Rosy Strategies

3 Ways to Leverage Pinterest Marketing this Holiday Season

Pinterest marketing ExecDigi

Tis the sea­son to improve your Pin­ter­est strat­e­gy! The social media out­let is a great resource for mar­keters year-round, but it’s espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar dur­ing the hol­i­day season.

In fact, there are cur­rent­ly more than 604 mil­lion hol­i­day-relat­ed pins on Pin­ter­est, as well as  244 mil­lion gift-relat­ed pins, accord­ing to the com­pa­ny’s busi­ness blog. Plus, there are more than 65 mil­lion peo­ple fol­low­ing boards with hol­i­day or gift pins.

With hol­i­day pin­ning so pop­u­lar, it’s the per­fect time of year to take your Pin­ter­est game to the next lev­el. Not sure how to take advan­tage of the net­work? Don’t wor­ry; Pin­ter­est has some help­ful hints to get you pin­ning up a storm.

Accord­ing to Pin­ter­est’s blog, there are three things to keep in mind. First, know that it’s not all about hol­i­day shop­ping. Sec­ond, make sure that while you’re cre­at­ing new boards, you’re not neglect­ing your old ones. And third, don’t focus your atten­tion sole­ly on aes­thet­ics — make your pins have a call to action, too.

While Pin­ter­est serves as a sol­id wish list for mil­lions of peo­ple, don’t for­get that the hol­i­days aren’t just about sales and crowd­ed aisles,” wrote Kevin Knight, Pin­ter­est’s cre­ative and brand strate­gist. “Think about the oth­er things that make up this time of year—travel, food, catch­ing up on read­ing and your favorite shows, and lots (and lots) of fam­i­ly time.”

Brands also can take advan­tage of Pin­ter­est in sev­er­al ways that don’t involve pin­ning items to cre­ate gift guides. Knight had a few suggestions:

It can be tempt­ing to cre­ate and pin to brand-new sea­son­al boards dur­ing the hol­i­days, but for­get­ting about your old ones is a big mis­take. Why? Because they already have fol­low­ers. Keep in mind that some pin­ners may fol­low your account, but oth­ers may fol­low your indi­vid­ual boards and could miss out on your new posts.

A win­ter sweater can go in a spe­cial sea­son­al board, but don’t for­get to add it to your exist­ing wom­en’s fash­ion board, too,” Knight wrote.

Pin hol­i­day items to mul­ti­ple boards, and you’ll appear in the home feed of every pin­ner who fol­lows one of those boards,” Knight added.

And while the inspi­ra­tional imagery is great to share around the hol­i­days, Knight also not­ed that win­ter is gen­er­al­ly a time of reflec­tion and plan­ning for the New Year — mean­ing many peo­ple are look­ing for new projects to try. For this rea­son, mix­ing inspi­ra­tional pins with action­able pins is a great way to reach a wider audience.

Most impor­tant­ly, make sure that when you’re pin­ning, you’re adding descrip­tions to your pins and your boards to include hol­i­day-relat­ed key­words. This, Knight wrote, makes your pins more dis­cov­er­able to pin­ners who use Pin­ter­est’s Guid­ed Search.



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