Rosy Strategies

16 Lawyers Share Their Best Law Firm Marketing Tips

Business lawyer working hard at office desk workplace with book and documents

You want to get more clients. You’ve heard online mar­ket­ing works, but you’re not sure where to start. Between Google, Face­book, PPC, SEO, and online reviews, there’s a lot to consider—and there are plen­ty of con­sul­tants who will claim that their solu­tion is best.

How do you know what law firm mar­ket­ing tac­tics will work for you? How do you know what to invest in and what to ignore?

Ask­ing oth­er lawyers what’s worked for them is a great place to start. That’s exact­ly what Jonathan Schmidt of Nazette, Marn­er, Nathanson & Shea, LLP did, via a dis­cus­sion in Clio’s Advo­cates com­mu­ni­ty. He asked:

I’m curi­ous to know what every­one thinks is important/essential for online mar­ket­ing … What do you do? How effec­tive has it been? Are there oth­er things that you have done that have improved your organ­ic traffic/leads?
Plen­ty of lawyers have respond­ed with accounts of what worked and what didn’t for their firms.

With per­mis­sion, we’ve repub­lished a few of their respons­es here in the form of tips you can use for your law firm. We hope you find them useful.

1. Take advan­tage of free law firm mar­ket­ing options

I think you should max­i­mize your free mar­ket­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties before spend­ing a lot of mon­ey on mar­ket­ing. For exam­ple, claim­ing your list­ings, get­ting a 10.0 Avvo rat­ing, etc.”

– Heather Megli­no, Man­ag­ing Part­ner and Own­er at Megli­no Morse Law

2. Posi­tion your­self as a thought leader

For us, (and I work in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing as well as law) it’s all about inter­nal and exter­nal SEO, and inbound mar­ket­ing. The con­tent (whether it’s videos on your site, month­ly newslet­ters, etc.) will depend on your ideal/target clients. Set­ting your­self up as a sub­ject mat­ter expert through inbound is the most cost-effec­tive lead gen­er­a­tion tool out there!”

– Mandy Wood­land, Own­er at Mandy Wood­land Law, PLC Inc.

3. Cre­ate edu­ca­tion­al con­tent and pro­mote it in the right places

For our law firm, we have found that we gain the most trac­tion through writ­ing time­ly edu­ca­tion­al arti­cles about estate plan­ning-relat­ed issues. While we post these arti­cles to our firm’s web­site and social media sites, we have found the most imme­di­ate results from post­ing to LinkedIn.”

– Matthew J. Tuller, Prin­ci­pal Attor­ney and Own­er at the Law Office of Matthew J. Tuller

4. Build mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships with clients

We are locat­ed in a very small, con­ser­v­a­tive resort town. Busi­ness is still based on relationships—who you know and how you are per­ceived as con­tribut­ing to the com­mu­ni­ty. A web­site is essen­tial for cred­i­bil­i­ty and gen­er­al info, but net­work­ing and rela­tion­ships are key.

It will be inter­est­ing to see how this changes as the cur­rent face-to-face gen­er­a­tion phas­es out and the face-to-phone gen­er­a­tion phas­es in.”

– Karen Klukiewicz, COO at Patrick Neale & Associates

5. Focus on secur­ing referrals

I have a refer­ral-based prac­tice. It’s impor­tant that my web­site be mod­ern, clean, and work on both desk­top and mobile.”

– Danielle Hunt­ley, Prin­ci­pal at Hunt­ley Inc.

We do a lot of cross refer­rals and have a very strong refer­ral net­work. We also blog, speak at sym­po­siums, teach, and are reg­u­lar guests on talk radio.”

– Leslie Lelii, Office Man­ag­er at Vir­tus Law, PLLC

6. Take steps to mul­ti­ply your referrals

[T]ry to cat­e­go­rize the best groups your refer­rals come from and hone in on them. Devel­op rela­tion­ships with your refer­ral sources. Reach out, thank them, rec­og­nize their con­tri­bu­tions. The refer­rals will not only keep com­ing, but will multiply.”

– Sean Robichaud, Lead Coun­sel at Robichaud’s

7. Don’t under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of word-of-mouth

The best mar­ket­ing is word-of-mouth. I still get about half of my clients from word-of-mouth. Past clients are the best source of get­ting new clients!”

– Jonathan G. Stein, own­er, Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

8. Pri­or­i­tize online reviews

Our paid and free pro­files on Avvo actu­al­ly seem to be the best return on invest­ment, com­bined with the intense lev­el of effort that we have put into build­ing our web­site and newslet­ters into a real library of resources for peo­ple who are try­ing to learn more about estate plan­ning. SEO of our web­site and mak­ing sure the many, many, many direc­to­ries that are out there have accu­rate list­ings for us seem to be the next most use­ful steps.

We have been blessed with a ton of great reviews, and I hear all the time that the reviews were one rea­son even peo­ple who were actu­al­ly referred by anoth­er client or a pro­fes­sion­al advis­er made their appointments.”

– Loraine DiS­al­vo, Part­ner at Mor­gan & DiS­al­vo, P.C.

My free pro­file with Avvo has … been a tru­ly great mar­ket­ing tool. I have received so many inquiries for legal help and many have become clients. I also uti­lize a strong refer­ral net­work, and I am very involved in my state and local bar asso­ci­a­tions as well as the ABA where I have speak­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. I’m still work­ing on my website.”

– Kari Petrasek, Attor­ney at Petrasek Law, PLLC

9. Claim your pres­ence online, but also focus on your community

I do every­thing I can to claim my online pres­ence with web­sites, direc­to­ries, and assort­ed pro­files. I do get sev­er­al calls from hav­ing a good Avvo pro­file and a pre­mi­um (paid) profile.

Oth­er­wise, I pay lit­tle for adver­tis­ing. We instead cul­ti­vate a good rep­u­ta­tion in the com­mu­ni­ty by sponsoring/supporting com­mu­ni­ty events and orga­ni­za­tions, per­son­al­ly net­work­ing with­in the com­mu­ni­ty, and send­ing care pack­ages to refer­ral sources and oth­ers who seek to help us. We try to be very gen­uine in our approach and it has always worked for us.”

– Ruth Gold­ner, Attor­ney & Coun­selor at Gold­ner Deeg PLLC

10. Build a qual­i­ty web­site that con­vinces vis­i­tors to choose you

I’ve found that the best leads come straight from my web­site. Peo­ple Google “Kingston crim­i­nal defence lawyer” and I come up in the top three results. I think I have a good web­site com­pared to the oth­er peo­ple who also come up on the first page and it draws peo­ple in to con­tact me. By this time they’ve already checked me out and, I think, like what they’ve seen. I’ve found these clients are easy to land, even on the first phone call, with no fol­low up.

I’ve found that refer­rals from lead gen­er­at­ing sites are less com­mit­ted. They’re often shop­ping around or are just look­ing for free legal advice, it seems.”

– Simon Borys, Prin­ci­pal lawyer at Simon Borys

11. Invest in SEO …

For online mar­ket­ing there are two pri­ma­ry prin­ci­ples: Have a valu­able web­site, and cre­ate valu­able con­tent. If you demon­strate your val­ue instead of describ­ing it, poten­tial clients will flock to you.

At our firm, Palace Law, we have tak­en steps to build our inter­nal SEO and exter­nal SEO. We have videos on our web­site intro­duc­ing who we are and offer­ing free infor­ma­tion to poten­tial clients. The lat­ter (often called freemi­um ser­vices) is one of the most impor­tant things lawyers can do. Offer up valu­able infor­ma­tion to poten­tial clients for free, form con­tracts, legal research, and instruc­tion­al videos, and you’ll find that this not only increas­es your SEO, but also draws in a lot of clients. We also adver­tise and main­tain pro­files on paid and free sites.

– Jor­dan Couch, Attor­ney at Palace Law

12. … But know that it’s a long game

I like SEO mar­ket­ing, in that it helps keep you top of mind for peo­ple for when they need you, but I find the issue with that is timing.

Peo­ple only retain a lawyer when they need a lawyer. [Legal ser­vices are] not an impulse buy item. So unless your SEO mar­ket­ing is catch­ing [poten­tial clients] just when they need you, it doesn’t seem to gen­er­ate a lot of imme­di­ate, direct ROI.

I think when peo­ple need a lawyer, they either think of you because you’re top of mind because of your pre­vi­ous SEO mar­ket­ing, or they just Google you, which is why I think my web­site is the best tool.”

– Simon Borys, Prin­ci­pal lawyer at Simon Borys

13. Tar­get local prospects with dig­i­tal ad campaigns

Our firm is cur­rent­ly run­ning a Google Ad cam­paign for our sur­round­ing counties—any time some­one per­forms a Google search for fam­i­ly law attor­neys in our coun­ty, they see our web­site. It has pro­duced a huge surge in new client intakes.”

– Ebony Ander­son, Para­le­gal at McCabe Russell

14. Try QR codes

One fun thing we have had suc­cess with is run­ning tra­di­tion­al print ads with scannable QR Codes [that lead] to our web­site … After each of our ads, we always seem to get busi­ness through the QR link.”

– Seth Kruse, Asso­ciate Attor­ney at Kasper & Asso­ciates, PLLC

15. Get onto social media

Social media mar­ket­ing is the future for lawyers. Most peo­ple per­form research on their smart­phones. I get one to two sig­nif­i­cant cas­es per year from paid mar­ket­ing efforts on Face­book for a min­i­mal investment.”

– Bar­ry Walk­er, Man­ag­ing Part­ner at Walk­er Law

16. Con­sid­er your prac­tice area

[Ques­tions about mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy] real­ly can’t be answered mean­ing­ful­ly with­out know­ing what areas you prac­tice in, and with­out think­ing about how your clients find lawyers. My prac­tice is lim­it­ed to rep­re­sent­ing oth­er lawyers—90% or more of my busi­ness comes from refer­rals. A good web­site, occa­sion­al blog­ging, some Twit­ter use—these may be help­ful, but you still need to dif­fer­en­ti­ate your­self from all the oth­er lawyers buy­ing Adwords, send­ing out email newslet­ters, etc. What works for a lawyer in one prac­tice area may not work for some­one with a dif­fer­ent practice.”

– Eric Coop­er­stein, Attor­ney at the Law Office of Eric T. Coop­er­stein, PLLC

When it comes to law firm mar­ket­ing, find what works for you

Invest­ing in mar­ket­ing can get your law firm plen­ty of new clients—but it needs to be done right. Con­sid­er your prac­tice area and your clients, and what works best for them (and you) before spend­ing your time and mon­ey on any law firm mar­ket­ing efforts.

To con­clude, here are a few over­ar­ch­ing themes from everyone’s advice above:


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