Rosy Strategies

Tips for Tired Small Business Owners

Tiresome day

Are you feel­ing stressed out at work? You’re not alone. Start­ing a small busi­ness is a huge respon­si­bil­i­ty, and in see­ing your vision through, it’s easy to lose track of your health. 

Here are 5 ways to decrease stress as a small business owner:

Remember what’s going right

Don’t for­get every mini-win! You are doing so much right every day. Set aside the com­pli­ca­tions for fif­teen min­utes a day and make a list of what’s going well in the com­pa­ny as you work toward your goals. 


Wher­ev­er pos­si­ble, auto­mate. There is no need to exhaust your­self with time-con­sum­ing tasks that an oper­at­ing sys­tem can handle. 


This is tough to do as a small busi­ness own­er, but learn to step away. Make a list of respon­si­bil­i­ties that can be del­e­gat­ed and don’t look back. Hire a man­ag­er you trust to over­see the work­load and trust them to do the job for which you are pay­ing them. As bad­ly as you might feel com­pelled to do so, you can­not, should not and don’t need to do every­thing for your company.

Take breaks

Step away from the com­put­er. Close the lap­top, stand up, go out­side, breathe in the fresh air. Life is still hap­pen­ing, the world is still spin­ning and beau­ti­ful amidst the chaos of cre­at­ing an income and an empire. If you need help remem­ber­ing to take breaks, set a timer for every 1h15m. 

Nourish yourself

We are not the first to tell you: nour­ish­ment has to be a pri­or­i­ty when run­ning a busi­ness. Neglect­ing nour­ish­ment through sleep, diet and exer­cise are like buy­ing a car and nev­er turn­ing off the engine, chang­ing the oil or get­ting gas. When you start a small busi­ness, you are the busi­ness. The health of your com­pa­ny will inevitably reflect your own health. Get ade­quate sleep, hydrate, eat a bal­anced diet and exer­cise mod­er­ate­ly through­out the week. 

For more tips on stress man­age­ment as a small busi­ness own­er or automa­tion ser­vices, reach out to our team at Rosy Strate­gies.

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