Rosy Strategies

Social Media for Lawyers

Social Media for Lawyers

Show­ing your per­son­al­i­ty as a law firm can be hard to do. Thank­ful­ly, we have social media for lawyers! I know what you’re think­ing — what am I going to do on social media that shows my clients and com­mu­ni­ty who I am? 

Social media pro­vides pos­si­bly the only plat­form for you to engage con­ver­sa­tion­al­ly about mat­ters oth­er than per­ti­nent case details. It opens an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share posts on phil­an­thropy, com­mu­ni­ty, events and sen­ti­ments you care about, edu­ca­tion­al legal tips, pos­i­tive momen­tum and an inside look at you and your firm. 

Check out these tips for keep­ing your fol­low­ers engaged and sup­port­ive of your firm. 

Tips on Social Media for Law Firms:

Invest in your followers

Every fol­low­er is a prospec­tive client, so be sure to give each one the atten­tion they deserve. If you start to har­ness more fol­low­ers than you can keep up com­mu­ni­ca­tion with, add more resources to your social media team. Be sure to com­ment back, like pho­tos and main­tain a rap­port with your ear­li­est fol­low­ers as you grow. 

Complete your profiles

Are all of your social media pro­files com­plete? If not, take the time to make sure each plat­form you choose to have a pres­ence on has all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion, a pro­file pho­to and con­sis­tent activ­i­ty. This sounds obvi­ous, but it is com­mon for law firms to start out active­ly on social media and race to get on all plat­forms, only to leave many pro­files incom­plete and con­sumers dis­ap­point­ed. While a pres­ence across all social media plat­forms is a high-reach­ing ide­al, it’s bet­ter to have few­er pro­files with actu­al activity. 

Connect away

Con­nect with your audi­ence by respond­ing to com­ments, ask­ing for their opin­ions, fol­low­ing user-to-user inter­ac­tion and liking/commenting/sharing their posts, too.

Be authentic

Be your­self in your posts. Stretch only as far as your firm gen­uine­ly believes in new ideas. Open clients’ minds to the ideals you prac­tice on a dai­ly basis, the ones that they will observe when they work with you, their lawyer.

Focus on your brand personality (not sales)

Instead of focus­ing each post on client con­ver­sion, focus on com­mu­ni­cat­ing your brand’s per­spec­tive and ideas. Social media is one of the only places to place your brand per­son­al­i­ty as the most impor­tant message.

Complete your Google SEO ranking factors

Google favors web­sites with social pres­ences, so check in your Google Ana­lyt­ics to see which pages can give you an even fur­ther boost in search rank­ings. While you are at it, check that each instance of your online pres­ence con­nects to the oth­ers; that your web­site hosts links to social pro­files and that social pro­files link to your web­site or rel­e­vant pages. 

Have fun

That’s why you went to law school, after all. But seri­ous­ly, take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to have fun. Engage with your clients in a friend­ly and light-heart­ed way, be fun­ny, be fun, take it only as seri­ous­ly as it takes you. Have fun with your social strategy. 

Stay positive

You know what every­body needs more of? Pos­i­tiv­i­ty. Stay pos­i­tive in your social media posts to con­nect best with your con­sumers. Car­ry­ing an under­tone of pos­i­tiv­i­ty will help guide your con­tent and mes­sages, keep your voice con­sis­tent through­out your time­line. If con­sumers can come to rely on your page for the con­stant pos­i­tive talk, they won’t have a rea­son to leave and you might even give them a rea­son to share. 

Focus on quality

Qual­i­ty con­nec­tions are far more valu­able than the quan­ti­ty of con­nec­tions, so hone in on fos­ter­ing spe­cial and mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships. How, you might ask? Share con­tent about which your firm gen­uine­ly cares, con­tent that your con­nec­tions can care about.

Social media can be a game chang­er for law firms, so take advan­tage of the plat­forms while you can. To learn more about engag­ing with clients effec­tive­ly over social media, reach out to Rosy Strate­gies and get start­ed on your social cam­paign strat­e­gy, today.

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