Rosy Strategies

8 Social Media Marketing Myths Busted

digital marketing campaign tips Rosy

There is no doubt that social media has evolved from being “nice to have” to full-fledged dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tool in its own right. And it seems like these plat­forms are far from fad­ing out any­time soon. With 98% of dig­i­tal con­sumers hav­ing accounts on social media, it is evi­dent that social media is at an all-time high. There­fore, it is only imper­a­tive for busi­ness­es to ride the wave and make the most of social media while the inter­est of peo­ple is still there.

How­ev­er, while social media has helped indus­tries and busi­ness­es thrive, it can quick­ly turn any busi­ness from great to awful. One of the pit­falls of this strat­e­gy is the very strength it pos­sess­es: It is every­where. This is why many novice busi­ness own­ers think that social media is all pow­er­ful, flaw­less, and can be used in any ways they want.

Like oth­er dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing ini­tia­tives, social media mar­ket­ing is not a mag­ic pill that pro­vides overnight suc­cess. In order to max­i­mize its full poten­tial, you must get famil­iar with com­mon mis­con­cep­tions which might cause you to use this strat­e­gy in your busi­ness inappropriately.

So, what are the myths about social media mar­ket­ing, and why should you ignore them? To give you a hint, here are the key take­aways from the info­graph­ic below from CJG Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing, which details the top social media mar­ket­ing myths that you should become famil­iar with – and ban­ish from your own thinking:

Learn more why believ­ing in these myths might kill your busi­ness by check­ing out the info­graph­ic below.



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