Rosy Strategies

Social Media for Attorneys: Instagram Business Account vs Personal

Social Media for Attorneys Instagram Business Account vs Personal

Social media for attor­neys is a crit­i­cal mar­ket­ing com­po­nent. Using social media is a non-nego­tiable mar­ket­ing effort for every indus­try. With so many peo­ple on glob­al social plat­forms such as Insta­gram, there is no excuse for ignor­ing an incred­i­ble way to reach prospec­tive clients, increase brand aware­ness, and to prac­tice engage­ment with cur­rent, new, and future clients. 

Instagram and Attorneys

Insta­gram and attor­neys do not appear to go hand and hand right away, but the two can engage in a per­fect­ly sym­bi­ot­ic rela­tion­ship. Insta­gram is one of the world’s largest social media plat­forms and you can bet that a por­tion of its audi­ence needs legal guid­ance from time to time. So, what’s hold­ing your firm back from hop­ping on the platform?

Why Use Instagram for Business

Insta­gram offers a huge plat­form for busi­ness, enabling you to con­nect with part­ner firms, respect­ed peers, author­i­ta­tive voic­es in your prac­tic­ing indus­tries, and prospec­tive clients. Let’s take a look at using both a per­son­al and busi­ness account to enhance your social media mar­ket­ing return. 

Instagram Business Account Vs Personal

While the two accounts vary in nature and pur­pose, it is impor­tant to use at least one, if not both per­son­al and busi­ness accounts, to reap the full ben­e­fit of estab­lish­ing your practice’s pro­file online.

Instagram Business Account

An Insta­gram busi­ness account gives you access to more data-cap­tur­ing fea­tures through the social media plat­form and a reli­able way to present your brand pro­fes­sion­al­ly in your tar­get con­sumers’ pre­ferred space. 

Actions of Instagram Business Account

Instagram Personal Account

A per­son­al account main­tains the social media platform’s ini­tial integri­ty, allow­ing you to be com­plete­ly your­self while shar­ing pho­tos, thoughts, behind-the-scenes peeks, and updates about your brand. Hav­ing a per­son­al account is, essen­tial­ly, like being your own brand ambas­sador, with the flex­i­bil­i­ty to post, share, and par­tic­i­pate in any indus­try or cul­tur­al con­ver­sa­tion you wish. 

Actions of Instagram Personal Account

How to use both profiles in conjunction 

If both types of Insta­gram pages res­onate with your mar­ket­ing goals and sales inten­tions, set up a busi­ness pro­file on behalf of your com­pa­ny and cre­ate a per­son­al page that you can mon­i­tor, link to, and engage with.

How to choose one or the other

If you don’t want to both­er with the has­sle of han­dling two accounts, then opt for the type that gives you your ide­al free­dom. If you want to reach more peo­ple more often, and most strate­gi­cal­ly, an Insta­gram busi­ness account is your best bet. 

If you want to be your­self, say what you feel, veer off-brand once in a blue moon, then stick with a per­son­al page as it will lend you the lib­er­ties your brand (and true-to-you!) per­son­al­i­ty desires.

Who should switch to a business account?

Any brand with the capac­i­ty to or inter­est in uti­liz­ing Insta­gram for mar­ket­ing should set up a busi­ness pro­file to ful­ly embrace the pow­er of Instagram’s social influence. 

Whether your com­pa­ny opts for a per­son­al or busi­ness page, set­ting up your pro­file to per­fec­tion is key, and it is best to enlist the help of a pro­fes­sion­al to do so. 

Are you ready to ramp up your social media for your legal prac­tice? If so, reach out to Rosy Strate­gies and get start­ed on con­nect­ing with more con­sumers and prospec­tive clients, today. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you and work­ing with you toward grow­ing your brand and your practice. 

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