably low costs due to unusu­al­ly high engage­ment rates.

4. Go All-in on Messenger Marketing

This may sound crazy, but I say you shouldn’t both­er with the News Feed or land­ing pages. Mes­sen­ger mar­ket­ing is the way to go. This is a spe­cial­ty of my com­pa­ny, MobileMonkey.

It has been proven that Mes­sen­ger mar­ket­ing is 10–80 times bet­ter than email or the News Feed. With a Mes­sen­ger blast, you can get 70–80 per­cent open rates in the first 60 minutes.

You should focus on the method that works a lot bet­ter, even if the oth­ers used to work well.

5. Have a Unicorn Slush Fund

Tra­di­tion­al­ly, adver­tis­ers would have a month­ly PPC bud­get allo­cat­ed for their ads. They would put up their ads as sched­uled and see how well they per­formed. While it’s the com­mon method, it can be lim­it­ing, as it doesn’t allow for react­ing to trends.

But with a uni­corn slush fund, you can come up with ads when some­thing viral comes along. If the ad you come up with is so good that it’s sure to work, then you use the funds to run it.

Hav­ing this lee­way can poten­tial­ly let you get more results out of your ad campaigns.

6. Turn Off Audience Network in Facebook Ads

By turn­ing off Audi­ence Net­work, you can elim­i­nate up to 90 per­cent of click fraud from sketchy sites. You’ll be able to see them on both Face­book and Dis­play Net­work on Google AdWords.

Say no to man­aged place­ments on Google Dis­play Net­work to save your­self from headaches. While you can exclude those sites from your reports, it’ll take too much time to exclude them all.

This hack gets rid of a vast major­i­ty of them from your Face­book ads in just one click.

7. Create and Advertise Off-Topic Content to Build Brand Bias

New vis­i­tors tend to have low brand affin­i­ty, while repeat vis­i­tors tend to have high brand affin­i­ty. Brand affin­i­ty dra­mat­i­cal­ly impacts click-through rates, and lat­er, con­ver­sion rates. When you remar­ket, you only tar­get the small chunk of peo­ple who are famil­iar with your brand.

The goal, then, is to make that small chunk much big­ger and do it cheap­ly. That’s why I ded­i­cate at least 20 per­cent of my resources into cre­at­ing off-top­ic con­tent. It’s like my invert­ed uni­corn ad tar­get­ing method, but with con­tent mar­ket­ing. Vis­i­tors form more brand affin­i­ty and bias as I pro­vide more val­ue to them with my content.

Lat­er, when they’re think­ing of get­ting a chat­bot or PPC mar­ket­ing soft­ware, they’ll think of my company.

There you have it: my top PPC tips and tricks. Take these PPC strate­gies and use them in your own campaigns.

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