Rosy Strategies

Sarcasm aside, how strict PPC advertiser policies may actually benefit us

PPC policies Rosy

Con­trib­u­tor Andrew Good­man sug­gests we may not like the way Google man­ages the AdWords pro­gram, but any­thing less and the SERPs and adver­tis­ing ecosys­tem would have implod­ed long ago.

Around the pay-per-click (PPC) water cool­er, it’s been whis­pered that Google just might be out for its own finan­cial self-inter­est. (Shhh! Don’t tell!)

That Google search is an utter­ly dom­i­nant and indis­pens­able source of high-qual­i­ty, high-intent paid search traf­fic makes it impos­si­ble to do any­thing but max­i­mize our spend in this chan­nel, of course. But many of us rou­tine­ly do so with a sus­pi­cious mind. We wor­ry, among oth­er things, that the inter­face and the ter­mi­nol­o­gy asso­ci­at­ed with Google AdWords is “tricky,” all part of a dron­ing nar­ra­tive bent on dri­ving up cost-per-click (CPC).

Frankly, that’s a giv­en. But if we move past that, what insights might we gain?

Google Guvernment

Over the years, I’ve nick­named Google “The Guvern­ment” (which was the name of a pop­u­lar for­mer night­club in Toronto’s East Water­front area) and dubbed them the “Sher­iff” — for what some­times appear to be quite detailed and heavy-hand­ed poli­cies impact­ing pay­ing advertisers.

This may strike you as sar­cas­tic (Sar­casm gets us through the day no less effec­tive­ly than it did for Flo on Mel’s Din­er), but if you lean in a bit, you’ll also detect a note of admiration.

Google is self-inter­est­ed, but they’ve got the goods. And they’re unique­ly con­sci­en­tious in many ways. One hol­i­day sea­son, a Christ­mas gift from one of those “alter­na­tive” sources of PPC arrived ear­ly in the New Year at my home, sent from an address in upstate New York. Why was the pack­age so slow? Well, for starters, it was tick­ing. You guessed it: a clock. My long-suf­fer­ing col­league (we’ll call him D) didn’t miss a beat:

Every tick rep­re­sents a fraud­u­lent click.

Google’s nothing like that

Maybe it’s time to dial up the admi­ra­tion lev­el, or at least focus on under­stand­ing what makes Google so unusu­al and spe­cial as a self-imposed reg­u­la­tor of mat­ters that it could eas­i­ly remain agnos­tic about. In what appears to be a mas­sive para­dox, Google has made a busi­ness of not glibly tak­ing mon­ey from bor­der­line busi­ness mod­els that car­ry too much bag­gage or threat of illegality.

That being said, Google has also had laps­es in this area, includ­ing some high-pro­file cas­es in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals field. To get into specifics, here’s a sum­ma­ry of some of the many ways Google reg­u­lates adver­tis­ers and the over­all adver­tis­ing environment.

Flaws, fits and fighting

Cer­tain­ly, there remain many flaws in Google’s process­es. Many of us are pained by ad dis­ap­provals for one or two ads in an ad group that refer not to these ads, but to the busi­ness mod­el of the entire site. If 99 per­cent of the ads in an account for an innocu­ous prod­uct line are approved and harm­less, it’s impos­si­ble that vir­tu­al­ly iden­ti­cal ads for the same com­pa­ny are ban-worthy.

Such all-too-com­mon glitch­es give us fits. Google’s many false pos­i­tives, one might be told, are the result of a “well, you can’t be too care­ful” atti­tude. But it appears that far too many pol­i­cy vio­la­tors and char­la­tans are per­mit­ted to open AdWords accounts in the first place. The sys­tem and the pro­to­cols are quite open (though far less so than with organ­ic search), so the men­tal­i­ty of “always fight­ing spam­mers” seems to do a dis­ser­vice to rep­utable adver­tis­ers and their sig­nif­i­cant non-laun­dered monies.

This is the key­word adver­tis­ing ecosys­tem today, but it feels unsta­ble and uncom­fort­able much of the time.

Do more they should

Yet I can’t think of any com­pa­ny oth­er than Google that would have had the fore­sight to stay so far ahead of what often appear to be debat­able issues of con­sumer pro­tec­tion and intra-adver­tis­er fair­ness. They could do even more; per­haps they should.

And they’ve done this while diver­si­fy­ing and grow­ing ad pro­grams in a com­plex envi­ron­ment with lit­er­al­ly mil­lions of adver­tis­ers. Think of where we might be had Google not pushed for high stan­dards of the types out­lined above.

If any­thing, we should be expect­ing more, not less, scruti­ny from Nan­ny Google. It may not always feel that it’s in our best inter­est, and some­times it’s more self-serv­ing than Google lets on.

But the alter­na­tive feels worse. Under a less firm hand, the SERPs and adver­tis­ing ecosys­tem may well have implod­ed long ago. Nan­ny Google may be tough, but she lets us live in her house. And it’s a big, sun­ny house indeed.



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