Rosy Strategies

Tips for Building a Strong Brand Identity

Importance of branding and rebranding.

Build­ing a brand and brand man­age­ment are two cru­cial aspects of busi­ness development.

Brand iden­ti­ty allows you to break away from the com­pe­ti­tion and com­mu­ni­cate a clear mar­ket posi­tion. It allows you to express a con­sis­tent, cohe­sive sto­ry and image to your con­sumers, so there is nev­er any hes­i­ta­tion when con­sumers hear your name.

Brand­ing quick­ens the pat­terns of asso­ci­a­tion between trig­ger words and the visu­al imagery of your com­pa­ny. Through dili­gent efforts, brand­ing com­plete­ly trans­forms your com­pa­ny as an enti­ty and dri­ves the pref­er­ences of your mar­ket­ing strategy.

 Let’s look at a few tips for strengthening brand identity:

Pick an aes­thet­ic that best com­mu­ni­cates your brand phi­los­o­phy and per­son­al­i­ty, and car­ry this imagery through­out all of your mar­ket­ing chan­nels and online pres­ences. When a con­sumer sees a col­or, a hue, a com­po­si­tion that is strong­ly rem­i­nis­cent of your post­ing pat­terns, you’ll score a brand impres­sion at that moment. Hav­ing an iden­ti­fi­able brand visu­al that trig­gers audi­ence asso­ci­a­tion is impres­sive, and the effort will pay off.

There are two ways to go about under­stand­ing the val­ue that you deliv­er to con­sumers. You can decide what it is you pro­vide and con­tin­ue to ham­mer in this point until your con­sumers are con­vinced that they appre­ci­ate the val­ue you offer. The sec­ond option is to col­lect data and ana­lyze where your con­sumers find the val­ue in your brand.

Once you under­stand where your con­sumers need sup­port and how your brand feeds their need, you must con­sis­tent­ly empha­size this ben­e­fit. If you are an ener­gy drink com­pa­ny, your val­ue is not lim­it­ed to the extra vit­a­mins or caf­feine you deliv­er to your con­sumer. Sure, these are a byprod­uct of your offer­ing, but you offer some­thing larg­er to the con­sumer: a life­line. When they are the most tired, most worn out and stressed, you step in to offer relief. A promise that they can car­ry on and get the job done. Brand your mes­sages accordingly!

Don’t con­fuse emo­tion­al with sad- emo­tion is any ener­gy that moves the con­sumer. Per­haps excites them, makes them laugh or makes them feel inves­tiga­tive. What type of emo­tion does your brand typ­i­cal­ly elic­it from con­sumers? If you are a trav­el­er’s back­pack brand, you prob­a­bly pro­mote a sense of adven­ture with your con­sumers, so focus on that emo­tion. Tell sto­ries through video, pho­to and writ­ten con­tent that invoke in con­sumers a rush toward the impos­si­ble, an escape, a long­ing for the great out­doors and unfath­omable heights!

This is part of stay­ing con­sis­tent so that con­sumers rec­og­nize any trace of your brand as you. Once you stream­line your aes­thet­ic and mes­sage, con­tin­ue to push it to con­sumers. It takes time- some­times years!- to ful­ly immerse your brand in the lives and auto­mat­ic think­ing pat­terns of consumers.

Each per­son who works for your com­pa­ny is a liv­ing, breath­ing exten­sion of your brand with the poten­tial to influ­ence con­sumers and per­suade them toward a pur­chase. Is your team on board with your brand? Do they ful­ly under­stand what your name stands for? What iden­ti­ty do you want to project? Assem­ble your team at least once a month to rein­vig­o­rate their spir­it for the brand. Make sure every­one is on board and ready to pro­mote your com­pa­ny. If you ener­gize them suf­fi­cient­ly, their pro­mo­tion of your brand will come naturally.

Why wait any longer to estab­lish and devel­op a strong sense of char­ac­ter for your brand iden­ti­ty? Reach out to our brand­ing firm so we can col­lab­o­rate and guide you along a suc­cess­ful mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. Our experts han­dle all avenues of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing in Mia­mi, so if you are look­ing for more then brand main­te­nance, we can help with that, too!

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