Rosy Strategies

5 Reasons Why You Need a Ghostwriter

content writing Rosy

Any C‑level execs who say writ­ing is a sim­ple task are full of themselves.

Some writ­ers may cre­ate drafts quick­er than oth­ers, but most of the time when this hap­pens the writ­ing qual­i­ty suf­fers. And when qual­i­ty suf­fers, so does the messaging.

What’s the point of cre­at­ing con­tent if peo­ple can’t relate, espe­cial­ly on an emo­tion­al level?

And, more impor­tant­ly, what does slop­py writ­ing say about a com­pa­ny, or that “quick writ­ing” leader’s thought process?

Get­ting thoughts down clear­ly in writ­ing is dif­fi­cult. When lead­ers strug­gle with the writ­ten word, it’s then up to the mar­ket­ing or sales depart­ments to trans­late a company’s mes­sages to the public.

And the mes­sages should come direct­ly from the upper tier members.

The voic­es that prospects want to hear from are at the top of the food chain – the founders, pres­i­dents, and C‑level executives.

Some com­pa­nies have a writer with two decades of expe­ri­ence on staff, but this usu­al­ly isn’t the case.

So what’s the sim­plest solu­tion when you don’t have a skilled writer on staff?

Hire a ghostwriter.

Not just any Joe Schmo. You want a ghost­writer with experience.

The ben­e­fits of ghost­writ­ing are many.

I’ve been ghost­writ­ing for mul­ti­ple com­pa­ny lead­ers for a decade now across var­i­ous indus­tries, and have writ­ten 500+ arti­cles in pub­li­ca­tions includ­ing Forbes, Inc., and TechCrunch.

I’ve also trained this dis­ci­pline to mul­ti­ple mem­bers of my agency’s remote work­force, show­ing writ­ers how to not only speak in the voice of a client, but help build upon that voice.

Some of my clients have attrib­uted my work for seal­ing invest­ment deals, earn­ing new busi­ness, and even get­ting acquired. These exec­u­tives – all under strict NDAs, which is a must for ghost­writ­ing suc­cess – were able to per­son­al­ly point to their bylined arti­cles that I ghost­wrote, and imme­di­ate­ly estab­lish social proof.

Remem­ber: we’re not focus­ing on the typ­i­cal idea of a ghost­writer that is com­mon with­in the book-pub­lish­ing indus­try; we’re focus­ing on the ghost­writ­ers for any type of busi­ness or per­son­al brand-build­ing con­tent, includ­ing the holy trin­i­ty of con­tent development:

Here are the top five ben­e­fits of using a ghostwriter.

1. Ghostwriters Save You Time

Ghost­writ­ing is a huge time saver for C‑level execs, espe­cial­ly those in big­ger com­pa­nies where tasks are mul­ti­plied drastically.

By del­e­gat­ing writ­ing tasks that are a must for ampli­fy­ing brand aware­ness, these exec­u­tives can have a clear focus on where their focus should be rather than star­ing at a blank white screen.

Plus, many of my ghost­writ­ing clients absolute­ly cringe when they have to write an email, nev­er mind a 1,000-word piece for Forbes or the Huff­in­g­ton Post.

And if that 100-word email takes 20 min­utes, imag­ine a full-length arti­cle that needs mul­ti­ple rounds of edits for clarity?

You can nev­er get time back; ghost­writ­ers help lead­ers and those on a per­son­al brand-build­ing mis­sion to have addi­tion­al time to focus on oth­er need­ed tasks.

2. Ghostwriters Help Build Brand Awareness Quicker

Ghost­writ­ers help com­pa­nies and per­son­al­i­ties build brand aware­ness faster.

It’s sim­ple. Rather than an exec­u­tive allo­cat­ing time to pub­lish qual­i­ty sto­ries once a quar­ter – or month, if they’re lucky – hir­ing a rep­utable ghost­writer can speed up the process of get­ting your brand’s sto­ry out there.

Lead­ers have to man­age com­pa­ny busi­ness; ghost­writ­ers only have to write.

And due to the typ­i­cal low pri­or­i­ty of such writ­ing tasks, they are usu­al­ly the first task to get dropped from the workflow.

I’ve wit­nessed it over and over where CEOs would allo­cate the last hours of their sched­ule to work on third-par­ty guest post­ing arti­cles or per­son­al blogs, and the lit­tlest thing would take the writ­ing tasks of their schedules.

It’s a psy­cho­log­i­cal thing, also; when big writ­ing hours are sched­uled, many – even the best of writ­ers – will do what­ev­er is need­ed to not actu­al­ly write.

3. Ghostwriters Are Professional Writers

Writ­ing is a pro­fes­sion, though many com­pa­nies fail to hire pro­fes­sion­al copy­writ­ers or editors.

You can have the best ser­vice or prod­uct with­in your indus­try, but if you can’t com­mu­ni­cate the “Why” of that ser­vice or prod­uct, you won’t scale as you wish.

Plus, a fake is noticed immediately.

Great exam­ples are the mul­ti­ple pro­mo­tion­al emails that every­one receives daily.

These emails are loaded with clich­es and excla­ma­tion points at the end of every sen­tence – because they can’t clear­ly make their point, so they need to excite you!!!

Imag­ine if those emails were ghost­writ­ten by pro­fes­sion­al writ­ers from the voice of a leader, say the CEO or founder of said com­pa­ny. The email’s mes­sage would car­ry much more ener­gy, and click-throughs would like­ly be much higher.

Though every­one should edu­cate them­selves and write as much as pos­si­ble to clear­ly com­mu­ni­cate in things like inter­nal emails and mem­os, let the true writ­ing pro­fes­sion­als do their jobs.

Most ghost­writ­ers spend their entire work­ing hours doing one thing and one thing only – writing.

Since it is their pro­fes­sion, the great ghost­writ­ers can also enhance the voice of any com­pa­ny leader or per­son devel­op­ing enhanced brand awareness.

If the ghost­writer was trained cor­rect­ly (more on that in an upcom­ing col­umn), it wouldn’t mat­ter if lead­ers like Howard Schultz or Elon Musk actu­al­ly did the writ­ing – their mes­sages are all that’s needed.

4. Ghostwriters Know SEO

One way I’ve always dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed my ghost­writ­ing from the oth­ers is by dis­cussing the impor­tance of writ­ing with SEO in mind.

This is most­ly for on-site con­tent cre­ation, but it also goes for third-par­ty guest blog­ging – regard­less if the pub­lished work is on Forbes or Search Engine Jour­nal, the more key­words you can rank for, the bet­ter you can fuel a searcher’s intent.

Ghost­writ­ers of years’ past were only about ampli­fi­ca­tion of voic­es in major pub­li­ca­tions. When I began, it was all mag­a­zine based, also.

Com­pa­nies today under­stand that not only is a voice of a CEO going to spread the mes­sage bet­ter, but that mes­sage must be found online.

This is where ghost­writ­ers trained in SEO are cru­cial for top results.

It isn’t just key­words and back­links any­more. It’s much more, includ­ing qual­i­ty con­tent that is bylined by an author­i­ta­tive voice and eas­i­ly shareable.

The true ghost­writer will be trained in SEO, and know how to not only write engag­ing and qual­i­ty con­tent, but how to make sure this con­tent is found online.

5. Ghostwritten Content Is Authentic Content

Most peo­ple think a ghost­writer dimin­ish­es authen­tic­i­ty. This can hap­pen if some­one (or a com­pa­ny) changes ghost­writ­ers often; their voice dimin­ish­es quick­ly. If these people/companies have built a fan­base, that fan­base will imme­di­ate­ly know some­thing is not right – that’s inauthentic.

Rep­utable ghost­writ­ers work close­ly with their clients, pin­point­ing the voice, and uni­fy­ing it across all writings.

This is an authen­tic way of doing things.

The leader’s ideas are being tran­scribed, and the ghostwriter’s task is to com­mu­ni­cate those ideas coher­ent­ly and concisely.

Many CEOs lead awe­some com­pa­nies, such as Steve Jobs at Apple – but did Steve actu­al­ly cre­ate every line of code or man­u­fac­tur­er the pieces for every iPhone or iMac? Nope, he left that to the pro­fes­sion­als with­in those sectors.

This same prin­ci­ple should be used for any­one who lacks the skills of a pro­fes­sion­al writer.


When some peo­ple hear the term ghost­writer, they usu­al­ly think first of nov­el­ists. Most don’t real­ize the ben­e­fits of hir­ing one for the oth­er projects, such as third-par­ty guest con­tri­bu­tions, their brand’s blog, edu­ca­tion­al arti­cles, newslet­ters, or LinkedIn posts.

Well before start­ing my agency, I was a ghost­writer for some great com­pa­nies, and the syn­er­gy I helped cre­ate between them and those in their mar­kets was more reward­ing than the paycheck.

Some pro­fes­sion­als sim­ply can’t get their words down, but why should they wor­ry? Their strengths, whether lead­ing a com­pa­ny into emerg­ing mar­kets or prod­uct devel­op­ment, should guide their focus.

Leave the writ­ing to the professionals.




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