Rosy Strategies

Why SEO is Important to Law Firms

Magnifying glass on SEO text on chart

An online pres­ence prob­a­bly seems like the least rel­e­vant aspect of your law firm’s business
growth and devel­op­ment. This men­tal­i­ty is pre­cise­ly why SEO sparks a gold­en oppor­tu­ni­ty to
gain a com­pet­i­tive advan­tage in the mar­ket. Few law firms invest in SEO and consequently,
forego poten­tial clients from online search queries.

Word of mouth is a pow­er­ful mar­ket­ing tool in law, but think of how many peo­ple find
them­selves in a pan­ic and search­ing vehe­ment­ly online for a local lawyer to save their day. That
hero could be you! Embrac­ing an online pres­ence is a way to dif­fer­en­ti­ate your firm from
com­peti­tors, show prospec­tive clients that you are tech­no­log­i­cal­ly savvy, and most importantly,
that you present the nec­es­sary tools clients need.

One of the most com­mon online mar­ket­ing strate­gies clients ask about is meta descriptions.
What are they? Do they need to be SEO flu­ent? How much time should be spent writ­ing meta
descrip­tion content?

The short answer is that yes, meta descrip­tions can be impor­tant. Writ­ten strate­gi­cal­ly, they
can boost SEO and help gain web traf­fic and leads. On the flip side, a weak meta description
might not direct­ly hurt your brand, but indi­rect­ly, you can expe­ri­ence a deficit.

Let’s start with the basics, answer the com­mon client ques­tions, set a few Mia­mi SEO content
guide­lines, and last­ly, deter­mine whether or not to incor­po­rate meta descrip­tions for your law
fir­m’s SEO.

Law Firm Meta Descrip­tion Tips:

What are meta descriptions?
Meta descrip­tions are those short blurbs (two or three lines long) that appear beneath the
hyper­linked head­line in a Google search. They act as sum­maries: they tell the searcher what
exists on the web­site page should say searcher click on the sug­gest­ed link.

How Meta descrip­tions work
Meta descrip­tions are usu­al­ly pulled from the descrip­tion that a com­pa­ny pro­vides. How­ev­er, if
Google finds oth­er infor­ma­tion on the linked web page more rel­e­vant, that infor­ma­tion will be
dis­played, instead. Meta descrip­tions that you pro­vide and that win Google’s favor allow you to
thor­ough­ly inform searchers about the promis­ing con­tent on your site.

Do meta descrip­tions need to be SEO fluent?
Google does not incor­po­rate meta descrip­tions into the search rank­ing algo­rithm, but that’s not
to say the descrip­tions should not be SEO flu­ent. Align meta descrip­tion con­tent with keywords
that match both the web page con­tent and search keywords.

How much time should be spent writ­ing meta descrip­tion content?
We sug­gest tak­ing the time to write infor­ma­tive meta descrip­tion con­tent, but not toil­ing over
it. From an SEO per­spec­tive, oth­er endeav­ors such as blog­ging or adding new motion content
are bet­ter uses of time. Hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al online mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny alle­vi­ates the debate they
will swift­ly pro­vide the best meta descrip­tions for your pages.

Guide­lines for writ­ing meta descriptions

Rosy Strate­gies is a strate­gic mar­ket­ing firm in Mia­mi, which spe­cial­izes in legal mar­ket­ing and law firm SEO ser­vices. Work with our team of indus­try experts to deter­mine how to best cat­a­pult your brand from its cur­rent stand­ing to the top search results in Google and oth­er major search engines. We will iden­ti­fy where strat­e­gy holes are present and work with you to build a mar­ket­ing plan that can accom­plish your sales goals and busi­ness objectives.

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