Rosy Strategies

Upcoming Digital Marketing Conferences

Digital Media Conference

It’s not too late to enjoy some the year’s best dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing con­fer­ences. Net­work­ing with the pio­neers of the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing indus­try (maybe you are one, too) is a proven way to earn more busi­ness and increase sales. Even if your brand plays in an adja­cent field, meet­ing with and explor­ing the lat­est offer­ing of dig­i­tal tech firms will give you an idea of how to gain a com­pet­i­tive advan­tage over the next year.

Let’s take a look at digital marketing conferences you can attend in the remainder of 2017 and in 2018. 

Digital Marketing Conferences 2017–2018

Social Media Strate­gies Summit

Octo­ber 17 – Octo­ber 19, 2017

New York City, NY

Dive into the strate­gies of var­i­ous com­pa­nies, upcom­ing ideas and how to apply to strat­e­gy to your brand. 


Novem­ber 1–2, 2017

New York City, NY

Get up to speed with peers from Asia, UK, and the US on how to mar­ket­ing intel­li­gi­bly in an age beyond tra­di­tion­al adver­tis­ing and marketing. 


Novem­ber 6–9, 2017

Las Vegas, NV

Hear from lead­ing start-ups and gain insight on ways to pro­pel your brand for­ward with dig­i­tal resources avail­able today.

Social Media Mar­ket­ing World 2018

Feb­ru­ary 20 – March 2, 2018

San Diego, CA

Come on over to San Diego to min­gle with over 5,000 atten­dees in pur­suit of social media and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing inspi­ra­tion and innovation.

Social Media Camp

May 2–3, 2018

Vic­to­ria, B.C.

Come togeth­er with fel­low inno­va­tors and busi­ness lead­ers look­ing to grow their brands with social media. 

Con­tent Mar­ket­ing Conference

May 2–4, 2018

Boston, MA

Pack your super­hero cape for this super-pow­ered theme con­fer­ence to learn about all the mar­ket­ing tac­tics to employ in your strategy. 

The Social Shake-Up

May 7–9, 2018

Atlanta, GA

Net­work with exec­u­tives from some of the largest brands in the world and hear from keynotes speak­ers who are at the fore­front of adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing in the dig­i­tal revolution. 

You still have enough time to make it as a guest to the con­fer­ences list­ed above. Send an employ­ee or team who you trust to report back with thor­ough notes on the lat­est evolv­ing in the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing and social media industry. 


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