Rosy Strategies

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Times to Post on Facebook in 2023

3D Printed Facebook Logos on a Paper Forming a Clock.

When dis­cussing Face­book’s organ­ic reach, the debate among mar­keters nev­er seems to end. Crack­ing the code to crawl into the feed of your fol­low­ers can be chal­leng­ing but pos­si­ble. And, if you are one of those busi­ness own­ers who fre­quent­ly exam­ine their engage­ment met­rics, then this blog arti­cle is for you.

So, what helps your engage­ment? Post tim­ing? What are the best times to post on Face­book? Is there such a thing as “best time to post on Face­book?” In this arti­cle, your go-to social media agency in Flori­da brings you the inside scoop regard­ing post-tim­ing and max­i­miz­ing organ­ic reach, com­ments, shares, and likes on the platform. 

Facebook and Paid Ads

For a while now, most mar­keters and busi­ness­es have been some­what neglect­ing the most valu­able Face­book post times and focused more on paid ads on the social chan­nel. Still, when look­ing at things real­is­ti­cal­ly, stretch­ing dai­ly social reach with a paid ads bud­get might not be the best way to max­i­mize your gains from this social plat­form. So, when is the best time to post on Face­book? Let’s find out.

The Best Time to Post on Facebook

When should you post some­thing on the plat­form to get the best results? Look­ing at dif­fer­ent large-scale stud­ies, you will get one resound­ing con­clu­sion: There is no “best time” to post on Face­book. Sounds tricky and con­tra­dic­to­ry, right? Hold on a sec­ond, and we’ll get into it.

Pop­u­lar social media com­pa­nies have con­duct­ed larg­er-scale stud­ies exam­in­ing dif­fer­ent Face­book post­ing times and the reach the posts man­aged to generate. 

Some com­pa­nies found that 9 AM is an excel­lent time since that’s when peo­ple get to work. Oth­er com­pa­nies cite dif­fer­ent days of the week and spe­cif­ic times. In con­trast, oth­er results sug­gest dif­fer­ent “from-to” time peri­ods on week­days and week­ends as ball­park fig­ures to get the best results from organ­ic Face­book posting. 

To be more spe­cif­ic, Hoot­suite con­duct­ed a large-scale study exam­in­ing 30,000 social media posts and con­clud­ed that the best time to post on Face­book would be between 8 AM to 12 PM on Thurs­days and Tuesdays. 

They’ve also looked at the data and found that these are the best Face­book post times for every day of the week:

And while we cit­ed spe­cif­ic info from one study only, you can see that every research on the sub­ject sug­gests dif­fer­ent Face­book post­ing times.

Don’t be dis­cour­aged, though. While the best time to post on Face­book might be elu­sive and dif­fer­ent for every spe­cif­ic case, these guide­lines are still help­ful to guide busi­ness own­ers and mar­keters in cre­at­ing more effi­cient Face­book con­tent cal­en­dars for boost­ing organ­ic reach. 

Fur­ther­more, the team here at Rosy Strate­gies will help you esti­mate the best time for your Face­book posts.

Determining Best Facebook Post Times

Your tar­get audi­ence will be dif­fer­ent from the busi­ness next to you. That said, answer­ing the ques­tion, “When is the best time to post on Face­book?” will be dif­fer­ent for every busi­ness own­er and mar­keter. 

Sure, fol­low­ing the above-men­tioned time frames can be help­ful for set­ting up con­ti­nu­ity in your organ­ic post­ing and Face­book post times. Still, as much as these sched­ul­ing sta­tis­tics can help you, they can also leave you with­out any tan­gi­ble results. Why? 

For starters, you have to con­sid­er the per­son­al feed of your fol­low­ers. Some sources say that users on the plat­form have cre­at­ed more than 2.5 tril­lion posts. 

Peo­ple with a large num­ber of friends on the plat­form can expe­ri­ence a mas­sive flood of sev­er­al hun­dred or even thou­sands of sto­ries and posts every time they log in. And when you con­sid­er that a vast num­ber of oth­er busi­ness­es will use the same sched­ul­ing guide­line to share their con­tent, the best time to post on Face­book can quick­ly become the worst time to post on Face­book for some companies. 

Finding the Best Time to Post on Facebook

With all this, you might think there are sim­ply no ide­al Face­book post­ing times, and you should just wing it. False. 

Sev­er­al strate­gies can help you find YOUR best time to post on Face­book to get the most out of your con­tent and help your busi­ness grow on the platform.

As such, con­sid­er the fol­low­ing strategies: 

Look at Facebook Insights

Face­book Ana­lyt­ics is an excel­lent place to fig­ure out when is the best time to post on Face­book for your busi­ness. It tracks your fol­low­ers’ and audi­ences’ demo­graph­ics, engage­ment, and behavior. 

Also, you have a wide range of social pub­lish­ing tools that can track cru­cial met­rics that can help you bet­ter under­stand when you should post on the plat­form to catch most of your audi­ence online. 

Using these tools can help you find out when your audi­ences and faith­ful fans are active, and you can com­bine the find­ings from both Face­book’s ana­lyt­ics and oth­er third-par­ty tools to find out an ide­al post­ing time.

Look Back at Your Most Successful Posts

Scroll back in your busi­ness feed and review some of your best-per­form­ing posts. When did you post them? What were the posts about? This can be vital clues not just for find­ing out the best Face­book post­ing times but to see what type of con­tent per­forms the best in your case.

You can also access Meta’s Busi­ness suite to get even more spe­cif­ic data: 

Finding Relevant Days for Posts

Last­ly, every piece of con­tent has its own rel­e­vance regard­ing post­ing times. Just think about it this way: A fash­ion brand prob­a­bly won’t post its upcom­ing win­ter clothes in June. And while this is a self-explana­to­ry exam­ple, it can help you bet­ter under­stand the best post­ing times for most con­tent types. 

On the oth­er hand, you can always opt for A/B test­ing with the same type of con­tent at dif­fer­ent times and come to your unique conclusion.

What to Conclude From All This? 

As it turns out, there’s no defin­i­tive best or worst time to post on Face­book. It all boils down to user behav­ior, your brand, and some experimentation. 

Using Face­book’s insights, third-par­ty sched­ul­ing, and ana­lyt­ics tools can help you gain insight into user behav­ior, activ­i­ty, engage­ment trends, and more. Ana­lyz­ing your data is cru­cial as every busi­ness and Face­book page will have to get dif­fer­ent results as they are part of dif­fer­ent sce­nar­ios, even though they are on the same platform. 

Look­ing back on your best-per­form­ing posts can also give you clues on when to post some­thing and what type of con­tent per­forms the best at cer­tain times. As said above, most of this boils down to exper­i­men­ta­tion and experience.

Still, we know that most busi­ness own­ers sim­ply don’t have the time to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent post­ing times as they need to con­duct busi­ness to keep their brand going forward.

This is where we, an expe­ri­enced social media agency, come into the pic­ture. We have the knowl­edge that will dras­ti­cal­ly decrease the time spent exper­i­ment­ing and will max­i­mize the gains of your organ­ic social posts quickly. 

To begin your jour­ney towards Face­book suc­cess, con­tact us today; we’re ready to help! 

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