Rosy Strategies

How to Write an Effective Ad Copy

PPC advertising is most effective when ad copy is compelling and substantial.

AdWords have made mass com­mu­ni­ca­tion easy and effi­cient for com­pa­nies of any size, but the fruit­ful­ness of PPC mar­ket­ing is con­tin­gent on the strength of ad copy and the land­ing page.


Copy needs to be exact­ly as long as is nec­es­sary. For the most part, Google AdWords allows the com­bined head­line of an ad to be 60 char­ac­ters long and the descrip­tion is lim­it­ed to 80 char­ac­ters. Get the point across con­cise­ly, but don’t skimp out on valu­able, rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion just to keep copy brief.

When con­sid­er­ing the jus­ti­fi­ca­tions of length, stay mind­ful of prod­uct invest­ment. If you are ask­ing your read­ers or view­ers for a rel­a­tive­ly small invest­ment, you prob­a­bly don’t need to over­whelm them with infor­ma­tion and lengthy con­tent. If the invest­ment for which you are ask­ing is more sig­nif­i­cant, you might want to pro­vide more insight, expla­na­tion and proven success.

Target Audience

You are always writ­ing for your tar­get audi­ence. What does your tar­get want to hear? What do they need to hear to bet­ter under­stand and buy the ser­vice or prod­uct? Engage with the audi­ence in a way that shows how well you’ve researched their wants, their desires, their needs, and dreams. Can you appeal to them by involv­ing periph­ery aspects of their lives?

Main Idea

You have a lot to share, there is no doubt about it. But nev­er empha­size more than one main idea per ad. If there is more than one main idea, then make two ads; two instances for com­pelling copy. If you include anec­do­tal con­tent in your copy, be entire­ly pos­i­tive that it fits with the sto­ry with­out dis­tract­ing the audi­ence from what is impor­tant. One idea at a time will keep con­sumers focused and atten­tive to your pitch.

PPC Management

A pro­fes­sion­al team or con­sul­tant is often your best bet when it comes to effec­tive­ly writ­ing and shar­ing ad copy. PPC man­age­ment ensures that your copy is pre­sent­ed effec­tive­ly and in a man­ner that appeals to your tar­get consumer.

Localize Ads

Make ads local, rel­e­vant and time­ly. Adding a timer and local­ized empha­sis can sig­nif­i­cant­ly encour­age view­ers to click through and to pur­chase. Diver­si­fy based on region and take advan­tage of local­iz­ing capabilities.


Before sit­ting down to cre­ate engag­ing, com­pelling copy, iden­ti­fy your goal. Are you gen­er­at­ing traf­fic to a new page? Har­ness­ing new num­bers for a newslet­ter? Gen­er­at­ing sales? From here, approach your copy com­po­si­tion with the object as the axis of cre­ation. Every line should cohe­sive­ly tie the con­sumer back to your inten­tion behind the copy and ulti­mate­ly, to your end­ing call-to-action.


Your copy is effec­tive­ly promis­ing some ben­e­fit to the con­sumer, right? Explain how this ben­e­fit direct­ly impacts the lives of your con­sumers. Based on your research of their dai­ly indul­gences and long-term desires, how does this ben­e­fit enrich their lives? Be spe­cif­ic and compelling.

Less Fluff

Fluff is only nec­es­sary when falling, which will assume you are not when writ­ing copy. Keep posts con­cise. Pro­vide the rel­e­vant, nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion. Explain why con­sumers need your goods or ser­vice. Why they need you. Why your prod­uct will change their lives and for the better.

Are you ready to invest in PPC man­age­ment ser­vices? To bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate with prospec­tive con­sumers and clients? Reach out to our team at Rosy Strate­gies, a pro­gres­sive mar­ket­ing and PPC com­pa­ny in Mia­mi. We will work with you to deter­mine your strategy’s nec­es­sary points of evo­lu­tion and get you set up to achieve your high­est poten­tial through online marketing.

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