Rosy Strategies

12 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2017

Young woman using cell phone to send text message on social network at night. Closeup of hands with computer laptop in background

Are you won­der­ing how mar­ket­ing on top social media plat­forms will change this year?

Social media is con­stant­ly evolv­ing to reflect the needs and pref­er­ences of cus­tomers and mar­keters alike.

To find out how mar­ket­ing on Pin­ter­est, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat will trans­form in the com­ing year, we reached out to expert social media pro­fes­sion­als to get their thoughts.

#1: Humanization Becomes Key to Success on Twitter

Believe it or not, Twit­ter turns 11 in 2017, which by social media stan­dards makes it one of the vet­er­ans. Over the past few years, we’ve seen it start to get a bit of a bad rep­u­ta­tion. With Insta­gram and Snapchat steal­ing some of its users, mar­keters have start­ed to ques­tion whether Twitter’s gone stale.

Are Twitter’s days num­bered? In our opin­ion, not at all. Twit­ter is so ingrained in mod­ern-day life, there’s no chance of it going away any­time soon. As mar­keters, how­ev­er, we need to rec­og­nize why peo­ple are get­ting fed up with Twit­ter and adapt our strate­gies to suit.

We think the busi­ness­es and brands that are going to do well on Twit­ter this year are those that stop using it to blast out one-way com­mu­ni­ca­tions and start using it to con­nect with peo­ple from across the world to have one-on-one, real-time conversations.

How do you do this, though? Cut back on: 1) the automa­tion, 2) sched­ul­ing a week of tweets on a Mon­day and then nev­er log­ging back in until it’s time to sched­ule more tweets, and 3) the hash­tag-stuffed tweets.

Did you know that the top three tweets of 2016 con­tained no hash­tags? (OK, one was from a Span­ish gamer, one was from Har­ry Styles, and the third was from a polit­i­cal fig­ure), but our point is peo­ple aren’t on Twit­ter to read #mar­ket­ing mes­sage after #mar­ket­ing message.

We do think hash­tags and con­tent pro­mo­tion are still key aspects of a good Twit­ter strat­e­gy even this year but don’t rely sole­ly on them. Instead, start con­ver­sa­tions. Tell the world what you’re up to, post images like you would on Insta­gram, use Twitter’s live app to broad­cast with Periscope. Most impor­tant­ly, cre­ate tweets that peo­ple can eas­i­ly reply to.

Andrew and Pete, authors of The Hip­po Cam­pus, run an award-win­ning con­tent mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny where they help small busi­ness­es cre­ate share­wor­thy con­tent that builds brands peo­ple love.

#2: Snapchat Acquires GoPro to Enhance Live Video

Last Sep­tem­ber, Snapchat rebrand­ed as Snap, Inc. and quick­ly pro­claimed that it would now be referred to as a cam­era com­pa­ny and no longer just a social net­work. Short­ly there­after, the new­ly formed Snap, Inc. released Spec­ta­cles to the mass­es (sort of).

In the months since, and despite Spec­ta­cles reel­ing in mixed reviews, rival Face­book has upped the ante for social media mar­ket share by rolling out live video capa­bil­i­ties on Insta­gram, whose user demo­graph­ic close­ly aligns to Snapchat’s. Plus Face­book added Snapchat-like fea­tures to its Mes­sen­ger product.

Fac­ing an IPO, as well as pres­sure to stave off Face­book and Twit­ter, Snap, Inc. (a.k.a. “Snapchat”) will intro­duce its own set of live-stream­ing fea­tures that will make live video more appeal­ing and main­stream to younger audi­ences, much in the way has helped intro­duce live video to them. Although Snapchat will have built-in dis­ap­pear­ing live video sim­i­lar to Insta­gram, it will need to cre­ate more of a “siz­zle” to keep investors on Wall Street happy.

There­fore, I bold­ly pre­dict that for Snap, Inc. to cre­ate legit­i­ma­cy as a cam­era com­pa­ny and to grow rev­enue beyond adver­tis­ing, it will acquire GoPro and its mil­lions of enthu­si­asts in the process. A Snapchat and GoPro merg­er is a win-win in every sense of the word for Snapchat and users, who would then be able to share stun­ning, HD-qual­i­ty con­tent to Snapchat from their GoPro device with­out the aid of an iPhone.

Car­los Gil is the glob­al head of social media for BMC Software.

#3: Pinterest Pushes Video Pins Into Prominence

I believe Pin­ter­est will try to move video and video ads to the fore­front of the plat­form. Because video feels a bit like a speed bump in the user expe­ri­ence, mar­keters will need to test whether load­ing video to off-plat­form land­ing pages or direct­ly to Pin­ter­est works best for their audience.

Kate Ahl is the own­er of Sim­ple Pin Media, a Pin­ter­est man­age­ment company.

#4: Twitter Remains Relevant

Twit­ter is an enig­ma. It’s not the biggest chan­nel or the most pop­u­lar, but it’s unde­ni­ably part of the fab­ric of our lives.

While some may fore­see the demise of Twit­ter, I don’t. Twit­ter has a huge, pas­sion­ate user base. It’s the place where news breaks and tweets have become a cen­ter­piece of pop­u­lar cul­ture and politics.

Twit­ter has a bright future, but prob­a­bly not as an inde­pen­dent com­pa­ny. It’s a gold­mine of data and belongs in a data-hun­gry com­pa­ny somewhere.

Mark Schae­fer is the author of The Tao of Twit­ter.

#5: Snapchat Spectacles Feature AR/MR Shopping

Point of view con­tent will be huge for brands, mar­keters, and influ­encers in 2017.

Snap will roll out Spec­ta­cles 2.0, which will include some ele­ment of AR/MR. This fea­ture will sig­nal a push toward AR/MR-enabled shop­ping and we’ll begin to move away from doing every­thing through our mobile devices and start to do it through wear­ables like Spectacles.

Cathy Hackl, a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized live video, and VR/AR influ­encer and speak­er, is one of the nation’s top Lati­no dig­i­tal influ­encers and tech innovators.

#6: Platforms With Customer Service Features Will Flourish

Social media cus­tomer ser­vice will become a pri­ma­ry way cus­tomers inter­act with the com­pa­nies they do busi­ness with. This real­ly isn’t a pre­dic­tion as much as it’s a con­tin­u­ing trend. How­ev­er, the trend is mov­ing social media chan­nels like Twit­ter, Face­book, YouTube, and oth­ers from being an alter­na­tive chan­nel for cus­tomer ser­vice to the pri­ma­ry channel.

It’s been said that cus­tomer ser­vice is the new mar­ket­ing, so it makes sense that social cus­tomer ser­vice is being rec­og­nized as the new social media mar­ket­ing. First, we must dis­pel the idea that cus­tomer ser­vice is a depart­ment. It’s not. Tra­di­tion says that cus­tomer ser­vice is a depart­ment that reacts to com­plaints and problems.

No, cus­tomer ser­vice is a phi­los­o­phy to be embraced by every per­son in a com­pa­ny, from the CEO to the most recent­ly hired. And one of the most pow­er­ful places cus­tomer ser­vice can exist is in a social media mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. That’s why my pre­dic­tion that the above-men­tioned social chan­nels, basi­cal­ly any social chan­nel that gives the cus­tomer a voice, will become even more rel­e­vant in 2017.

Just last year, Social Media Mar­ket­ing World had an entire track devot­ed to Social Cus­tomer Care. (Thanks to Dan Gingiss and his team for putting this togeth­er.) Spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tions by Jay Baer on how social media is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to show­case cus­tomer ser­vice, Jeff Less­er on how Twit­ter is using their chan­nel for sup­port, and oth­er speak­ers and pan­els show­cased the pow­er of social in cus­tomer ser­vice. And this year, that track will be big­ger and better.

Just as com­pa­nies can no longer dis­count the pow­er of social media (and I can’t believe that some of them still don’t get it), they also can no longer dis­count the pow­er of bring­ing their cus­tomer sup­port to the tra­di­tion­al chan­nels that have pri­mar­i­ly been known for social communication.

Shep Hyken is a cus­tomer ser­vice and expe­ri­ence expert, an award-win­ning keynote speak­er, and a New York Times best­selling busi­ness author (@hyken).

#7: Twitter’s Acquisition by Media Outlet Possible

As Twit­ter blos­soms more ful­ly into a media resource, the like­li­hood that it will be pur­chased by a media out­let in 2017 increas­es. In addi­tion, I believe live video via Twit­ter Live will also play an inte­gral role in the company’s future.

For now, mar­keters should remem­ber that Twit­ter is still a pri­ma­ry traf­fic source for blog con­tent and con­tin­ue to share their con­tent there.

Kim Garst, co-founder and CEO of Boom!, is a best­selling author of Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authen­tic and Pros­per in Social Media.

#8: Snapchat’s Significance Wanes

I’ve always had Snapchat hang­ing out on the back burn­er; peo­ple talk about it and kids raved about it years ago. More recent­ly, mar­keters start­ed to rave about it and I thought to myself, “Is Snapchat some­thing I should pay more atten­tion to?” I’ve decid­ed the answer is no.

Snapchat does have a cool vibe to it and was arguably the first plat­form that allowed you to con­nect inti­mate­ly with your audi­ence in a unique, short, and fun way via actu­al audio and video sto­ry bits. While the plat­form pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for those will­ing to get to know it and for those who already have a huge fol­low­ing there, it hasn’t evolved fast enough.

Insta­gram has evolved with Insta­gram Sto­ries. Insta­gram saw what Snapchat cre­at­ed, mim­ic­ked it, and made the user expe­ri­ence 10 times easier.

My advice to busi­ness­es look­ing for a plat­form to help them con­nect inti­mate­ly with their audi­ence is to stick with Insta­gram. In a cou­ple of years, I don’t think mar­keters will be talk­ing about Snapchat anymore.

Kate Erick­son is a cre­ator, engager, and imple­menter at Entre­pre­neu­rOn­Fire, a pod­cast that inter­views today’s most inspir­ing and suc­cess­ful entrepreneurs.

#9: Twitter Marketers Shift Focus From Driving Traffic to Creating Connections

The recent changes Twit­ter has made, includ­ing the addi­tion of an algo­rithm, mean that Twit­ter is the social net­work mar­keters most need to change their approach to.

It’s time to go back to the days when Twit­ter wasn’t just auto­mat­ed noise. Twit­ter can still be used to dri­ve traf­fic but is becom­ing even more effec­tive as a con­nec­tion tool.

To adjust, mar­keters will need to tweet less but with more qual­i­ty, with the goal of tweet­ing to con­nect with oth­ers and cre­ate interaction.

Erik Fish­er is a pod­cast­er and man­ag­er of the Social Media Exam­in­er social team.

#10: Live Streaming on LinkedIn Improves Targeted Selling

In 2017, if LinkedIn enables live-stream­ing video, it will become a game-chang­er for B2B mar­keters. Com­pa­nies will be able to tar­get spe­cif­ic audi­ences with live con­tent focused on spe­cif­ic busi­ness needs, broad­cast­ing to a ver­i­fied lead your sales team can fol­low up with.

As long as the con­tent is inter­est­ing and engag­ing, your audi­ence will tune in and help build a com­mu­ni­ty for your brand. But to be suc­cess­ful, mar­keters must rethink their con­tent strategy.

For exam­ple, evolve the tra­di­tion­al webi­nar. Instead of Pow­er­Points, use live video to demo your prod­uct. Cre­ate a week­ly live video show. Find an employ­ee to inter­view cus­tomers and tell the sto­ry of how your brand helps people.

Above all, be in the moment, be real, and be authentic.

Ursu­la Ring­ham is direc­tor, dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing at SAP, where she dri­ves the live video and social media strat­e­gy for small- and mid­size enterprise.

#11: Twitter Becomes a Content Destination

My pre­dic­tion for Twit­ter in 2017 is that we’ll see the rebound of this fan­tas­tic plat­form from 2016, which was filled with spec­u­la­tion. Fuel­ing that growth will be the con­tin­ued rise in con­tent con­sump­tion direct­ly with­in the Twit­ter plat­form, a focus on improv­ing the Twit­ter feed algo­rithm, and mar­keters win­ning with qual­i­ty over quantity.

We’ve already seen some of this come to life when Twit­ter reached a live stream­ing deal for 10 games with the NFL. Twit­ter also made a great move to allow peo­ple and brands to go live direct­ly with­in the app, with­out hav­ing to down­load Periscope separately.

All of this leads up to Twit­ter becom­ing a con­tent des­ti­na­tion, rather than a means to an end.

Mar­keters can adapt by first under­stand­ing that Twit­ter is no longer a plat­form used sole­ly for dri­ving traf­fic to an exter­nal blog or web­site. We’ve seen brands and com­pa­nies expe­ri­ence a steady decline in organ­ic traf­fic from Twit­ter over the last sev­er­al months, leav­ing many won­der­ing if they should con­tin­ue to use the plat­form. Or they con­tin­ue to imple­ment the same Twit­ter mar­ket­ing strate­gies that worked 2 or 3 years ago.

Mar­keters who apply a mul­ti-pronged approach, treat­ing Twit­ter as a con­tent des­ti­na­tion, will keep their audi­ence com­ing back for more.

This approach includes upload­ing native video con­tent, live stream­ing, shar­ing images, pho­tos, info­graph­ics, charts, data, GIFs, and text-only tweets in addi­tion to tweets with links to your web­site. In oth­er words, a focus on qual­i­ty and increas­ing your organ­ic reach, not sim­ply the quan­ti­ty of tweets sent, is a great way for mar­keters to adapt to this new age of Twit­ter marketing.

Bri­an Peters is the social media man­ag­er at Buffer and a host of The Sci­ence of Social Media podcast.

#12: LinkedIn, Twitter and Snapchat Focus on Live Video Across the Board

In 2017, I look for LinkedIn to become more Face­book-like, mov­ing away from its pro­fes­sion­al look. The plat­form will make it eas­i­er to cre­ate con­tent for the peo­ple you are con­nect­ed with, and will look at inte­grat­ing some form of live stream ability

Twit­ter will also invest fur­ther into live video. They’ll pour more mon­ey into Periscope by adding VR and 360 to the live stream app. I think a pur­chase of Twit­ter is then likely.

Along the same lines, Snapchat will either pur­chase or build a live stream arm into its plat­form, and will pos­si­bly buy GoPro or the Hype app. As more small brick and mor­tar busi­ness­es see they can use Snapchat to get more foot traf­fic into their store, they’ll start using it more.

John Kapos is cre­ator at and own­er of Per­fec­tion Choco­lates in Aus­tralia. Known online as Choco­late John­ny, he’s very active on Periscope, Face­book, Insta­gram, Snapchat, and Twitter.

What do you think? Which of these pre­dic­tions is most inter­est­ing to you? How will you change your mar­ket­ing plans to adjust for these changes when and if they arrive? Please share your thoughts in the com­ments below.


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