Fill In The Calendar

Let’s start with the (rich) list of inter­na­tion­al and spe­cial days, which are always a good help when you are out of ideas. Besides, some of them can per­fect­ly fit your busi­ness, and you can come up with more activ­i­ties tied to it.

????Tip: Also, don’t for­get about major nation­al or inter­na­tion­al sport events such as Cham­pi­ons League final (1 June), Wim­ble­don (1–14 July), or Tour de France (6–28 July).


1 – Glob­al Day of Parents
1 – Inter­na­tion­al Children’s Day
3 – World Bicy­cle Day
5 – World Envi­ron­ment Day
7 – Nation­al Donut Day
8 – World Ocean Day
14 – World Blood Donor Day
16 – Father’s Day
17 – World Day to Com­bat Deser­ti­fi­ca­tion & Drought
20 – World Refugee Day
21 – Inter­na­tion­al Yoga Day
21 – Nation­al Self­ie Day
23 – Pub­lic Ser­vice Day
26 – Inter­na­tion­al Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking
30 – Social Media Day


2 – World UFO Day
6 – Inter­na­tion­al Day of Cooperatives
7 – World Choco­late Day
11 – World Pop­u­la­tion Day
15 – Give Some­thing Away Day
17 – World Emo­ji Day
18 – Nel­son Man­dela Day
18 – Get to Know Your Cus­tomers Day
30 – Inter­na­tion­al Day of Friendship


1–7 – Worlds Breast­feed­ing Week
8 – Inter­na­tion­al Cat Day
9 – Nation­al Book Lovers Day
10 – Nation­al Lazy Day
12 – Inter­na­tion­al Youth Day
13 – Inter­na­tion­al Left­handers Day
16 – Nation­al Tell a Joke Day
19 – World Human­i­tar­i­an Day
26 – Nation­al Dog Day
26 – Nation­al Women’s Equal­i­ty Day
29 – Inter­na­tion­al Day against Nuclear Tests

Write your cho­sen days in the pub­lish­ing cal­en­dar to not for­get about them as ideas and fin­ish them just at the right time. You shouldn’t over­do it, but time to time it’s cool to refresh your feed with some of them.

Trending Topics On Social Media

To pre­dict the trend­ing top­ics for the new sea­son is tricky, but you can pret­ty safe­ly start with hot issues of the past year and watch their growth. At the end of last year, Face­book has released a reportwith key trends of 2018, which are most prob­a­bly being even more sig­nif­i­cant in 2019. From that, those are top­ics relat­ed to sum­meryou should keep in mind!


Sum­mer is about trav­el­ing and explor­ing new places. When it comes to that, the trend is about adven­ture. Rather than lux­u­ry all-inclu­sive hol­i­days, nature and wilder­ness are aris­ing its pop­u­lar­i­ty. Alto­geth­er with the trend of low cost trav­el­ing the top three items on Face­book trend­ing list is glamp­ingvia fer­ra­ta and zip lines.

California Dream

The West Coast lifestyle is spread­ing far away from the bor­ders of Cal­i­for­nia. The trend of spend­ing time in the sand and sun is ris­ing up as more and more peo­ple come here to vaca­tion or for work. In con­nec­tion with that, the trend is on activ­i­ties such as beach soc­cerpad­dle­board­ing, and wakesurf­ing.

Eco And Sustainability

One of the most sig­nif­i­cant top­ics across the world is eco-con­scious­ness, spread­ing across cat­e­gories like beau­ty, fash­ion, food, or trav­el. This goes to many top­ics such as free­gan­ism(reduc­ing one’s con­sump­tion), sus­tain­able fash­ionrecy­clable food con­tain­ers, and straws, and even the com­merce fol­low “reduce, reuse and recy­cle”.

Health Before Weight

Sum­mer is also the biki­ni time, which for many means weeks of diet­ing and los­ing weight. But the pos­i­tive trend shows that peo­ple are much more care­ful about their health rather than scale, look for spe­cif­ic ingre­di­ents help­ing them strength­en their body and soul. For exam­ple, those are euca­lyp­tus, kim­chi, or turmeric.

The health per­spec­tive comes even in the field of “mama’s recipes,” and soul food – the tra­di­tion­al ingre­di­ents are part­ly sub­sti­tut­ed by health­i­er alter­na­tives. Even though peo­ple want to eat (and share online) deli­cious, great-look­ing dish­es, they also care about nutri­tion. That means fat­ti­er meat is often replaced by veg­gie or legumes, the usage of sug­ar went down and rather the brown.

Ethnic Wave

Mul­ti­cul­tur­al ways are mix­ing the whole bunch of tra­di­tions, tastes, and appear­ances into one shared trend. The eth­nic influ­ence in this sum­mer, in case of food, comes from India – Cal­abaza (West Indi­an pump­kin), Mex­i­co – Cal­do de Pol­lo (chick­en soup), and Greek – Tiro­pi­ta (egg-and-cheese dish).

In the mat­ter of fash­ion, African-ish trend was estab­lished and seems to con­tin­ue in the next months. Specif­i­cal­ly, those are prints in the pat­tern of Mon­stera deli­ciosasnake­skin, or zebra. Fur­ther­more, in the world of cos­met­ics, Kore­an beau­ty is tak­ing uncom­pro­mis­ing­ly over the field.