Rosy Strategies

Video Advertising: 8 Reasons Why You Should Use Video Marketing Right Now

Woman Recording Content for Her Lifestyle Blog Vlog, Modern Businesswoman Using Social Media for Marketing

Video adver­tis­ing isn’t inher­ent­ly new, as it’s been here for a while now. As a mat­ter of fact, video mar­ket­ing sta­tis­tics show that in 2021, around 86% of the respond­ing busi­ness­es stat­ed that they use video as a mar­ket­ing tool, and 92% of mar­keters said that video adver­tis­ing is a sta­ple in their mar­ket­ing strategies.

With­out a doubt, adver­tis­ing with video is here to stay and will prob­a­bly reach even new mar­ket­ing heights rapidly.

Even though it has sev­er­al ben­e­fits, there are quite a few busi­ness­es out there who feel over­whelmed and even inti­mat­ed by video adver­tis­ing. As such, let’s dis­cuss why video mar­ket­ing is so pow­er­ful and why every busi­ness look­ing to grow should lever­age its benefits.

If you are look­ing for an inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing agency in Mia­mi and Fort Laud­erdale, FL, don’t hes­i­tate, reach out to us after read­ing this arti­cle so we can fur­ther dis­cuss the ben­e­fits of video for your par­tic­u­lar case and busi­ness needs.

Why is Video Marketing So Powerful?

  1. Video can Help you Boost Your Con­ver­sions and Sales

Good video adver­tis­ing can indeed make any busi­ness a sub­stan­tial amount of mon­ey when they are doing it right. Even a few sim­ple tac­tics, such as adding a prod­uct video on your land­ing pages, can help you boost your con­ver­sions significantly. 

Videos can also help you direct­ly with sales. Stud­ies sug­gest that adver­tis­ing with video (more specif­i­cal­ly, using how-to videos) con­vinced 74% of users to ulti­mate­ly make a purchase.

The immense pop­u­lar­i­ty of video isn’t actu­al­ly rock­et sci­ence. After all, our vision is our lead­ing sense, enabling us to get the most info in. You prob­a­bly already know that the right images used in a mar­ket­ing cam­paign can lead to huge sales and con­ver­sion boosts, so just imag­ine how adver­tis­ing with video can sky­rock­et your met­rics even more.

  1. Adver­tis­ing With Video Has Great ROI

When done cor­rect­ly, video mar­ket­ing has an out­stand­ing return on invest­ment. Video pro­duc­tion is a com­plex and intri­cate process, but it still pays off, espe­cial­ly when you get the right pro­fes­sion­al help to make your vision come to life.

You can always grab a decent cam­era and make good use of free online video edit­ing tools. This way, you can make video pro­duc­tion more acces­si­ble, but it won’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean that your video adver­tis­ing will yield bet­ter results.

With the help of the right experts, you can make both the con­tent and the visu­al aspect matter.

  1. Google Loves Video Advertising

From the stand­point of search engine opti­miza­tion, video mar­ket­ing makes per­fect sense. Videos encour­age your vis­i­tors to stay on your web­site for longer. The pro­longed expo­sure direct­ly sig­nals search engines that your site offers valu­able con­tent. This will mean increased chances of rank­ing high­er automatically.

Addi­tion­al­ly, if you opti­mize your video con­tent for YouTube SEO with inter­est­ing descrip­tions, titles, the right links, key­words, and hash­tags, you can even get your cus­tomers more oppor­tu­ni­ties to immerse them­selves in your con­tent and to make their next steps in their buyer’s journey.

  1. Mobile Users Also Love Video

Video is immense­ly pop­u­lar among mobile users, with giants such as YouTube report­ing tremen­dous mobile video con­sump­tion on a year­ly basis.

Video is con­tent that’s easy to con­sume on the go. We live in a time where instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion is king. Video adver­tis­ing can meet those cri­te­ria and can help your SEO efforts even more.

Google takes its mobile-first approach very seri­ous­ly, and hav­ing a respon­sive web­site with a sub­stan­tial amount of video con­tent ready, will be ben­e­fi­cial for your busi­ness and its search engine rankings.

  1. Build Trust With Video Advertising

Trust is the main dri­ving force behind increased sales and con­ver­sions. Still, to make that hap­pen, you need to start build­ing trust as a high-pri­or­i­ty goal on its own. 

Good con­tent mar­ket­ing will always be able to build long-term trust and close rela­tion­ships between brands and con­sumers. On that end, excit­ing and valu­able infor­ma­tion packed in the form of video adver­tis­ing can be an excel­lent way to con­vey your brand’s mes­sage, tell sto­ries, ignite emo­tions, and engage with your audi­ences on a deep­er level.

This is why video mar­ket­ing is so pow­er­ful. It engages on a deep­er lev­el and has the expres­sive capa­bil­i­ties to speak more clear­ly to your audi­ence. It’s a stel­lar way to pro­mote any brand and prod­uct with­out direct­ly try­ing to sell. 

Video adver­tis­ing in the form of pro­mo­tion­al videos can also build trust. While they are pure­ly con­ver­sion and sales-dri­ven, they can help con­vince cus­tomers about the trust­wor­thi­ness of your ser­vices and products.

  1. Explain Every­thing With Video Advertising

How-to and explain­er videos are excel­lent tools to help your audi­ence bet­ter under­stand how your new ser­vice or prod­uct works. Hav­ing at least one of these videos on your website’s home page can help you to explain your brand and product/service bet­ter than pic­tures will ever do.

Oth­er tech­niques like ani­mat­ed videos can also be a handy and play­ful way to con­vey com­pli­cat­ed and intri­cate con­cepts. It’s just the right amount of fun, enter­tain­ment, and simplicity. 

  1. Engage Even Your Lazi­est Buyers

Adver­tis­ing with video is excel­lent for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es, but it’s also an easy-to-con­sume for­mat that will appeal even to those who sim­ply don’t have time or don’t want to mess around with read­ing prod­uct descrip­tions or services. 

A lot of mod­ern users want to see every­thing in action, and that includes your prod­ucts and services. 

Video adver­tis­ing can cater to these needs and cap­ture a broad­er tar­get audience. 

  1. Boost Social Shares

If you want to strength­en your social media pres­ence, then using video con­tent is the right way to do it. 

Social media chan­nels (and users) love and encour­age videos. Face­book and Insta­gram boast sev­er­al video-focused fea­tures both for users and brands, and even YouTube has man­aged to trans­form into a social net­work from a large video-shar­ing plat­form. Last but not least, you have Tik­Tok, which is a video con­tent pow­er­house. Over 83% of Tik­Tok users have post­ed at least one video, and brands are able to take advan­tage of advanced fea­tures such as aug­ment­ed real­i­ty, dif­fer­ent stick­ers, and fil­ters, mak­ing video con­tent even more engaging.

Still, if you want to dom­i­nate social media by using video adver­tis­ing, you should remem­ber that users want enter­tain­ing con­tent. This means that you will have to be cre­ative and fun to get social shares and cre­ate videos that go viral. The increased share num­bers will ulti­mate­ly lead to improved site traf­fic and can end up in a boost in con­ver­sions and sales.

Embrace Video

As we’ve dis­cussed, video has much to offer and can dra­mat­i­cal­ly improve all of your dig­i­tal met­rics. Truth be told, you can dive head first into video pro­duc­tion and mar­ket­ing all by your­self, but with­out the required knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence, you might end up spend­ing more mon­ey than nec­es­sary and might even hurt your brand’s rep­u­ta­tion in the process.

Work­ing with a dig­i­tal agency that spe­cial­izes in video pro­duc­tion will help you stream­line your video mar­ket­ing efforts and give you the help­ing hand you need to max­i­mize your brand’s video adver­tis­ing efforts. 

As such, if you want to take your video pro­duc­tion to the next lev­el and strength­en your posi­tion in the dig­i­tal sphere, reach out to us, and we will help you achieve your video-dri­ven goals. 

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