Rosy Strategies

How to Create Video Content That Is Great for SEO

How to Create Video Content That Is Great for SEO

Are you won­der­ing how to make a video for your web­site? While I can’t walk you through tech­ni­cal pro­duc­tion, I can walk you through the mar­ket­ing essen­tials of devel­op­ing a video that con­sumers want to watch, pay atten­tion to, share with their friends and then book­mark your page for more content. 

Opti­miz­ing your video or SEO and mar­ket­ing will gen­er­ate high­er search results, earn more view­ers, lead to more con­ver­sions, devel­op a strong video brand pres­ence and ulti­mate­ly, lead to more sales. 

Let’s look at the steps not to over­look when thread­ing your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy through­out video pro­duc­tion.

How to Boost Video Optimization for SEO 

Pay attention to keywords

The key­words you include in your video mat­ter. Depend­ing on your online mar­ket­ing and SEO strat­e­gy, you might first want to find key­words that your tar­get audi­ence is search­ing and build a video around them. You should also build the video con­cept you want to share first, and then research the topic’s pop­u­lar search terms and include them from there. 

How many keywords should I use?

Aim to use between five and six key­words per video post. 

Where should I use keywords in my video?

You can use key­words in your video descrip­tions, title and tags. 

Set a realistic call to action

Not every video can prompt con­sumers to con­sump­tion. Start with some­thing basic such as hav­ing them sign up for an email list or to get the next list of tips.

Switch your perspective for your title

Wor­ry less about being catchy and clever and more about telling con­sumers exact­ly what your video offers. While a catchy title can grab their atten­tion, they will be quick to write you off when twen­ty sec­onds or two min­utes in, your video fails to deliv­er on its title’s promise. 

Incor­po­rate keyword(s) if pos­si­ble and be your­self! You might start to title videos sim­i­lar­ly to one anoth­er, giv­ing con­sumers anoth­er thread of con­sis­ten­cy in expe­ri­enc­ing your media or a title they can rec­og­nize in a reel of films and choose to select amongst the com­pe­ti­tion. Think about being the con­sumer, what do you want in a title?

Screenshot important video clips to share online

Try screen grab­bing some clips on your video and pub­lish­ing them on your blog, web­site or anoth­er social out­let with typed expla­na­tions or tran­scrip­tions. If you need to bela­bor a point, do so by mix­ing the media and turn­ing it into a slideshow or an online pre­sen­ta­tion so your con­sumers don’t get bored. 

Share socially and through existing marketing channels

Once you cre­ate a qual­i­ty and mem­o­rable video, it is not time to pack up the show! Instead, look at the media you’ve pro­duced and deter­mine a few addi­tion­al ways you can share it with con­sumers. Can you tran­scribe the audio and pro­duce a blog? Can you include the video in your next week­ly email? Can you use it as a social media post? Be cre­ative and abun­dant with the ways you spread your video.

Work with influencers

Before get­ting start­ed on the pro­duc­tion of your video, think of the busi­ness you can part­ner with or influ­encers who might be will­ing to help spread the world about (or star in!) your video. 

Video is increas­ing­ly one of the most impor­tant mar­ket­ing tools in busi­ness as this form of con­tent is now a consumer’s top choice for media con­sump­tion. To learn more about get­ting your videos to the top of Google’s search rank­ings for your tar­get audi­ence, reach out to our team at Rosy Strate­gies and start pro­duc­ing your best work, now!

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