Rosy Strategies

Your Social Media Marketing Is Only As Good As Your Content


Opinion: Content is the critical piece in the social media puzzle

It’s super easy to get caught up in the fan­fare of social media and lose sight of what real­ly mat­ters. While pay-per-click ads, pro­file designs and strate­gies for amass­ing thou­sands of fol­low­ers are cer­tain­ly rel­e­vant, they aren’t every­thing. At the end of the day, your abil­i­ty to prof­it from social media will only go as far as your con­tent takes you.

Why content matters

Have you ever thought about what exists at the core of social net­work­ing? When you trim away those extra features—likes, games, pro­file bylines, adver­tise­ments, etc.—what are you left with? Essen­tial­ly, you have indi­vid­ual users access­ing a web­site in the hopes of com­mu­ni­cat­ing with one anoth­er. And what do you find at the heart of online com­mu­ni­ca­tion? Content.

If social media is a mar­ket­place, con­tent is your cur­ren­cy. You can use it to buy likes, fol­low­ers, web­site traf­fic, con­ver­sions and even brand loyalty.

Greek math­e­mati­cian Archimedes once famous­ly said, “Give me a lever long enough and a ful­crum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” While clear­ly hyper­bole, his point was that any­thing is pos­si­ble if you have the right tools.

In dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, you can move the world—drive con­ver­sions, build brand loy­al­ty, etc.—so long as you have the right con­tent for your audience.

In essence, con­tent is the crit­i­cal piece in the social media puz­zle. If you can nail the con­tent aspect of the equa­tion, then you’ll be successful.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this is much eas­i­er said than done. If cre­at­ing stel­lar con­tent that thrives on social media were easy, every brand with a Face­book pro­file would be rak­ing in the success.

4 ways to create content that stands out

The issue you need to con­sid­er is how to cre­ate con­tent that stands out. Social media net­works like Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, LinkedIn and Pin­ter­est are noisy. You have to do more than just share a blog post or two. You need to real­ly get seri­ous about cre­at­ing stel­lar con­tent. Here are a few tips and ideas:

Stop spend­ing your pre­cious time and ener­gy deal­ing with the things that don’t mat­ter. Sure, an attrac­tive Face­book cov­er pho­to is great, but it’s not going to mean the dif­fer­ence between con­vert­ing a fol­low­er into a cus­tomer. The con­tent you pub­lish and share could, though.



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