Rosy Strategies

Psychology of Language in PPC

Writing PPC ad copy. on type writer.

Despite your intend­ed mes­sage, how you write copy com­plete­ly changes the effect of adver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing con­tent. The psy­chol­o­gy of lan­guage in PPC con­tin­ues to be inves­ti­gat­ed and dis­cov­ered, gen­er­at­ing take­aways that brands can use to greet their cus­tomers in the desired man­ner and hope­ful­ly, acquire a new brand con­sumer or loyalist. 

How does a PPC company string words together in a way that becomes irresistible to viewers? 

It’s sim­ple, the adver­tis­er gets to know the client base before address­ing them. 

Speak­ing to con­sumers in a win­ning way is much like work­ing a room at a par­ty. You know which guests want to hear about sports, which about pol­i­tics, which need anoth­er drink, who to leave alone and if you’re real­ly look­ing for a reac­tion, you prob­a­bly know exact­ly what to say to stir a lit­tle dra­ma into the evening. 

How to write PPC ads that consumers cannot resist:

Although your prod­ucts are amaz­ing, it doesn’t mat­ter unless you can show why your con­sumer needs them. Inves­ti­gate emo­tion­al needs and trig­gers of your con­sumers, and posi­tion prod­ucts and ser­vices accord­ing­ly. Every PPC ad can explain why your consumer’s life will ben­e­fit from pur­chas­ing your prod­uct, and every ad can grab his or atten­tion if you research suf­fi­cient­ly to include a tagline that guar­an­tees an emo­tion­al response. 

Don’t say the same thing twice, but share the same mes­sag­ing in your PPC ads across all plat­forms. The more a con­sumer is exposed to a mes­sage, the more they believe and under­stand what they read or see. 

If a prod­uct is lim­it­ed or an offer is time-sen­si­tive, con­sumers are more like­ly to react to the impulse to pur­chase. Use cre­ative lan­guage that lets the con­sumer know that time and quan­ti­ty are of the essence. To rev up the urgency, you might include a real-time count­down timer that lets the con­sumer know exact­ly how much time is or how many pieces are left for purchase. 

Bold­fac­ing key­words that your con­sumers search for and want to learn more about is a great way to keep their eyes con­nect­ed to your con­tent and mov­ing through­out a page. It’s best to include these key­words at the begin­ning and the end of the con­tent because that’s where con­sumers spend the most time and the parts of con­tent they remem­ber best. Con­sid­er where your key­words are in rela­tion to pho­to, video and graph­ics — can the con­sumer eas­i­ly con­nect the key­word phrase with con­tent that is dis­played nearby? 

Inte­grate social num­bers such as Face­book shares onto your PPC ads. This shows con­sumers that their peers are inter­est­ed in and in need of your prod­ucts and ser­vices as well. If pos­si­ble, includ­ing live feeds and gen­uine reviews that speak to con­sumers as they browse your ad. The more social­ly accept­ed you are, the better. 

This is becom­ing the gold­en PPC tick­et, and it might come with tri­al and error. Ads are many and every­where and in order to cut through the noise, your ad must stand out. This doesn’t mean being the loud­est or bright­est but instead, con­struct a mes­sage that is tru­ly irre­sistible to your tar­get audience. 

Are you interested in PPC management services?

Our team at Rosy Strate­gies is well expe­ri­enced and prac­ticed in the art of lan­guage, and we want to help you con­vey the right mes­sage at the right time to the right tar­get demo­graph­ic. Reach out to our incred­i­ble team to learn more.

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